Thursday, November 24, 2016

Good Fences #140 - Thankful


To All My American Followers:

HAPPY THANKSGIVING! - To everyone else I wish you a very pleasant & happy day.

Last week Theresa announced that this week would be her last week hosting GOOD FENCES as she is stepping back from the blogging world. - I was to say the least shocked and sadden to hear that news. - I've never met Theresa personally but I feel as if I know her through her wonderful blog and posts.  I've laughed over the antics of her famous Whistler Duck posts, enjoyed reading about her dogs & life on the Run-a-round Ranch and of course had a great time with Good Fences.  She will certainly be missed in the blog world (although I secretly hope she'll pop in now & then with a post or two now & then.)

Here is my fence post for today. - Click to Enlarge Photos.

Took a drive with my mom & Coleen last week and we spotted a field filled with Wild Turkeys.  I pulled over and snapped a few photos of them.  Ther is of course a fence in the shots - Enjoy.

Finally - I am so Thankful for wonderful people like Theresa who have allowed us into their lives through their blogs. - It has been a pleasure sharing Good Fence posts with you Theresa and I wish you the best in whatever direction your life is leading you.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone & God Bless.


  1. Lovely post and photography for Good Fences ~ thanks.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you.

  2. thank you, dear ida. truly grateful to have shared this neighborhood with you. thank you for your beautiful posts, your link-ins and visits, for sharing your discoveries and your heart. blessings to you and yours, always.

  3. God bless you and your loved ones as you celebrate Thanksgiving! I'm thankful you take great photos to share with us too!

  4. you found the perfect photos for the farewell and for thanksgiving day. love those wild turkeys. I laughed when I saw these photos because our granddaughter wrote on FB this morning these few words.

    As we eat these animals for thanksgiving I pray people can have compassion for the wild life and Native Americans they were here first "

  5. Great choice for Good Fences this week for sure. A very Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

  6. Happy Thanksgiving.
    Those turkeys had better go and hide. : )

  7. Happy Thanksgiving Ida. Great turkey shots. Theresa is going to be missed. HUG B

  8. Hello, how cool to see all the turkeys. I wonder and hope they stay safe from the hunters. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day and weekend ahead. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  9. I love your photos Ida. Never seen that animals in wild :-)

  10. A really nice post and very suitable for your Thanksgiving! I will miss Tex too!

  11. We have so many wild turkeys in Brookline - the kids chase them!
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  12. I got so distracted showing these photos to Roger that I almost forgot to comment!

    Hope you have had a Happy Thanksgiving!

  13. Wow! So many turkeys! Happy Thanksgiving!

  14. I agree, Ida. I will miss Theresa's blog posts and her return visits to my blog. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Greetings Jo

  15. So many lovely turkeys ....
    Please visit:

  16. lvoe your turkey images. Especially the last one :)

  17. It's always sad news to hear that one of our blogging friends is leaving us. I've seen quite a few come and go over the years. It's definitely a time consuming past time -- especially since many of us don't make money from it. I'll miss seeing the fence posts.
    Love the turkeys!! There's a field near my home where you can always spot a herd (?) flock (?) of them around. But it's off a highway too so I never get the chance to pull over for a photo.

  18. I am also thankful for my blogging friends including you, Ida. I am also going to miss Theresa too. I have not seen so many turkeys in a field before. Great shot! Have a lovely new week!

  19. A field filled with Wild Turkeys - not something I see every day. Love it.

  20. I know! I am so sad to hear that Theresa is leaving us. We make friends in the blog world and get to know people over time and when they leave us it is so sad. She will be missed. I understand, though, as hosting a link party must be very time-consuming. Love your photos of the turkeys and always enjoy your 'fence' photos. Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving. xx Karen

  21. Well, you know this is one of my favorite posts that you do. I'm sad when I hear someone is dropping out of sight, but it's hard to know what's going on in their thoughts. There's always a lot that goes into these decisions. I've been there a few times, too. Love this shot with the turkeys. The one fella fanned his tail out nicely for you.

  22. Hello Ida, I've been away from blogging for a while now so am slowly catching up with everyone once more.
    I agree with you when you say that Theresa will be missed, she always amazed me with her dedication to her blog and bloggers, kinds word always offered.
    I know your photographs are for the good fences but my attention has mostly been taken by those gorgeous wild turkeys - such a sight to see!! Cheerio for now :D)

  23. Hi, I had to say hello. I had not been at Good Fences for a while and was sad that Theresa is taking a break. But I understand. You always have lovely shares. I hope you have a good weekend and I hope to see you around blog world soon.


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