Friday, December 23, 2016

Good Fences - A Winter Fence

Welcome! - Yes I've been very absent from the blog this month.  It happens every December when the holidays roll around. - I'm still alive and doing well and hope you all are too.

Joining Gosia (Looking For Identity) for GOOD FENCES today.

Taken last week after our huge snow dump. - Which thankfully has almost all melted now.

The sun was out that morning and I got brave enough to take a short walk.  The neighbors a couple of blocks down the street tied these red bows to their fence.  I think they look pretty and wintery.
Hoping to stop by your blogs soon. - I will be back on a regular blogging schedule after the first of the year.
Thank you to all my blog friends and visitors for another fabulous year of blogging and friendship.
Just in case I don't post on Christmas Day - Merry Christmas & for those who don't celebrate Christmas.....Happy Holidays! 


  1. What a cute festive fence!
    Wishing you & your loved ones a very blessed Christmas!

  2. wow you have a lot of snow. Merry Christmas. THx for sharing now you are visible in Poland and Europe
    See you next week

  3. I like the red bows on the fence. The snow sure is pretty. I like seeing it in pictures but the real thing not so much :)

  4. Hello Ida, those fences do look pretty with their red bows! :D)

  5. I always like to see the colour red in the winter months.
    Great photo's.

    Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas

    All the best Jan

  6. Merry Christmas, and I just love the little piles of snow on the bows... beautiful fence for today

  7. Hello Ida, pretty images and fence scenes. Happy weekend! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  8. Merry Christmas Dearest Ida; GORGEOUS winter fences♪ Hope your mother is doing well!
     Have a wonderful Holiday Season.
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend, xoxo Miyako*

  9. Pretty winter scene and I love the Nativity in your header photo. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  10. Wow, you have snow!
    Merry Christmas to you and your family :-)

  11. I hope you had a very Merry Christmas and I hope 2017 only brings amazing things your way...

  12. It looks so pretty - the fluffy sparkly snow, white fence, and then the pop of red! Very festive. :)
    Hope you had a lovely Christmas.

  13. I like those red bows on the white fence!


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