Thursday, April 13, 2017

Good Fences - A Wind Damaged Fence

Joining Gosia (Looking for Identity) today for GOOD FENCES AROUND THE WORLD

So last week I posted a photo of some fallen trees that we saw after some strong winds went through the area:

Today I thought I would show you what happened to the fence.

Here you can see the large pine tree that first toppled over.  On it's way down it broke off a large branch of the birch tree behind it.

You can see in this shot the broken branch and some of the power lines that came down as well.

This was the mess laying in the street until crews could come and clean it up.

A day later we walked down to get pictures of the fence after everything had been cleaned up.

It sure mangled up that section of the fence.

A closer look at the twisted metal.

Popped it right out of the other section of the fence.

The opposite side where it popped out of the brick pillar.

Thankfully it only took out just a small section of their fence but still it will be costly to repair. 

Thanks for stopping by and don't forget to check out the other Fence participants. - Have a great day.


  1. Lovely fence which must be repaired

  2. Wow, that did some pretty substantial damage. I was just thinking that the mangled fence would be a great prompt for story writing, seeing what each person might come up with as what caused it to look like that! Great photos, I like that you returned after the tree mess was cleared away, so that we could see the fence beneath it. Yes, the homeowner was fortunate that just one section was taken down, maybe replacement won't be too terrible if they have insurance to help.

  3. Awww...that's too bad. What a lovely fence it was and that poor tree!!!
    diane @ thoughts&shots

  4. A costly repair but thankfully no one got hurt

  5. Oh wow - that was quite the downed tree!

  6. Its a scary scene to witness a tree crashing earthwards and I am so afraid driving under trees in stormy weather. your photos show how powerful and destructive they can be, but great photos all the same!
    Stay safe and have a great day!

  7. Wind and water -- we cannot live without them, yet they can do so much damage!

  8. We had a neighbor's tree smash a panel of our wood fence during last Friday's windstorm.

  9. Oh that is so sad about the beautiful fence!

  10. This is reminding me of what happened the last time we had a hurricane come through. Better the fence than a house!

  11. Amazing fence ~ sad to see but great photos ~ Mother Nature can be frightening ~l

    Wishing you well ~

  12. That fence really took a hit..Hope they have homeowners insurance with a low deductible..It was a nice fence.

  13. Those must have been some storng winds! Glad no one was hurt. Hopefully this homewoner's house insurance will pay for repairs.

  14. Is that a cast iron fence? It was no match for the tree.

  15. Wow! Quite the damage, thankfully no one was injured.


  16. Wow, I'm surprised at how much damage the tree branch did to a metal fence! Great pics, Ida and I love your banner, so pretty!!

    Happy weekend,

  17. ...Ida, you could have taken these shots here, we have strong winds with downed tree too. I love your banner, such a wonderful image and edit. Have a special weekend.

  18. WOW! That damage is crazy!! Those beautiful fences...crumbled and all from Mother Nature, which brings us so much pleasure too!...:)JP

  19. That is crazy! We had some damage in our are from the storms too! washed out one road!

  20. Oh, that poor fence! But your header Ida, it's gorgeous!!!

  21. Beautiful fencing but ... that's a real loss for the owner. Your photos are so great. Thanks for the glimpse into your neighborhood. Was you safe at home in the storm?

  22. Wow, you obviously had some severe storms! I hope damage was limited to property and no one was hurt.

  23. wow, a heavy tree makes so much damage even to a metal fence. Interesting photos. :)

  24. After many a wind storm brought down huge branches upon our own fence, we decided it was more cost effective to take down the tree itself - instead of always having to mend the fence! I hate cutting down a lovely tree, but ours had simply grown far too large for our suburban backyard.


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