Sunday, January 1, 2017

Welcome 2017

Well another NEW YEAR has arrived.  Sharing some photos from last night with you all.

First up the FOOD!

We fix up all kinds of snack foods:  Wings, Meatballs, Meats, Cheeses, Veggies, Crackers eat during the evening.

For dessert it was Brownies with Vanilla Ice Creams, Chocolate Sauce, Nuts & Whipped Cream!  Yummy!!!

 One of our New Year's Photos - We are a goofy bunch!

 The fireworks - Note the dry ground....Why?...............................................

Well about 8:30 this morning this is what started....We've got about 2 inches already.  It stopped for awhile but it's coming down again.  What a way to start the year. 

Hope you all had a great start to your New Year!


  1. I do like your header / banner.

    Thanks for sharing your photographs ... sorry about the snow, we've had heavy rain in my part of the UK today!

    Happy New Year Wishes to you and yours.

    All the best Jan

  2. Hello Ida, such a beaut way to celebrate the New Year. Yummy food and fun! Happy New Year to you and, wow, look at that snow! It's really coming down there. Cheers now :D)

  3. Some fun celebrations! It was raining as I left Portland this am, but we heard higher elevations got snow!

  4. You guys really have a grand time!
    I love the photo of you and your family.
    Beautiful snow fall, enjoy it.

    Blessings to you and your family for the New Year~~

  5. Happy New year! I like your family photo.

  6. That plate of food sure is tempting. Looks like you had a great time. Hope you don't get too much snow. Happy New Year to you and yours

  7. yummmmmmm on the food and love the family foto.. noooooo on the snow... my favorite dessert is vanilla ice cream on brownie or chocolate cake

  8. Happy New Year! Pretty snow!! The food looks so yummy and you guys are a fun bunch!

  9. Blessings and happy new year
    May joy, health and love carry you through

  10. Oh wow SNOW!! You're ground looks like my ground... except mine has a couple FEET of the cold, white stuff. Happy New Year to you!! Looks a smashing party. One of my kids lasted until midnight.... even hubby had to go to bed early because he worked in the morning.

  11. Happy New Year! Love that shot of you all having fun. Coleen is sure growing up...becoming a beautiful young woman. ( I was looking at a photo of her in a previous post.)

  12. You're a cute bunch! Happy New Year Ida!

  13. Happy New Year, dearest Ida! What a sweet picture of your family and oh my, the snow is simply glorious!

    I hope 2017 is filled with lots of love and joy. Hugs to you!

  14. O, what a SNOW! I wish you a Happy New Year. Great photos.

  15. Scrolled through your humorous and cheerful December posts. Wishing you a belated best for this New Year! My blogging suffered as well being there for 7 grandkids, and one big "kid" coming over from Holland for two weeks. But it helped that ALL SEASONS was open the whole week, for the last two weeks. Hope you knew about that option!
    Anyways, with new energy, hope to see you this next week at this address with one of your lovely photos :) (a direct link)

  16. Wow! Send it here! We are suppose to get some tonight!


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