Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Seasons - Autumn Leaves and Berries

Finally getting around to joining Jesh for SEASONS this week.

Jesh theme on her blog this week was, Bright October. - I think these photo's will fit that theme nicely.

Autumn is my all time favorite season of the year - Well actually it ties with Spring - I love them both for different reasons.

Click to Enlarge Photos.

Here is why I love Autumn. - No words needed - Enjoy!




  1. Such a beautiful time of the year. It doesn't last nearly long enough!

  2. the colors of nature, nothing is more beautiful. looks like a box of crayons exploded on these wonderful leaves. super photos

  3. Beautiful selection of images for the season. We are not getting much color here in NE Illinois, probably deu to the extended warm and wet summer and the sudden cold snap.

  4. Schitterend! (Great). I love all your photos.

  5. Wonderful fall color. Your photos are lovely.

  6. I so love this season for the gorgeous colours.
    Love all your photo's, especially how the light works in them too.

    All the best Jan

  7. Ida, You have outdone yourself again. I love Autumn and your photography is exceptional. I love the sweet gum balls...I've picked up hundreds of them in my lifetime! lol

  8. Beautiful colours these leaves and great pictures I especially love the berry photos

  9. The berries are so beautiful! Great bokeh in these!

  10. Wow, these are great pictures Ida! I love the color contrasts with the elderberries, aren't they just so beautiful to see and photograph! All of your pictures were just filled with vibrant colors, autumn is such a blessed season isn't it :) Hugs to you today!

  11. I enjoy the two seasons, too. These are such lovely leaves and berries. Great photos.

  12. Wow, what an exuberant and stunning display of all these beautiful leaves and berries! Happy you were having some more time to link up, Ida! Everything well with you, I hope? Many thanks for sharing Fall with ALL SEASONS! Have a happy week!

  13. Hello Ida, these photos are breathtakingly beautiful. Such wonderful colours and light and composition!
    I was already mesmerised by your header image and then there was so much more coming. :)
    Thank you for sharing and have a great rest of the week!

  14. Very beautiful array of autumn extravaganza!

  15. Beautiful photos Ida.....lovely poem too...thank you!
    Happy weekend!

  16. Wow, you have fall overload! LOL So many beautiful colors and signs of fall you've found.

  17. Hello Ida,
    October is such a lovely month - sunshine and shadows - lots of beauty. Your photos are gorgeous, and that header is really spectacular.

  18. WoW ida, these are all so very special!! leaves, natures free decorations...most of mine are still green!!!

  19. Lovely photos, Ida! I'm loving the changing leaves in California--they are just beginning and are rare here, but even more remarkable because they are among the evergreens.

  20. me too Ida! We love it even more now because it is the only colorful seasonal change we ever see, since we spend winter and spring in Florida (can't see much difference between seasons there).

  21. All so lovely. Your colors are all so beautiful. Not too much color here in Texas yet


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