Thursday, August 31, 2017

Fences Around the World & Thankful Thursday

Welcome - Hope your summer has gone well.  It's hard to believe it's winding down already.  School started this week and soon Fall will be arriving. 

Today I'm joining Gosia (Looking for Identity) for FENCES AROUND THE WORLD.

About two weeks ago I was walking down the alley near the grade school and happened to notice something that hadn't been there before.

Someone had decided to add something to there fence:

This window was put into the fence and I thought that was a fun touch to a plain board fence.

Another shot from the opposite angle.

A view down the length of the alley.  Notice those sunflowers hanging over the top of the fence.

Don't they look cheerful.

So what was the view from the window....

A nice little place to sit & relax.

I hope you've enjoyed this charming little edition to the fence.


Now for an Update on Callie-Jo - Joining Michelle for THANKFUL THURSDAY.

It's been 10 days now since we took Callie-Jo to the Vet.  After bringing her home I spent 6 days feeding her through a Syringe so she would have food in her stomach and not develp liver problems.  She refused to eat or even drink water on her own during that period. -  Little by little she started showing signs of being interested in eating again and today I am happy to report that she is eating & drinking normally and is back to being the sweet loving cat that she was prior to whatever illness she had. 

Thank you all for your prayers for her.  I know they helped.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

First Day of School

Today is the First Day of School here.  As is my tradition here are Coleen's back to school photos.
She's going into the 7th Grade this year.
Here is the Side by Side Comparison from 6th Grade to 7th Grade

I had her wear her hair long for the first pictures but this is how she wanted to wear it to school so I took 2 different photos.
Check out the detail of her pants:

Finally the Back Pack shot:

Busy year ahead for her.  She is taking Volley Ball again this year so her school day will be from 8:05 am  until 5:00pm. - That's a long day so I'm sure she'll be tuckered out by the end of the day. 

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Under the Weather Kitty

Had to take our sweet Callie-Jo to the vet yesterday. - She's running a fever and they can't seem to get it down. - Please pray she gets better soon so we can bring her back home.

Friday, August 4, 2017

Yes I'm still alive & Friday Randoms

You may have notice that I've been absent from the blogging world for a couple of weeks now. -  I haven't been feeling well and developed a bad cough and just didn't have the energy to do much at all.  -  So sorry I have not visited any of your blogs during this time.

So now on to WILLY-NILLY FRIDAY FIVE hosted by Tanya from (Around Roanoke).

1.  So how much would you pay for an Onion?  Below is a wonderful Walla Walla Sweet Onion that I bought the other day.

The clerk was ringing my items up and she noticed that something seemed off on the total of my bill.  Seems this onion was listed at costing,  $24.79!
As it turned out the scale didn't register the onions weight and she had already entered a code for the tomatoes I was buying and it charged me the code price instead of the actual price of the onion.  Whew...I know they are wonderful tasting onions but I wasn't about to pay that much for one onion.

2.  So hubby and I are sitting out in the living room the other night watching TV when we here this loud bang.  Thinking that one of the cats had knocked something off a shelf I went to investigate.  Nothing seemed out of place and all the cats appeared to be fine as well.  Then I noticed that the door to a little mini refrigerator we have was open and I thought that's weird.  So I went to see why and discovered that we had turned it up to high and one of the cans of soda pop we had inside had frozen and exploded!  It was a bit of a mess cleaning it up.  This is the can after it exploded.

3.  Our sweet Miss Dottie hasn't been feeling well lately either.  We took her to the Vet two weeks ago and she had a mild infection in one of her ears and had bumped the tumor on the roof of her mouth opening it up.  They put her on antibiotics and put some wax stuff in her ear to clear up the infection.  She seemed to be getting better but I had to take her back again this morning for another wax treatment as the ear started irritating her again.  Poor thing.  She's 17 years old but they say she's in pretty good shape for a cat her age.

4. During one of my better days last week I tried out a new recipe for:
Taco Stuffed Zucchini Boats. (Recipe can be found here)

They were YUMMY!

5.  Had a wonderful visit yesterday.  One of my best friends that I have not seen in atleast 25 years was driving through this way and stopped in for a brief visit.  It was so much fun seeing her again.  She and her husband took us out to lunch and we had a great time with them.

                                        My friend, Twila and Me.

Mike (my hubby) Me, Twila and (her hubby) Lee.  What fun to be able to enjoy a few hours with them. 

That's it for me.  Life has been busy and I don't always have time to stop by your blogs.  Taking care of my mom is becoming increasingly more demanding so if I don't stop by as often it's not because I don't care anymore.  I enjoy all your blogs & visits and want you to know I appreciate all of you very much.

Have a great weekend.