Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Tea Cup & Mug Exchange Reveal

Today is the day we reveal our partners from the Tea Cup & Mug Exchange hosted by,
Stephanie (The Enchanting Rose) blog.

This is always such a fun event to participate in.  You are assigned a partner to send either a Tea Cup or a Coffee Mug to along with some goodies and another person is assigned to send to you so you get to become acquainted with 2 new people.  Some have blogs and some do not.

This exhange my partner that I sent to was Cheryl who blogs HERE:
I had a lot of fun picking out the items to send to her.  She'll be revealing that on her blog so you can see what she received.

The partner who had my name was  Sharon (aka Snap) who blogs at,
Tales from Twisty Lane.

Here are the wonderful goodies that I received from Sharon,

I received some wonderful Earl Grey tea (a favorite of mine) along with Blueberry Tea, which I might add my granddaughter just loves and claimed it for her own since Grandma isn't much of a blue berry fan.

Along with the Tea there was some yummy muffin mix, a pretty Tray, Coffee Mug, Coaster, Note Pad & Note cards.

Notice how everything matches and is color coordinated.  Blue is my favorite color and this is such a pretty and dainty mug.  Just right for when you don't want to drink a huge cup of coffee or tea.

The notes cards are so sweet and I love that lined Notebook.  I'm always keeping note pads or something nearby my desk to jot down things so that will come in very handy.

Thank you so much Sharon for your wonderful gift & friendship.  I enjoy stopping by your blog.

Thanks also Stephanie for hosting this super fun event.  Can't wait to join in on the next one!


  1. A beautiful box of goodies you received, Ida. I love the blue and the way everything matches. You and Coleen enjoy!

  2. Everything is so pretty, I love how it all matches! Blue is my favorite too.

  3. Ida, these are beautiful gifts! I love the blue too and have never seen a pattern quite like that before. I will need to visit Cheryl now see the goodies you sent her! Yes...this is a FUN activity, isn't it? Hugs!

  4. What a nice gift for you. I love blue. I had blue willow dishes when I first married 44 years ago.

  5. You got such a nice set of items! This is fun!

  6. I love all the blue goodies you received. Such fun! :)

  7. Cute stuff and blue is my favorite color so I love it all. What treasures!

  8. What a wonderful package you received. That mug is really pretty. I've never seen blueberry tea before

  9. So glad to hear that you enjoyed your goodies! I love blue and just assume (Ha!) that everyone else loves blue, too! I'm looking forward to next exchange, too.

  10. What beautiful items!! Enjoy them.

  11. Oh my, blueberry tea... yes please.. I know not everyone loves blueberries, but I am a fan, and have never heard of blueberry tea, lol! I just loved the blue theme that Sharon put together for you, absolutely delightful! The mug is gorgeous, and the tea tray is just gorgeous! I know you will have a lovely tea drinking the earl while your granddaughter sips the blueberry, such fun! Still use my rooster mug almost every day that I received in the wonderful exchange from you this past spring! And the pot holder graces my kitchen in graceful and useful ways still. These tea exchanges just keep on giving and giving! Hugs to you dear Ida, have a lovely restful day :)

  12. What a wonderful idea.

    Love that cup.

  13. Your gift parcel is nicely coordinated, such a pretty mug.
    Nice to visit you through the exchange.

  14. I always love seeing what everyone gets and gives... So much fun!!


  15. Oh Ixa, what a lovely gift set with everything matching so beautifully. I love the mug!


  16. ahhh, what a lovely box of such great fun

  17. My, what a charming package of mug delights from Sharon. I just love how everything matches! The mug is quite unique and lovely.

    Thank you, dearest Ida, for joining the fun. I'm glad you have a wonderful time. Hugs to you!

  18. Oh, your treasures are absolutely lovely, Ida! It all plays so beautifully together.

    What a fun exchange, huh? God bless Stephanie for working so hard for us to make and build friendships. ♥

  19. TThhat looks like such a fun thing to do. Those are gorgeous coffee cups. I would like to find some like that. They would make great Christmas presents. Have a great day.

  20. love the cup and coaster.. I might like the blueberry tea..

  21. What sweet treasure you received. I have so enjoyed this wonderful tea party. I am looking forward to the next exchange already. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  22. I love all the blue and white. Such a classic combination that never gets old. And what a great idea to include muffin mix. Just pop those in the oven and put the kettle on. Perfect.

    Have a great day Ida!

  23. Love, love, LOVE blue & white anything, but especially teacups & mugs ;) You received such a beautiful collection of all things blue. I'm not surprised Sharon's thoughts on tea naturally turned to "blueberry" (sounds delicious!). Enjoy!

  24. wow ida, what a beautiful and very thoughtful package your received. blueberry tea, exciting, i would like to try that!!!

  25. What a beautiful package! Everything so nicely coordinated and each a very special gift in its own right. Such a fun exchange!

  26. So that's Snap's real name. Hee! I've always admired blue transferwares so I love the pretty mug and matching tray and coaster.

  27. You received a very nice package. That mug is really unique and pretty! :-)


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