Thursday, February 9, 2017

Good Fences - A Touch of Summer on a dreary winter day.

Joining Gosia today for Good Fences Around the World.

Sharing a fence/gate taken in June of 2015 - I wanted to share a fence that wasn't covered in snow today. - We are in the midst of an ice storm today but temps are suppose to rise to 46 by mid-afternoon.  School was canceled yet again today due to hazardous driving conditions.

I love Hydrangea's so when I saw this one growing by this nice black wrought iron fence I had to take a picture of it.
On another note we've had computer/e-mail issues again this week which were finally resolved yesterday.  Although I was almost a victim of a "computer scam" but was wise enough to realize when the guy said we would have to pay a (one time fee of $97 to fix the problem) that he wasn't legitimate and I managed to avoid further problems. - Long story.  Anyway I'm happy to be back on-line and hope to visit your blogs soon.

 On the other side was a nice gate along with the house numbers set into a large chunk of wood which I thought was pretty neat looking as well.

Hope you've enjoyed a little bit of summer here today.


  1. love the gate at half of 666... our low temp this morning was 70... at 78 now.. we have had no winter. cool front coming tomorrow with a low of 50..

  2. Hello Ida & thank you for sharing these pretty fence finds today as it's been quite dull & freezing cold here too.
    I love that big chunk of wood to display the house number!
    Glad you realised that guy was a crook & you are online again!

  3. We've heard a lot about those scammers lately! You are smart to avoid his scam! Love hydrangeas...they are one of my favorite flowers! Hugs!

  4. That's so cool ow they have the house number on that piece of wood!

  5. Good choice for pictures today. Its too wintery here so these are a welcome sight

  6. A lovely fence/gate and it all looks so nice and green!

  7. I do love hydrangeas. I live in an apartment with a garden on the property with lots of hydrangeas in the summer. Thanks for the color today!! Stay safe in the icy weather. My son in NJ got lots of snow today.

  8. Glad you avoided the scam! I love hydrangeas, too.

  9. Flowers! So pretty - we're buried in snow now (: 14 inches yesterday, more tonight, more Monday!

  10. What a lovely fence and creative shots ~ thanks, great composition ~

    Wishing you a Happy and Peaceful Weekend ~ ^_^

  11. We are warming up here, too and should be in the 50s soon. The snow will be gone in no time. Love the summer photos! Green is a good color! Hope you have all your issues taken care of. Hate when that happens! Have a blessed weekend!

  12. Ida this fence is similar to our in Europe

  13. I too like the wooden piece for the house no. Gorgeous :)

  14. I like iron gates, especially these kind:)
    You're missed at ALL SEASONS, and hope to see you there back soon! How has life been for you?
    A happy weekend to you!

  15. Hi Ida, glad to know that you were not scammed. I like the pretty fence with the hydrangeas and the gate with the chunk of wood next to it. Have a beautiful weekend!

  16. Yikes! Good for you in realizing it was a scam.
    That gate with the house bombers set into the wood is awesome! It even has a pedestal to sit on. Beautiful.

    Have a blessed weekend, Ida

  17. So nice to see the touch of summer in your pictures today! Our schools weren't cancelled here at all this week, even with snow, rain, ice, you name it, we had it! LOL. It has been a doozy of a winter though! Glad you got all your computer issues resolved, and didn't get taken in the scam! Hugs to you today :)

  18. Very nice fences and I like how they did the house number on the log slab!

  19. Very nice fence and flower images! You do really need to be so cautious with all the computer schemes. I questioned even some legitimate e-mails when I did not recognize the senders' addresses.

  20. I appreciate winter flowers all the more because they work harder to survive :-)

  21. Weather has been so bad in the PNW this year ... I hope you are not still iced in.

  22. Very nice photos! Somebody was very creative with their address.

  23. Thankful you did not lose any money on the scam. I love the wood with the house number.

  24. Ida, Thank you so much for visiting/commenting. You and I lost contact there for a while but you are a special blog friend and I'm happy to be back following one another again.

  25. I'm back from just having computer and blog issues myself! Thankfully I was able to figure it out myself and zero costs incurred. I cannot wait for my garden and my own hydrangea's - one of my favourite flowers. I really love the detail of the wood to put the house numbers - what a great natural touch beside the iron work of the fence and gate.

  26. love the piece of wood, with the number!!!


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