Thursday, December 8, 2016

Good Fences and Little Things Thursday - December 8, 2016

Welcome - Yes, I'm still alive! - We've been dealing with some family issues lately that have required a lot of my time so I haven't been on the computer much at all.  Today though I want to share a few photos for;


Well it's official....we've had our first snowfall of the winter season.

            The Ginger Bread People in my mom's yard look mighty chilly.

  The birds in the neighbors bushes don't seem to mind the cold or the snow.

        The back neighbors trees at sunset last night.  They look so pretty.

         Coleen never misses a chance to go out and play in the snow.

              Oh to be a child again and enjoy the wonder of winter.

Just for fun...Cat's like to sleep and not worry about being outside in the cold.

And for Good Fences....

                                         My mom's Chain Link

      Across the street from our house. - It sure looks wintery and cold.

The "Link" for Good Fences does not appear to be up yet though.


  1. How fun to have snow! We've had our first snow but it was a slight dusting.
    Hope the family issues resolve themselves soon.

  2. The snow is pretty, but I think the cats have the right idea!!! Merry Merry!

  3. The sunset through the snowy trees is magical.

  4. Nice to see your first snowfall. I am waiting for ours! Coleen looks to be growing up.

  5. Hello, the snow is pretty. Cute shots of Coleen and your kitties! Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  6. Ida, I hope everything is okay, and that it is all good family stuff keeping you busy. Hugs.

  7. thanks for the laugh out loud, the cats in the chair made me laugh. so precious. Coleens hat is to cute.. the birds in the bush are really cute to..

  8. How beautiful! I wish we had some snow.

  9. Ida, Theresa is no longer doing Good Fences...I guess you didn't know. Sad, huh?? Beautiful snow!!!

  10. Love the cats, Ida! The snow looks pretty!

  11. Snow makes for pretty pictures. : )

  12. Such a lovely collection of photo's you've shared.
    Love the ones of Coleen in the snow

    Good wishes to you and the family.

    All the best Jan

  13. Wow, these pictures are gorgeous! I think snow makes everything beautiful! We finally got some snow here, and I'm so happy :) Colleen looked so cute outside! And the cats - do they ever know how to take it easy, lol! Great picture! Hugs to you today dear friend, hope things settle down for you soon!

  14. The snow covered trees with the sunset behind... .gorgeous!!! Who would have thought fences look better with a dusting of snow? ha. I LOVE her hat!!!

  15. Very nice pictures you took!! Love them all. Especially the Ginger Bread People and the beautiful trees at the sunset. Have a great 2017:)


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