Thursday, October 27, 2016

Good Fences #136 - Autumn Leaves and Fences & Little Things Thursday

Welcome!  - Joining in today for Good Fences & Little Things Thursday. 

In order to do both memes I've combined the post so please scroll down for Little Things Thursday.

It's time for some GOOD FENCES hosted by Theresa from,
The Run-a-Round Ranch Report.

Yesterday for Seasons  I featured Autumn Leaves and Berries so in keeping with the Autumn theme I am sharing Autumn Leaves and Fences today.  Yes each photo will have a fence in it somewhere.

Last week the Ginko tree up the street was still pretty and green.  I love how the sun is shining on the leaves and they are cascading over the fence.

This week the leaves have turned a golden yellow and by next week most of the tree will be bare of any leaves.

Golden leaves of a neighborhood birch tree glisten in the sunlight as they cascade over a fence.  - Actually 2 fences are in this shot.

A rainbow of colors from Virginia Creeper creeping ovr a fence in the neighborhood.

Down a nearby alley some grape leaves cascade over a fence in glorious fall colors.

Spotted this colorful fall scene on a recent walk.  That grass has a checkerboard apperance.  Can you find 2 fences & a gate in this shot.

So there you have it - Autumn Leaves & Fences. - Don't forget to check out the other great fences by stopping in at Theresa's Blog.


Now let's join Tamar (Random-osity) for:


Earlier this week I was taking a walk and spotted a cat on someone's porch.  I love taking pictures of cats (not just our own) so I snapped a photo of the cat.  I only got a chance for one photo because it decided the food bowl was more interesting then looking at me. 

However....when I got home and downloaded the photo's I had a little surprise.  See if you can figure out what it was.

Cropping a little closer...I bet you can figure it out now.

Okay just in case....

How fun to discover this cat had 2 different colored eyes. - It's the "little things" like this that make me happy.

Don't forget to visit Tamar's blog & check out the other participants. 

Have a great day.


  1. Awwww. pretty kitty with the diff. colored eyes. I love the leaf shots, especially the grape leaves. Wishing you and your family a blessed upcoming weekend, Ida.

  2. I found it, I found it! :) What a beautiful cat and such a special colour in his/her right eye. I do hope the cat is healthy!
    Wonderful light and colours also in today's photos. We have had two grey and dark weeks now and some sunshine would be very much appreciated!
    Thank you for the lovely photos! xx

  3. Of course, I'm partial to cats...this was a special treat.

    And your fencing...the first photo with the sunlight filtering through the leaves...splendid indeed. And the Autumn colors are a plus!!

  4. I have seen this before in other animals but never in a cat. Cool.

    I enjoy the leafs turning colors but not turning loose.

  5. Hello Ida!:) Glorious autumn colours in all your shots. The leaves look so beautiful cascading over the fences. I spotted the different eye colours at once, but this is the first time I have seen Heterochromia in a cat. It's a very attractive feature.

  6. I just love your pops of color - so many rich yellows!

  7. thats some lovely colour in those leaves, the train in my photo was at 75 mph, so you would not want to get in front of that. Have a good weekend

  8. I like your combination of leaves and fences. The colors are gorgeous. I do love the golden ginkgo. Miss kitty is very special with her different eye color. See more color for fall--LOL

    BTW: I like your header

  9. Fall has definitely arrived in all its glory and splendour with you, Ida! So, so pretty and neat glimpses of the fences too!
    Your one shot of the cat was very good and her eyes are so striking!

  10. Your world Ida, is so colorful!

  11. No matter what the fence looks like, the lovely fall colors makes it so pretty. I saw the other fence and gate in your last photo.

  12. The leaves are gorgeous - this time of year is so breath taking. There is a ginkgo tree on the property next to our home and I love how the leaves are turning golden yellow in November. It's smashing.
    I love the cat with the two different colored eyes. My daughter's eyes are slightly different in color, and I always enjoy other creatures who share this quirkyness.

  13. The colours in those leaves are so beautiful!!!

  14. Your photos are amazing. I love the trees especially. I am fascinated by all the variegated colors and different shapes of the leaves. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  15. It seems that gingko trees can drop all their leaves in one day! They are such a beautiful yellow!

  16. You really do take very creative and exquisite photos ~ love the autumn macro shots and your cat shots are delightful!

    How to write a Tanka poem

    The Tanka poem is very similar to haiku but Tanka poems have more syllables and it uses simile, metaphor and personification.

    There are five lines in a Tanka poem.

