Sunday, March 26, 2017

Just Checking In

Hi! - Well we finally got our computer issues fixed!!!!! - We are now off of Dial-Up (which by the way if you are still using Dial-Up you are living in the stone ages as I was told several times) - Anyway I hope to be back blogging on a regular basis now and visiting your blogs more often.

Just for fun:

Bandit looked to be having a rough day yesterday.  Sort of like I felt until we had our computer back up and running.

Now we're feeling all calm and relaxed!

Hope you all have a nice day.


  1. Its been about 15 years since I've had dial up service. I don't miss it lol. Love the pictures of the cats.

  2. Glad you got your computer issues resolved. Nothing worse than dial up. Have a great day. Kitties look terrific.

  3. glad kitten and you are more relaxed. I only had dial up for less than a year, way back in 97 I think and it was a horror. welcome to high speed interent

  4. We only have one internet provider in my area and sometime I feel like our DSL is so slow, we might as well have dial up! Glad you were able to get yours fixed.

  5. Visiting you back from my blog. I remember dial-up! It was frustrating. Very pretty kitty!

  6. So happy you are up and running again. These are the sweetest pics.

  7. Congrats on joining the high speed world!!

  8. So glad you are up and running again...and Bandit is a pretty baby!

  9. I don't miss dial up either! Wow that was a blast from the past. Glad you've fixed your computer issues. Cute kitty pics!

  10. Glad you got your computer woes fixed!

  11. He is an extremely handsome cat. Enjoy your new internet connection/freedom!

  12. I haven't heard the term "dial-up" in quite some time. Stone ages indeed! Glad to hear you are up and running again. Sweet kitty picture, but for some reason the first one did not load for me.
    Enjoy your week,

  13. dial-up...what in the world is that!!! hehehehe - welcome to the real world, you are going to love it here!!!

  14. Glad you got off the dial-up :) Hoping all will be smooth sailing from here :)

  15. Glad you got off the dial-up :) Hoping all will be smooth sailing from here :)

  16. Nothing is more frustrating that computers or internet not working. We live out in a rural area, and although we have wireless internet, sometimes it is almost as slow as dial-up and it makes me want to tear my hair out in aggravation! I think it is supposed to be teaching me patience. :-) I am glad to see you and Bandit back on line!

  17. That's funny! Most people I know don't even have "house" phones to get dial-up with.
    Cute puds!

  18. I remember those dial up days. So glad that's over!


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