Thursday, June 29, 2017

Good Fences, Little Things to be Thankful For

Joining Gosia today for Fences Around The World
Nothing fancy hear today - Just a simple wood fence, some bamboo & bamboo plants.

Also joining Tamar for LITTLE THINGS THURSDAY


It's the "little things" like Strawberry Rhubarb Crunch (with a nice scoop of Vanilla Ice Cream) that make me happy.
Recipe found HERE - It's so delicious.

and Michelle for:  THANKFUL THURSDAY

Thankful for the joy & fun that all our animals bring.

Sharing a shot of Cricket (our Pug) and Caramel watching her.

We don't normally allow Cricket in with the cats as she tends to chase them but we are starting to get them use to her being in the room with them as it's not fair to the dog to never be allowed in the living room with everyone else.  As you can see Caramel is a bit leery of Cricket but she didn't run and hide and Cricket didn't chase any of the cats so I think the new socialization is going to work.


  1. I love bamboo - so peaceful looking!
    The crumble looks great!

  2. Strawberries and Rhubarb go well together, and hopefully Cricket and Caramel will get along well together too!
    Your simple fence photo is beautiful!

  3. ...the Strawberry Rhubarb Crunch looks might good.

  4. I totally agree. We have three dogs and had cats all our lives, until they passed away. I gain so much enjoyment from my pets. Thanks for linking up today!

  5. I hope Cricket and Caramel learn to be friends! They are too cute!

  6. Love your doggie and kitty and great fence shots ~ ^_^

  7. oooo the dog and cat are too cute!

  8. so glad you are socializing them... so precious both of them and I love the simple things in life like fences with pretty green bamboo

  9. I like simple fences...and good that Cricket is becoming better behaved with the Caramel...

  10. Cricket looks mighty pleased with his new spot on the sofa. Cute pets! I'm sure they'll soon learn to live together in harmony.

  11. Hello, Ida.
    I like your simple fence! Beautiful.
    Your ice cake looks delicious. It is tempting me!!
    Have a good day!

  12. ...always be thankful for the simple things.

  13. Hello, Cricket and Caramel are cute furbabies. I miss having a dog. There are so many little things to be thankful for, I know I have a big list. Happy Monday, enjoy your day and the week ahead. Happy 4th of July to you and your family.

  14. Good to hear it's beginning to work out. I always wonder what would happen if I had to take care of the pups in my place with the cat here. I like the simple photo of the fenced in bamboo and the strawberry rhubarb crunch of course.

  15. Oh, Cricket is so cute! It is hard to socialize a dog to cats if they are not used to them. Good luck - I know it can be done, although my daughter's dachshund, Weenie Baby has resisted all efforts. Some breeds are easier than others. Love the recipe, thanks for sharing - it went on my Pinterest board. Happy 4th! xx Karen

  16. Lovely fence photos but your animals steal the show! Happy Fourth to you ~ ^_^

    Thanks, for visiting and commenting on my blog ~ ^_^

  17. am behind - hope you're havin' a great 4th of July! Also, I love the kitty below between the newspapers:)

  18. I absolutely LOVE strawberry rhubarb! I wouldn't think it would take long for the cats and Cricket to settle in with each other. Wally will chase a cat if it runs from him because he thinks it's playing. If he catches up he just wags and wiggles.

  19. Just stopoed in to see whacha been up to!! Is it hot there? It sure is here!

  20. I enjoyed reading about your dog and cat because our dog Bailey wants to chase our 2 cats. We have the cats shut in the bedroom. I think they can learn to get along. We talked with the vet recently about how to get them used to each other. I'm hopeful!!

  21. What a neat fence you found! Great pictures too :) Love the pictures of Cricket and Caramel, they are so precious! I know what you mean about socialization and making sure all the animals get along, it can get tricky for sure! Our cat Mr. Simba has finally warmed up to Miss Riley, and they are the best of friends now :)

  22. Hi Ida!:) Nice to see you!:) I hardly get to see posts from good fences these days, as I only post once a week, and don't always have a fence to share,... anyway I like your simple Bamboo fence, and am charmed by your fur baby and kitty. They will become great friends, I am sure.:)

  23. simple, yet a beautiful fence image!! it looks like everyone is going to get along!!!


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