Thursday, May 18, 2017

Good Fences - Ranch Fence


It's time for some Fences From Around The World so let's join Gosia from, (Looking For Identity).

On the way back home one day from a drive I took a different route then I normally take and found this neat Ranch Gate that I thought would be great to share for Fences from Around the World.

Click to enlarge photos for a better view.

Just a closer look.

Hope you have enjoyed the photos. - Have a wonderful day.


  1. Hello Ida!:) Hope all is well with you and yours.:) Yes, it's a good find, and a very decorative ranch style gate and fence.

  2. A wonderful capture. Hope you are all doing well, Ida.

  3. wow, and I love this and for a split second I thought I was back on TexWisGirl blog..

  4. I love those metal ranch fences. I don't think I've ever seen one in person though!

  5. a fantastic fence Love from Europe

  6. This is a great find for Fences, Ida! I love the clouds in the first shot too!
    Best wishes!

  7. I love the metal artwork on this fence.

  8. Great sign! Like Sandra, I thought of the fences we used to see on TexWisGirl's blog.

  9. That is really neat!---and you got a really good picture of it! Glad you enjoyed the flowers in the big fountain in my last post. Are y'all going anywhere this weekend?

  10. did i say great find??? i think i did - the sky and clouds are gorgeous!!!

  11. How i enjoy looking for these kinds of fences! Some people are so creative.

  12. wonderful cut-out of ranch field and well capture fence

  13. That's quite the sign! It must have been quite the job to make it.

  14. That is a nice artist piece, glad you found it to share.

  15. Such a great addition for good fences Ida! Hope all is well for you, and that you are having a great summer

  16. That's Awesome! Here in Texas we see a lot of ironwork fence gates and they are always so interesting and fun! I'd love to have one at the entrance to our drive that said "Kitty Corner" :-)

  17. A lovely gate for a ranch! How nice that you found this on an alternative drive! Hope all is well with you and that you are enjoying spring there :) My tulips are still blooming, and strawberries are starting to bloom and grow in my garden, quite exciting :)

  18. Very nice find Ida! Also great photos of it.

  19. Love the sign above the gate! Thanks for sharing!


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