Friday, June 23, 2017

Willy Nilly Friday Five

Happy Friday! - Summer is here and life continues to be busy. 

Joining Tanya Today for WILLY-NILLY FRIDAY FIVE.

1.  One of my blogging friends, (M.K. - Through a Glass Darkly) has posted a couple of time about her husband and his "accidents"  That last one he hurt his hand (HERE) and then early this month she posted an accident of her own (HERE) - So I'd like to make her feel a little better by sharing that on Wednesday I got a call from my hubby saying he was back in town.  He was supposed to be up in the mountains building a deck so I was a bit suspicious about why he was back in town so soon.  His reply...I'm on my way to the ER, I was cutting some wood and it kicked back and sliced my hand open.  Here is is injury in all it's Glory or should that be...Gory!

2.  Last year for May Day my hubby bought me a small blue Hydrangea plant. I've never had much luck growing them as they usually die during the winter months.  Here is a photo of last years plant..

The plant was such a pretty blue color.  We had a super cold spell this past winter and tons of snow so I pretty much figured the plant was a goner.  Low & behold this spring I noticed a small plant next to the stake I had put near the bush and it turns out the bush survived the winter.  It doesn't have near the big bloom on it this year and this year it's.......

Purple!  -  It's still very pretty and I'm so excited that it actually survived the winter.  I hope it makes it through again come this winter (which I dread).

3.  Every year my niece calls me to let me know when the Pelicans I've posted about before (Here )  arrive near her house.  I went up the other morning to see if I could find any of them.  Sadly there were only 3 present along with a ton of seagulls but it made for a nice bird photo to share.

4.  Recently on June 9th Adam West (aka Batman - The Original) passed away.  Since he was born here in Walla Walla and attended Whitman College they are trying to get a statue of him as Batman erected here in town.  In the mean time the Marcus Whitman Hotel is shining the "Bat Light" every night to honor his memory.

5.  Just because I haven't shared a cute photo of Caramel Honeybun lately.....

Playing in the newspaper I had taken out of some boxes of stuff I was unpacking. -  She's just so adorable!

Edited to add...The other day I received an Automated Phone call from Direct TV for my mom's account (I used our number for her account since she doesn't hear that well) - The voice said,  "This is Direct TV with balance information on your account.  You have a Past Due balance of......
Zero Dollars and Zero Cents.  - What!!!! - Everyone says I should send them a check for that amount. 

Have a great weekend & thanks for stopping by.


  1. His poor hand!! Hope he heels well. The kitty in the paper is so great!

  2. Hello ida and first, thanks for your recent visit and comment on my Friday Funnies post. I will admit the first photo of your husband's injury did gross me out a bit. Hope he is doing OK and that his hand will heal up.

  3. I hope your husband heals quickly. I think it is great so many places are honoring the passing of Adam West. What an icon.

  4. Hi, Ida! Interesting! So Mike's cut is from the wood itself, not from the saw? In the photo, had he already been to the ER? Because it looks like they needed to do a few more stitches on that :( I hope he is all better soon. Saws are truly dangerous things, but what would we do without them?

  5. So sorry about your hubby's hand...I hope it heals quickly...I think the color of hydrangeas is according to the ph balance of your soil....or something to do with the soil. Your kitty is the pelicans...wish I had been there to see them.

  6. OUCH. That hand looks like it hurt. I've heard that you can add things to the soil to change the color of hydrangea. I can't remember what you do to get what colors but the change in color of yours is probably because of the soil it's planted in

  7. Glad your hubby is okay - mine is always chopping wood and working with his chainsaw and I always worry about him. Didn't know Adam West was born in Walla Walla.

  8. Ouch!!
    Cute picture of the kitty in the papers. : )

  9. My purple hydrangea is one of my favorites. Seems odd that you'd have Pelicans so far inland. Is that an adorable new kitty? Sorry I'm so far behind. I'll be having a nice long visit today!

  10. hehehehe - is it possible to write a check for that amount!! i like your hydrangea, the purple is beautiful. good luck with it, around here, i find them easy to grow!!!

  11. Ouch! That looks like a nasty cut. Your poor husband!
    Lovely hydrangea. My mum has a similar problem with cold weather and hydrangeas (she's in the north of Ireland). She grows them in large planters, and then moves them into her greenhouse to overwinter. They naturally tend to go pink - I think yours may be in transition via purple. If you replant it with a handful or rusty nails below the roots the iron oxide is supposed to keep it blue. There's probably some fancy plant food that will do the same thing.
    I love your pelicans. They look so dramatic.

  12. smiling big over honeybun and those gulls and pelicans in the water on the falls are wonderful. nasty cut and glad it was not worse, scary thing to happen

  13. I love your blog header Ida, the pictures you have taken are amazing! I'm thankful your husband's injury was easily repaired in the ER, so scary! And that picture of Caramel is adorable, what fun she must be to have around :) I hope your summer is going well, glad that your hydrangea came back up, isn't that something! Blessings and hugs :)

  14. what a cute pic of honeybun! i hope your husband's hand is healing up nicely, it looks really painful! so happy your hydangrea survived, it's so pretty! love the pic of the birds and how nice to display the bat light! thanks for linking up ida! i hope you are having a wonderful week!

  15. Love your flower pictures. Hope that hand is healing well.

  16. I hope your husband heals quickly and that he isn't in too much pain. I miss growing hydrangeas--yours are so pretty! Cute and playful kitties--they make me smile!

  17. Different subjects, all with great photos (except the hand maybe).
    Love that cute cat!
    I've spent my share of time in the emergency room also. Here's a link to the last one (if that's okay. if not, no problem).

  18. Blessings
    Wonderful flowers
    Gruesome hand injury

  19. ...'Playing in the newspaper' does it for me! As far as 'You have a Past Due balance of Zero Dollars and Zero Cents' they haven't come up with a cure for stupid yet.

  20. Too bad your hubby cut his hand. Your hydrangeas are beautiful. Happy 4th.

  21. Caramel Honeybun is much to cute!! I can only imagine how much fun she had with those newspapers!

  22. I hope your husband heals quickly and that he isn't in too much pain.



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