    Line one - 5 syllables Beautiful mountains
    Line two - 7 syllables Rivers with cold, cold water.
    Line three - 5 syllable White cold snow on rocks
    Line four - 7 syllables Trees over the place with frost
    Line five - 7 syllables White sparkly snow everywhere.
    Tanks poems are written about nature, seasons, love, sadness and other strong emotions. This form of poetry dates back almost 1200 years ago.

    Wishing you a delightful weekend ~ ^_^

  17. cool with the cats eyes. And beautiful autumn leaves.
    Love your artsy header :)

  18. The leaves in the fences have such pretty fall color!

  19. Lovely foliage against those fences!

  20. I like it...
    Two posts in one and both have some fantastic photo's.
    Thank you

    All the best Jan

  21. Those are some gorgeous autumn colors! Very nice!

  22. Your images are just lovely. The light on the leaves, the warm colours of your fences which seem to me to be the perfect backdrop for the foliage. And, of course, the cat discovery. Well spotted.

  23. Wonderful autumn shots and cute kitty cat!

  24. pretty 'david bowie' cat. :) love all the leaf colors and fences!

  25. Ginko trees are a favorite of mine. Their color is just striking.

  26. Ida, these photos are just stunning! Such gorgeous fall foliage...and your header is so beautiful! Have alovely weekend :)

  27. I love the golds and rust tones! And the kitty is a cutie!

  28. I kept looking and looking, glad you cropped in, how lovely this cat's eyes are, that is so unique! I enjoyed your picture of the cat and his food bowl, lol! :)

  29. The autumn photos are absolutely gorgeous! And that cat! Just amazing! Have a beautiful weekend!

  30. Well hello there glad to see that you had stopped by! It's been awhile! And glad to hear that you are doing okay. Enjoyed this post...pretty Fall colors! It took me to nearly the last picture to realize the kitty had the two-color unusual and so pretty arent' they? I photograph lots and lots of random dogs and cats as makes things interesting doesn't it? Are you on instagram yet? If you are, look me up and follow so I can follow you back okay?

  31. Hello Ida, I love the Autumn leaves. Beautiful images. Your kitty photos are adorable. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  32. Who are you did find the little things that matter in that two colored eye cat. Beautiful cat. Beautiful Autumn Leaves.

  33. i enjoyed your fences today. green this week, gorgeous color now!! the light in all of those images was beautiful and you look to be at peak viewing for color!!!

    that is one beautiful cat, with two special, gorgeous eyes!!! how fun that you discovered them in the way that you did!!!

  34. My sister's cat had two different eye colors also and was deaf. Very funny cat. Great shots!

  35. Cool photos Ida! Thanks for the leaves especially.

  36. I'm not sure whether the colourful leaves set off the fences or vice-versa.

  37. Ha, cool cat shot. But your fall foliage shots are Wonderful! I picked gingko leaves the other day from a friend's tree and pressed them. I will use them when dried for an art project. Thanks for sharing, Uda. Aloha.

  38. Those are such beautiful pictures of the leaves. I love this time of year.

  39. Hello dear Ida~~ how nice it is to come for a visit with you and those photos of the leaves were gorgeous. Our trees are now bare and beautiful in their own way for this time of year.
    Very unique cat!

    Have a beautiful weekend~~

  40. First, before I forget, I love the photo in your banner!!!! It took me looking a second time at the close up shots before I realized what you were talking about with the cat!

  41. That's a lovely kitty -- I did notice the eyes were different colors in the second photo! Those golden leaves are my favorite (I love the color yellow), but all your fences are so pretty decorated with cascading fall leaves.

  42. Beautiful Fall colors and the very beautiful kitty with two different colored eyes!
    Awesome collection, Ida.
    Have a Happy Day.
    Peace :)

  43. Dear Ida! Such beautiful fall colors you have captured, and loved the different eye colors on that kitty. A great observation

  44. Beautiful autumn photos, Ida. When I lived in NY there was a ginko tree on my block's corner, and I always admired its bright yellow leaves in fall.
    My last cat had two different colored eyes like this one! He was all white with a blue and green eye--really handsome cat. I miss him very much!

  45. Two cool shots!!! The double fence one is really lovely, and wow - the cats eyes. Very cool. I don't think I've ever seen that on a cat. Note to self, get some Virginia Creeper because that vine is gorgeous in the Fall.

  46. You're having a gorgeous autumn in your neck of the woods! And the cat -- so interesting and beautiful with the two color eyes! Very pretty!


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