Friday, June 16, 2017

Willy-Nilly Friday 5 - June 16, 2017


I'm back today joining Tanya (Around Roanoke) for:


Click to enlarge photos for better view.

1.  Summer continues to be super busy.  Lots of yard work being done. I spent 2 1/2 hours outside yesterday weeding, watering and planting a few more flowers.  It's a lot of hard work but they sure are pretty to look at.

2.  A few weeks ago I was in my mom's back yard looking into her planter box to see if the Mums had survived the winter.  I happened to notice something really strange inside the box and took a closer look.   Here is what I found.

Sorry the picture isn't clearer but I think you can tell that this is indeed a,
Peanut Plant.  It seems one of the squirrels dropped this peanut inside the planter and amazingly it germinated. - Mind you peanuts don't sprout from Roasted Peanuts as a rule so apparently this one didn't get fully roasted as it germinated and I'm now growing a peanut plant.  Here is what the plant looks like today:

It should be interesting to see if in the fall I pull the plant up and have peanuts.

3.  I've been participating now for my 2nd year in a Photography Group called, 52 Frames and each week you are given a prompt to photograph.  Today I'm sharing a small collage of 4 of my recent entries.

Top L - Abandoned was the theme.  That's an old tire lodged in a tree behind our house.  Top R - Geometric Shapes was the theme. - I turned one of my glass bowls upside down for that photo. Bottom L - Shadows was the theme.  That is my newest yard spinner.  That photo made the top 52 picks of the week. - Bottom R - This weeks theme: Think.  - This is the Thinking Frog statue located here in Walla Walla.

4.  Does anyone know what this is?

It looks like snow doesn't it? It's not...We have a lot of these trees in this area and every summer people all over who have allergies wish we didn't.  These are the seeds from a Cottonwood Tree.  If you click on the link you can read more about different types of these trees.
5.  Finally the other day my hubby came home and said that I need to take a drive down one of the streets in town to look at something he though I would enjoy getting pictures of and seeing.  So I went and boy was I glad I did.

This is just one of the many pictures that I took.  It happens to be a Metal Sculpture located at the Foundry Vineyards.  It was a pretty windy day and this actually moves.  I took a video of the sculpture moving (it's a bit shaky in parts) but I think you'll find it quite fascinating.

Please note that the sound goes off a few seconds into the video.  I had the radio on and a Jimi Hendrix's song was playing and apparently the video couldn't be played due to copyright laws so I had to delete the sound off the video.  (Brother!)
Also if you want to see more of Anthony Howe's work you can find it HERE:  The link will show you videos of this sculpture (Azlon) as well as several others that he has done. 

I hope you have enjoyed your visit here today.  Have a great weekend.


  1. Your photos are wonderful. I am amazed about the peanut plant. You may put Jimmy Carter out of business LOL
    Hope you have a great weekend.

  2. That peanut plant is SO cool! I love your 52 Frames photos. What a cool sculpture your husband found for you to photograph!

  3. the sculpture monument is great. Love from Europe

  4. that sculpture is amazing and so is your photo of it against that blue sky. wow on that one and I love all 4 of your 52 frame photos. super great in my book... that sounds like fun and I can't wait to see if you get peanuts.. that is odd and awesome to me

  5. Interesting about the peanut. Let us know how it does.

  6. Your flowers are so very pretty. Lots of hard work but so worth it and thank you for sharing. Love the cottonwood that looks like snow. The sculpture is very interesting. Oh yes, lots of peanut plants here in Georgia. I wish you and your family a nice weekend.

  7. I love your wonderful pictures!

  8. The flowers are beautiful and I love the whirling sculpture!
    Have a great week-end!

  9. My, Cotton tree!!Thank you for sharing. It is first time for me to see cotton plant!Ida. Your mosaic is lovely.
    Happy day to you1

  10. ...Hi Ida, a wonderful colorful start, I've never seen a peanut plant, the frog is great, you had a cottonwood snowstorm and after watching the video, I'm dizzier than normal.

  11. Lovely flowers! And how cool about the peanut plant. Not so cool about all those cottonwood seeds! :-)

  12. I so love that metal is wonderful. In your leisure, you can come do my yard. ( is a is what my boss said to his wife when she was so busy she couldn't hear herself think....from then on, the rest of us would tell him he could do whatever in his leisure.)

  13. Beautiful captures, but the second one is the best for me. Thank you for sharing. It's lovely.

  14. Great photos and 52Frames looks interesting!

  15. Thanks for showing the peanut I know what they look like...
    Interesting artworks!

  16. Great pictures! Especially love the cat spinner (and the shadowed photo)

  17. Hello Ida, I love your collection of photos today. Looks like your time in the garden has paid off. And how fun to have a peanut plant in your yard!! I'd love to do the F5 photo meme. Perhaps I can jump in from time to time. Thanks for the info. The metal sculpture makes me wanting one now for my yard. Hope your summer is going well.

  18. I really thought that was snow! Loved all the pics and that sculpture was sweet of your husband to think of you! Thank you for linking up Ida! WN will be up and running in the morning! Hope to see you! 😊

  19. Lovely colour in your garden, Ida. I've never seen a peanut growing in the ground before. To be very honest I thought they grew on trees like hazel nuts 🙄. I guess you live and learn.

  20. awwww, a peanut plant, i would enjoy growing those!! this is a great post ida, you sure did pack a lot of fun stuff in to it!!!

    i see eye balls in picture #1 and the flowers are beautiful!!!


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