Thursday, June 8, 2017

Little Things to be Thankful For

Welcome!  Hope everyone has been having a nice week. - It's been busy here but pleasant.

So today I'm joining Tamar (Random-osity), Michelle (It's a Small Town Life) and Gosia (Looking for Identity) for:




First up my Fence shots... (Click to enlarge photos)

 What's that behind the bars of this fence?  Why it's a......Dinosaur!

Here is a better view.  You'll notice he's decked out with Christmas lights.  These shots were taken in April of 2015 and they apparently hadn't taken off the lights yet. 

Just in case you are wondering there is a "fence" in the background of this shot.

Next up for Little Things Thursday & Thankful Thursday....

It's time for.....Strawberries!!!

Yes that's me (goofy face & all) enjoying the first strawberries from Klicker's this year. 

Don't they look lucious?

What's a girl to to but make Strawberry Shortcake.

I'm thankful we have local, fresh berries to enjoy every summer because they sure beat the ones you buy in the store!

Have a great day.


  1. we have been eating strawberries to. they are full of iron and bob needs iron... love the dinosaur and I bet it is pretty lit up at night...

  2. Oh YUM! Our local strawberries have been gone while now. Here in NC we get them in late April and early May. We have been fortunate since then to find some pretty good ones in the grocery stores too! Anytime is a good time for strawberries and especially STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE!

  3. Neat fence shots and yummy strawberry shots ~ love strawberry shortcake ~ ^_^

  4. So....are you going to eat ALL of those strawberries yourself? hahaha! Can I have at least ONE? Ours were in season a long time ago and I miss them. I got fresh blueberries today though! Hugs!

  5. Cool dinosaur and the strawberries look yummy

  6. Hi, Nice to visit with you today. Those strawberries make me so hungry! Wishing you and yours a nice upcoming weekend.

  7. My but those strawberries look soooo good!
    That was such a fun find behind the fence!
    Are there any strawberries left?

  8. That dino is so cool! I love fresh berry season!

  9. I like that dinosaur. I could use that on my lawn! lol Thanks for linking up today!

  10. Interesting metal dinosaur and I wonder how it looks in night with lighting bulbs. Good to see you enjoying the fresh and delicious strawberries

  11. Beautiful header! Mmm, fresh-picked strawberries, and shortcake! You have inspired me :)

  12. Lovely fences and nice dinosaur. Juicy strawberries! Have a wonderful weekend!

  13. Your shortcake looks scrumptious. A few stray strawberry plants have settled in among the perennials atMuldoon. A tasty treat.

  14. Oh my gosh, those strawberries look so good! Cute dinosaur - you always find the most interesting things on your walks! We are having a few thunder-boomers here today and lots of rain. Happy weekend! x Karen

  15. I love that dinosaur...and save some strawberries for me!

  16. Howdy there Ida, stopped by to see what you're up to! I so enjoyed the past post....LOVED ALL YOUR duckie in the water pictures, you got some great ones! Sure looks like a fun event! I loved the pictures of the dancers too....I love to hear their drums and their songs and the costumes are so interesting and amazing aren't they? We got to see a demonstration once out west and it was very captivating. Hope you have a great weekend and enjoy those strawberries!

  17. Now I want strawberries !! My mouth is watering !

  18. now, I want strawberries! Right away! :)

  19. Oh my gosh IW remember Klickers from when we lived in Clarkston (where we were both raised actually). Holy cow what a great blast from the past. And they are wonderful berries. We get strawberries in February/March in Florida, which is like an alternative world. And they are good and it is cool to go pick them in the middle of winter. But they really aren't quite as good as the June ones in the Pacific Northwest. Wow. Eat a slice of shortcake for me will you?

  20. I love making strawberry smoothie! Great pictures. Christmas lights in April sounds fun;)

  21. You are right. Nothing like fresh local strawberries!!

  22. There's something weird about Christmas lights on dinosaurs!


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