Thursday, November 3, 2016

Good Fences #137 & Little Things Thursday


This week has been a bit tough....had to take my mom back to the ER again on Halloween night. - Her regular doctor couldn't see her and said to take her to the ER - Which she hates doing (and so do I) as it takes "forever" to be seen and released. - Seems the Infection she had in her leg earlier last month was back again.  So now we are back on Antibiotics again & we're still dealing with the Edema issues as well. 

So now that you know what's been happening here let's get started on some fun stuff.

 Up first GOOD FENCES hosted by Theresa from The Run-a-round Ranch Report.

Some of these photos are from my Archives but have never been shared before.

Up first from way back in 2008:

This big pumpkin was spotted growing up on top of a fence while we were out walking one day.

Spotted this squash growing through a fence in 2015 while out on a walk.

These pumpkin vines Coleen and I walked by every day last fall on her way to school.

Here are a couple of the pumpkins.  You'll notice just a trace of the chain link fence in the lower right hand corner near my watermark.

Saw this round squash growing on a fence in a nearby alley.

Another view of the same fence & squash.  You can see some of the Morning Glory that was also growing on the fence. 

So there you have my Good Fences for this week.

Up Next:

LITTLE THINGS THURSDAY hosted by Tamar from Random-osity.

Yesterday was a glorious day here weather wise.  I believe we made it up to 79!  Last night I happened to look across the street and saw the sun shining on our neighbors Maple tree and just had to go take a picture of it to share today.

Oh yeah that is beautiful!  (Also note there is a fence in the shot too)

Look at that color.  It's the "little things" like this that help when you've had a rough day.  Thankful for God's great beauty in nature.

Don't forget to stop by both blogs to check out the other participants.

Have a great day.


  1. Oh, Ida sending healing wishes to your Mom. This is hard when you have no control. HUG. Love all your shots of fences and pumpkins. Hug B

  2. Sorry to hear of your mom's health issues flaring up but I do hope the medication helps.
    Really creative fence photos with the pumpkins and gourds - very seasonal and pretty!
    The foliage is an amazing colour with you and it really does lift your heart to see it!
    Every blessing.

  3. So sorry about your mom. ER's can be trying. Love the fences with the fall colors and pumpkins. Great shots!

  4. ...all those vining vegetables sure need room to wander. Great signs of the season.

  5. Ida, very nice images! There's just Veggies popping up all over the place!

  6. I really like the squash and punkins and all those things growing in and on and around fences. truly beautiful..

  7. Hello, I like all the pumpkins and squash! The fall colors and trees are lovely. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day and the weekend ahead!

  8. Hello Ida!:)I'm so sorry that your mom has another infection, and wish you both all the best. I can imagine how worried you are. You have a lovely variety of fence shares. The pumpkins and squash hanging over fences is a familiar sight where I live, and I always think how attractive they look. I like the rich colours of the wooden fence ( almost looks polished in your 1st shot) and the magnificent Maple tree.

  9. Ida, I am very sorry about your Mom's leg. I know that is painful and so frustrating to have to wait at the ER. Praying that the scipt gives her relief. I love the pumpkins/squash pictures and your neighbor's tree is glorious. Praying for you and your family this Nov.

  10. Love the pumpkins and squash growing on (and through) the fences! Years ago we had a pumpkin vine grow through our fence, onto the neighbor's property, and a huge pumpkin grew from that vine! We let our neighbor have the pumpkin. :)

  11. Gorgeous shots! Love the leaves, the pumpkins and squash vines...Visually interesting and somewhat comforting. Reminds of childhood memories.

  12. Beautiful fall scenes! I'm so glad the weather is cooler.
    Have a great weekend!

  13. I like the big, big pumpkin growing up on top of a fence. That's very special.

  14. Sorry to hear about your mom. Hope she's doing better soon. Amazing that big pumpkin is growing on top of that fence like that

  15. Oh, Ida, I am so sorry to hear about your mom. I missed what has been happening. Maybe I should go back. I LOVE your fence shots and those other shots are just glorious!

    I will keep your mom in my prayers.

  16. Gotta a couple of those squashes on my living room table right now ready to cut up and to make into Thanksgiving pies. :-)

  17. Love the pumpkin on the fence! Beautiful autumn colors!

  18. Beautiful and creative photography of pumpkins and gourds and other scenes of Mother Nature's beauty ~ Great photos! ~ thanks.

    Wishing you the kind of weekend you want ~ ^_^

  19. pretty fence! i like the staining on it! cute pumpkins, too. i hope your mom will get better soon!

  20. Hope your mom is ok!
    The pumpkin is HUGE!

  21. What fun photos! I especially loved that pumpkin on the fence and the last one, the squash hanging at the fence. We had a squash that had climbed a tree one year, so there were a couple squash hanging up quite high. LOL Hope you have a good Thursday. I think Mystery is on TV tonight. :-) And thanks so much for your comments on my post. xo

  22. I love all of your fence photos and those fall colors are simply gorgeous!

  23. Nice shots! Sending good thoughts to your mom.

  24. Sorry to hear about your Mom. I will keep her in my prayers. Your fences with the pumpkins are just awesome!! And the fall leaves are so gorgeous.

  25. Beautiful autumn leaves. It is so good to see those big pumpkins and squash. I can't tell the difference between a pumpkin and a squash.

  26. Gorgeous fall foliage...just beautiful. I am sorry about your mom's health issues. My mother hates going to the ER/hospital also and truthfully I don't like it either. Hope she is better now. Have a wonderful weekend!

  27. the fences offer great support for the pumpkin and squash vines which really need them. it's a good idea to plant them close to fences. your fall colors are gorgeous and you killed the fences this week!!! good to see you today!!!!

    oooooh and i hope your mom is doing better!!!

  28. You found a very interesting group of fences with things growing on them. I wish your Mom successful results for the infection.

  29. I'm really curious how that pumpkin stays on top of the fence. I hope your mom is OK.

  30. Wow! Awesome captures, Ida! I love when things slip through and grow on their own. Nature takes care of itself! Hugs...and peace.

  31. That is wild - the pumpkin grew right on top of the fence! Maybe I should plant vegetables instead of flowers, and see what grows on my fence. Ha. I never get tired of seeing those gorgeous Fall colours. Orange is becoming my favourite colour.

  32. Love all your photo's here Ida.

    Sorry to hear about your mom - hope she may be feeling a little better now.

    All the best Jan

  33. you always find interesting and beautiful fences. :)

  34. Perhaps, I should say veggies. Either way, love this post.

  35. Such a cool theme for your fences this time, Ida! So many beautiful and interesting things to see right close by. I really enjoyed these photos!

  36. OOH, that maple tree is gorgeous! Your picture is lovely too! I'm sorry to hear about your rough week, and I sure hope that your mom is feeling better with the antibiotics. A trip to the ER for something like that is just not fun at all. Hugs to you Ida, hope your weekend is blessed!

  37. Dearest Ida; Your fence shots of pumpkins are SO interesting and pretty (for me:-) as I can't see the in my area♡♡♡ Yes,the beauty of the nature always soothe our mind, doesn't it♪ I wish your mother get better soon,in my 50's my parents and brother past away so I understand how hard it must be your seeing family in bad shape.
    Sorry for my belated comment, Wishing you a happy new new week.

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  38. Wonderful array of grourds and pumpkins still growing there Ida! I will add your mother to my prayers for healing.

  39. Great gourd shots, I hope this finds your mother recovered. I took mine to urgent care the same week and she's coming along. Best wishes to you and your mom.

  40. Beautiful Fall color and I love the pumpkins growing on the fence


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