Thursday, June 1, 2017

Fences Around the World - Colorful Sidekick

Well once again I have been absent for a couple of weeks.  Life here is just so busy.  Trying to keep up with 2 yards & 2 houses (taking care of my mom) is a never ending job.  - I hate being away from the blog for long periods but it just can't be helped sometimes.

Anyway let's join Gosia (Looking for Identity) for FENCES AROUND THE WORLD

Just 1 (can you believe that?) photo today. - Click to enlarge.

Spotted on a country road while on a drive. - The fence is there but I think you can see what caught my eye.  What a bright spot of color it made.

Have a great day.


  1. Hello Ida! You do have a great eye to spot a unique photo opportunity!

  2. original and simle fence Love from Europe

  3. I love the colors in that barrel! Very wabi sabi (upcoming theme!).

  4. Looks like someone worked hard to spiffy up their trashcan! heehee! Enjoy your afternoon sweet friend!

  5. Fabulous photo, my friend! I love how just the can is in full color. Hugs to you!

  6. i love it. trash can art.. great find

  7. I love the wire fence, but the colorful 55 gallon drum does kinda steal the scene!

  8. It's a great and colorful fence photo. I know what it is like to care for a family member. God bless.

  9. This maybe just one photo, but it sure is an awesome one. I don't know why, but I just love it.

  10. That certainly is a bright splash of color.

  11. Sometimes you can spot interesting things when you least expect it. Hang in, it will get better.

  12. Cool and colourful fence snap! Take care

  13. When it is only 1, our eyes are focused on it and we appreciate its beauty of colors. You are doing a great job, taking care of your mom. That is the most importance thing at the moment for a daughter. May God grant you renew strength and good health every morning. Take care and God bless you!

  14. Love that colorful can! And can't wait till you come back to All Seasons:):) Have a relaxing weekend!

  15. funny how both "trashy" and beautiful the can is. for whatever reason, it surely catches your eye....and once again proves that no matter what YOU photograph, it becomes art!!!

  16. and i remember seeing parts of your mom's garden, it was beautiful. it must be a lot for you to keep up with!!!

  17. Hello Ida, I was here yesterday and left you a comment about your colorful trash can! Wonder if it's still in moderation, or it did not take? In any case ... I wanted to thank you for your nice comment about Utah's hot weather - much appreciated!

  18. Seriously, you find the coolest fence shots!


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