Thursday, March 23, 2017

Good Fences and Computer Woes

Welcome! - You may have noticed that I have been absent from the blog for awhile & also from commenting on your blogs.  - I truly do apologize for not stopping by.  - There is a reason though...We are having "computer issues" (again) and I am unable to log into a lot of stuff or it takes forever for me to load, comment until the problem is fixed I won't be blogging much or stopping by to leave comments on your blogs as it just takes far to long to do that.  It's taken me a good 1/2 hour already just to try and upload photos for today's post.

Thought I might try joining GOOD FENCES today though.

We took a short trip last year to a near by town (Weston, OR) for breakfast one Saturday and I happened to snap some photos of this fence on Main Street across from the restaurant.

Behind that fence and greenery was a little stream as well.  It makes for a lovely scene I think.

The placques on the post have information about the Main Street Project there in the town. -

Some of the detail of the fence.  The top portion of the fence for some reason reminds me of "bats" - Do you think so too?

 Some of the circular detail of the fence as well.

Finally the little lamps on the post were rather charming.

I hope you've enjoyed this small town fence as much as I did.

Have a great day.


  1. I love your photos today Ida. If you just google your computer issue, other people have had the problem and share how to fix it! Sometimes clearing your 'cookies' can help. If you used chrome browser it doesn't update automatically. just google how to update chrome for simple intructions. If all else fails, back up your photos and date on a herd drive or something (the cloud! Google docs and photos all free). Then do a factory reset on your computer. Lots of computer places JUST do that in the first place! good luck and God bless

  2. it is a lovely fence. sorry for the computer woes... hope you get it working soon.

  3. I love fences like that! Great shots!
    Glad to see you back on the blog.

  4. Very nice fence! I love the detail of wrought iron!

  5. great photos, happy to see you posting again. I'll check out the good fences post too!

  6. Yuck, computer troubles. They keep me awake at night! I am liking that fence though and would love to have something like that in my garden.
    No worries on the visiting. I really haven't been posting much lately anyway. It won't be interesting until it warms up out there and there is some color brought back to the world.
    Have a great weekend Ida,

  7. That's too bad about the computer problems. Hope you can resolve them soon. I really like wrought iron fences with their decorative tops. I enjoyed the views over this fence.

  8. Sorry to read that you are having computer problems. Not fun!

  9. Hello Ida!:) Shame about the slow loading of your computer, I've had similar problems this week,'s so frustrating. Love all your fences, you always find great ones to share.:)

  10. The fence is so gentle. I like the brick post and the little lamp on it!
    Happy weekend to you!

  11. I love this old fashioned type of fence. And I read your book review and I'll keep that one on my list to read! Hugs, Diane

  12. I am sorry you are having problems with your computer...I hate it when that happens.

    I do love your fence, though...and it is worth taking the trouble to upload.

  13. Hi Ida, I'm sorry for your computer woes-it makes being at the computer such work and I can only imagine how frustrating it must be-So it makes me even happier that braved your way over to my space. Glad to see you back and I hope your computer woes are a thing of the last real soon. Yes-the finials remind me of bats. I love fences- good find

  14. I feel for you. Computer issues make life very difficult. We have a permanent very slow connection living in the country and I often want to pull my hair out. Hope that all goes well for you and you are soon back to normal. Have a good day Diane

  15. Hi Ida, thank you so much for dropping by my blog, it was wonderful to see you.

    I love the fence, it's beautiful. And yes, I do see the bat wings lol. I was noticing your kitties that have passed away (sorry for your loss). You had a Blackie and Snickers, I have Blackie and Sneakers.

    Have a wonderful rest of your weekend and hope you get your computer working. My laptop is done and I'm on my husband's so I have also been struggling with uploading photos. It finally worked for the last post. My new computer has been ordered and on the way. Oh how I CANNOT afford that.

  16. Ida, that is a gorgeous fence and view. It does look like bat wings!


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