Friday, February 3, 2017

Willy Nilly Friday Five and Friday Fill-Ins.

Howdy! - Well the cough is still there - although not as bad.  Had to cancel my Allergy Shot & Doctor's Appointment this week due to being sick.

So today let's have some fun and join Tanya (Around Roanoke) for:            WILLY-NILLY FRIDAY FIVE

1.  I've decided to try and post a "Positive or Inspirational" quote at least once or twice a week on my blog.  I am so tired of all the protests, riots, whining and complaining about the President, people demanding "their rights" etc...that I could just throw up. - Life is to short for that sort of stuff.  I figure if people look for the positive instead of the negative the world would certainly be a better place. - Apparently I'm not the only one who thinks that way either.  I found a great quote by Willie Nelson this week and so I'm sharing that as my Inspirational/Positive quote for this week.

2.  Here's a music piece that made me smile this week.  I loved the Mary Tyler Moore show & MTM was a wonderful lady. -  I found this great, albeit very different version of her theme song by rocker, Joan Jett.  If this doesn't put some pep to your step nothing will.

3.  It's another snowy day here in WallyWorld (oh goodie!)  But I'm having a good time blogging, reading & watching TV.  One of my favorites:  The Price Is Right and my favorite game....Plinko was just played.  Even though I don't win any of the money it's always fun and exciting when a contestant does.  Today the lady won, $21,000.

4. As always my cats make me happy.  Today I thought I'd feature,
 Callie-Jo (aka - Wonky Face) for this very reason.

5.  Thought I would take a walk outside and see if I could find something interesting to photograph and boy was I glad I did.  Last week I mentioned in my WNF5 post that I've been seeing a large Woodpecker out at the feeders but could never seem to get a picture of it.  Guess What.....I finally got one!

Even better than that.....

Two Woodpeckers!!! - So for you bird lovers out there that are in the know, what kind of a Woodpecker are these?

Now let's join Annie (McGuffy's Reader) for: FRIENDLY FILL-INS

Here are the Statements:
WEEK 39:  February 3, 2017

1. My middle name is __________________.

2. ______________________ surprises.

3. The Super Bowl                                   .

4. My favourite sport is                               .
Here are my responses:
1.  My middle name is:  Pauline    I was named after both of my Grandmother's.  (Ida was my dad's mom) and (Pauline was my mom's mother).  When I was really young they called me by both names but when I started school my parents dropped calling me by both names but a couple of relatives always called me Ida Pauline (which I hated).
2. I love surprises but only if they are fun and not something like a pratical joke because those generally aren't that fun.
3.  The Super Bowl this year doesn't really interest me as none of the teams I wanted to see play are playing.  We'll probably watch though just to see the commercials although I've heard that some are doing "political" type stuff in their commercials and again I'm sick of that so maybe I won't watch after all.
4.  My favorite sport is:  Professional Bull Riding (again see last weeks post).  It's exciting, dangerous, and one sport where no one can really cheat because a bull doesn't know how to cheat.  Plus the cowboys all seem to root for each other to ride even though that may mean they don't win the event if the other rider gets a better score then they did.
So everyone be safe & warm if you are still having nasty winter weather.  For those of you enjoying nicer weather....Lucky you!
Have a great day.


  1. Great shots! So true about a bull being unable to cheat!

  2. I'm with you. I'm really tired of all the political garbage. I love the quote and the picture is really pretty. Callie-Jo has a very unique and interesting face

  3. Wow - the woodpecker is a great catch - what a beautiful bird. Your cat is adorable! I'm sick of political stuff too - and I'm hoping the Super bowl ads aren't political because I'll definitely be watching the game :-) but then again, the ads may be a good time to socialize. I hope you're feeling better soon. Have a great weekend!

  4. Thinking positively is great at any time! Have a good weekend.

  5. Ida I love your cat it looks so funny

  6. the photo of the 2 wood peckers could be called 'dueling woodpeckers'. to cute and your cat is just adorable and I love love love that wonky face

  7. What a unique face your cat has. : )
    Great pictures of the woodpecker on the fence.

  8. you sure got lucky going outside! and they look so pretty on that green fence! i love callie-jo's face, so interesting! my husband watches price is right when he gets a day off during the week :) i was sad to hear about mary tyler moore, loved her...yes, these protests are getting out of control...everyone needs to come together and it's not the president dividing us...i just saw on facebook this morning where one of my friends who is always posting negative political rants just posted about a new thing they are putting together this month to halt the economy as a message to trump...they are telling people not to go to work, keep your kids home from school, don't go out and buy anything, just stay how in the world does this help anything? ugh! anyways, thank you so much for linking ida, hope you are feeling better! have a great week! love the quote by the way, it is very true!

