Friday, January 27, 2017

Friday Fun - Good Fences, WNF5, Little Things Thursday.

Hello & Welcome! - Yes I'm combining several Memes in today's post.  - I will go in "Alphabetical Order" so you can easily find the Meme you are looking for.

Up first GOOD FENCES - Hosted by Gosia (Looking for Identity).

Spotted this barbed wire fence last week when I took a little nature walk during a fairly nice winter day.

Also a photo from December 2016 - The neighbor across the streets fence and the tress from the other neighbor made for a pretty winter scene.

LITTLE THINGS THURSDAY  hosted by Tamar from (Randomosity).

I haven't shared any pictures of our newest feline edition (aka Miss Caramel Honeybun) for sometime now so I thought today would be a good day to show you how much she's grown since her got her back in September of last year.

Here she is laying so nicely on our bed.

I love her markings, especially the cute little black spot by her eye.  Everyone wants to try and wipe it off because they think it's dirt or eye crust but it's just a little dot of black fur that gives her character.

She has a favorite toy, a little catnip ring (that looks pretty beat-up) that she actually plays "fetch" with us with it.  You throw the ring, she chases it and retrieves it and brings it back to you to throw again.  It's so cute and so much fun.  You have to be careful though because when you try to grab the ring to throw it you have to try and do so without her nailing you with her sharp little claws.
She is certainly a fun edition to our family.

WILLY-NILLY FRIDAY FIVE hosted by Tanya (Around Roanoke).

1.  Our family enjoys watching the PBR (Professional Bull Riding) and last week the winner of the event was a young 20 year old named,  Derek Kolbaba who just happens to list his home town as,  Walla Walla, WA.   One day last year while my daughter Greta was getting gas at the Cenex station she noticed his truck there and got brave enough to ask him for an autograph to give me. - Wasn't that sweet of her.

Here is the video of his winning ride last week.  He is one of my favorite riders along with Mike Lee who I've been watching for the past 16 years.  It is a tough sport but quite exciting to watch.

2.  It tried to snow here again this week - UGH!!!

Thank goodness it only last about 15-20 minutes and didn't stick around long.  We still have some snow on the ground from the huge snow storm in early January.  I'm hoping that darn Ground Hog won't see it's shadow on February 2nd.  I'm so ready for spring & I bet a lot of other people are too.

3. We've been watching a new show on NBC - Emerald City which is a bizarre take on, The Wizard of Oz.  - It's interesting but also very strange and at times somewhat dark and disturbing.  Here is a bit of the show for you to see what I'm talking about.

If you have checked this show out, what is your opinion?
4.  Lots of birds have visited the feeders this year,  I keep spotting a large Woodpecker on the ground eating but everytime I go to get my camera it flies off. - Also the geese have been coming & going all winter long.  Took this shot of some geese at Millcreek last week on my little nature walk that I mentioned above.
5. Finally - More books I've been reading.  I like to read a variety of Genres of books.  (Mystery, Suspense, Romance, Comedy & Sci-Fi/Fantasy) to name a few.  I discovered a Sci-Fi Fantasy series that I've really enjoyed.
The books are:  The Paper Magician, The Glass Magician and The Master Magician by: Charlie M. Holmberg.  You can find them here on Amazon:
I've really enjoyed all the books even though the reviews of the 3rd and last in the series weren't quite as favorable as the first two books.  I'm about a third of the way through the last book and so far I'm finding it just as enjoyable as I did the first two in the series. - They all deal with Magic and the people who control it.
Well that's it for me this week.  I hope you've enjoyed all the photos and the videos. - Trying to ward off a cold as my hubby has been sick for a week with it and I really don't want to be sick.  Take care & have a great weekend. 

Friday, January 20, 2017

Willy Nilly Friday Five and Good Fences

Welcome! - Gosh it seems like I just never have the time anymore to spend on the computer like I use to.  I'm trying hard though to keep up with visiting blogs so please be patient.

Today I'm joining Gosia (Looking for Identity) for Good Fences Around the World (which I'm a little late getting to)

and Tanya (Around Roanoke) for Willy-Nilly Friday Five which I haven't posted to for some time so it's good to be back.

1.  Spotted this "art?" by a fence on one of my walks last year.  - I'm not sure what they were trying to achieve here but it made for an interesting photo.

2.  Our big snow/ice got a bit of a reprieve this week as our temperature's warmed up to almost 50 and melted much of the snow and ice.  Prior to that I took a photo of the Icicles hanging off the side of my mom's house.

Sadly the nice warm weather only last 2 days and now we are back in the low 30's and possibly lower next week. - At least you can drive on fairly safe streets now though so that's a good thing.

3.  I never thought that I would ever get a Kindle since I enjoy reading actual hand held books but I asked for one for Christmas since it's hard sometimes to find books at our local library and having a Kindle makes it so much easier to find the books I want to read.  Currently I'm reading:

You all know how I love cats and well this book is just a fun read.  You can find out more about it here:  Having been cooped up a lot with the weather it's been nice to have the time to read for a change.

4.  We've had "back-to-back" birthday celebrations here this week.  My mom turned 88 on the 18th & Coleen turne 12 yesterday.  Here are the birthday girls with their cakes.

It's fun to celebrate with them but also tiring doing 2 different birthday's but they each like having their own day to celebrate.

5.  I finally stamped a card! - I made my mom a birthday card (which she loved) - I don't stamp as much as I use to but I hope to do more this year then I did last year as I really have fun making the cards and people do seem to enjoy receiving them.

For more information on this card you can visit my stamping blog:

Thanks for stopping by & have a great weekend.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Snowy Fences and Mixed up Birds

Joining Tamar (Randomosity) and Gosia (Looking for Identity) for:


We here in the PNW (Pacific Northwest) have been having a very cold & snowy winter. - It started snowing here where I live on New Years Day and pretty much snowed everyday for a solid week.  The last snowfall we had was yesterday.  We probably have at least a 18-22 inches. 

Here is a scene from yesterday:  Click to enlarge photos.

As you can see here the sidewalks have been shoveled somewhat - I ended up pulling a muscle in my arm the day before shoveling snow. 
I did take a walk on Sunday after one of the snow storms and took some snowy fence shots.

These I'm sharing for Good Fences today.

Yesterday I happened to look out our dining room window and saw some birds flying up into the neighbors Hawthorne trees.  Something about them caught my eye so I got my camera and went out to photograph them.

What was unusual you might ask....

These are Robins! - A bird that usually doesn't show up until Springtime.

There were lots & lots of them in the trees. 

They would pull the berries off the Hawthorne tree and drop them in the street to eat them.

I also noticed them at the little stream that runs through one of the neighbors place drinking water.

It just amazed me how many there were and in the middle of a snow storm.  They pretty much stayed all day long picking berries off the trees.  Towards late afternoon the sun actually came out for a few minutes and I captured this little fellow with some blue sky.

Today I haven't seen a single Robin and I just took a walk across the street to where the Hawthorne trees are located.  The Robins picked them clean yesterday!

In the midst of the cold and snow it was nice to see these lovely birds.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Good Fences Around the World - Floral Fun Fence

Hello & Welcome! - Yes, I've still not been posting much lately, still recovering from the business of the holiday season.

Today though I'm joining Gosia (Looking for Identity) for GOOD FENCES AROUND THE WORLD.

Just one photo to share today (shocking).

I spotted this fence last year while out on one of my walks.  -  I like the little floral pattern on the fence and the pretty row of trees behind it.  I hope you do as well.

Will try to stop in and visit your blogs during the week.  Lots of things still left to do around here, put the Christmas decorations away being top priority.

Have a great week.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Welcome 2017

Well another NEW YEAR has arrived.  Sharing some photos from last night with you all.

First up the FOOD!

We fix up all kinds of snack foods:  Wings, Meatballs, Meats, Cheeses, Veggies, Crackers eat during the evening.

For dessert it was Brownies with Vanilla Ice Creams, Chocolate Sauce, Nuts & Whipped Cream!  Yummy!!!

 One of our New Year's Photos - We are a goofy bunch!

 The fireworks - Note the dry ground....Why?...............................................

Well about 8:30 this morning this is what started....We've got about 2 inches already.  It stopped for awhile but it's coming down again.  What a way to start the year. 

Hope you all had a great start to your New Year!