  9. I have loved The Price Is Right my whole life. I was a much bigger fan of Bob Barker than I am of Drew Carey, but it is still an awesome show. Enjoy your weekend Ida!

  10. That is a Flicker...the pair of them. Willy Nelson's statement is so true...just in everyday life, think positive. I am not always good at that. But I worked for a couple that had the most positive outlook you could imagine. Love Callie-Jo...she is certainly unique.

  11. What beautiful markings Callie-Jo has! Pretty eyes, too.

  12. Your cat is so unusual, beautiful!
    Great photo of the wood peckers with the snow falling.
    Pauline, such a pretty middle name.

    God bless you~~

  13. What a funny cute cat, ready for carnival... And I've very enjoyed the wodpeckers.
    Get well soon, enjoy your sunday

  14. i did not have time to read all the comments, so perhaps you know that the woodpecker is a flicker. it's a beauty, they come to my feeders but only in the winter!!

    love the willie nelson quote, i too am tired of all the negativity everywhere. in watching t.v., we only watch recored shows or rented movies - i have no desire to watch the news or even read Facebook, it's all so sad!!!

    love the joan jett video, what a beautiful tribute to a wonderful woman!!!

  15. Sweet, sweet pictures of Callie-Jo! What beautiful markings she has! And love those woodpeckers, not sure what kind they are either. We have one regular to our birdfeeder and he loves the suet I put out for him. They love suet. We don't have a tv, and aren't on social media, so my life remains very peaceful, for which I am so thankful for. Keeping all that rhetoric to a minimum helps to maintain peace. I have been busy these past two weeks with little Riley, she is hilarious, so sweet too.

    I hope you are feeling better, being sick is not fun at all! Hugs to you today :)

  16. Love your sweet kitty. What a great face!

  17. Lovely image with the Willie Nelson quote. I've been trying to "catch" a woodpecker, too. He always hides. Well done "catching" two! Your calico kitty is lovely. Happy Monday!

  18. Love you blue eyed kitty and the woodpecker on the green fence photo, Ida. Being positive is a better state than negativity any time. Have a wonderful week!

  19. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I love the quote you posted too and you cat is so adorable.

  20. I completely feel the same way you do about current responses to the election, etc. It really makes me sad to see so many people who cannot or will not put their disagreement aside and work towards unity. I love your quote and the rest of the photos you've shared. Your kitty just might be the most interesting kitty I've seen! I love the blue eyes! The temp outside says it's in the 50s here, but the wind chill makes it feel 40. I'm inside with the flu so really don't care what's going on outside right now. I'm happy nothing is being expected of me so I can just surf and read blogs until I fall asleep again!

  21. I completely feel the same way you do about current responses to the election, etc. It really makes me sad to see so many people who cannot or will not put their disagreement aside and work towards unity. I love your quote and the rest of the photos you've shared. Your kitty just might be the most interesting kitty I've seen! I love the blue eyes! The temp outside says it's in the 50s here, but the wind chill makes it feel 40. I'm inside with the flu so really don't care what's going on outside right now. I'm happy nothing is being expected of me so I can just surf and read blogs until I fall asleep again!

  22. I completely feel the same way you do about current responses to the election, etc. It really makes me sad to see so many people who cannot or will not put their disagreement aside and work towards unity. I love your quote and the rest of the photos you've shared. Your kitty just might be the most interesting kitty I've seen! I love the blue eyes! The temp outside says it's in the 50s here, but the wind chill makes it feel 40. I'm inside with the flu so really don't care what's going on outside right now. I'm happy nothing is being expected of me so I can just surf and read blogs until I fall asleep again!

  23. Those are great woodpecker photos! I love birds. :)

    I think that you have a nice name. I like being named after loved ones. I had an Aunt Pauline. She was my great-grandpa's sister. Her name was Ophelia Pauline.

    Callie-Jo is a beautiful kitty! We have a Callie, too. (Which, by the way, is the name of one of my great-grandmothers, too). Those blue eyes are beautiful!

    Our winter was maybe three days long (January 6-8). I think the groundhog was wrong when it comes to six more weeks of winter. We're already in the mid-to-upper 80s here in this part of Texas. :)

    Have a blessed week!

  24. Great post. I always enjoy your pictures! THanks!
    I am still trying to get over this lung issue. I am miserable. I hope to get back to normal soon, health and blogging. Thanks for joining us each week. HUGS.

  25. Is Callie-Jo polydactyl?
    Lots of negativity these days, so this is well timed post. Thanks...


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