Tuesday, August 29, 2017

First Day of School

Today is the First Day of School here.  As is my tradition here are Coleen's back to school photos.
She's going into the 7th Grade this year.
Here is the Side by Side Comparison from 6th Grade to 7th Grade

I had her wear her hair long for the first pictures but this is how she wanted to wear it to school so I took 2 different photos.
Check out the detail of her pants:

Finally the Back Pack shot:

Busy year ahead for her.  She is taking Volley Ball again this year so her school day will be from 8:05 am  until 5:00pm. - That's a long day so I'm sure she'll be tuckered out by the end of the day. 


  1. That is a really long day but if part of it is fun like volleyball it should be okay all kids should go to school that long and it would keep them out of mischief. She doesn't look like she's much taller than she was in the 6th grade how tall is she. Her hair is beautiful

  2. By the time I was in the seventh grade I was five foot six inches and I never got any taller

  3. Good luck in new school year. We start on 4th Sep i know it as a teacher

  4. Our first day back is on the 5th. Today we are celebrating my son's 12th birthday who will also be in Grade 7 this year.
    I take photos on the first day as well, and I also make them hold up their fingers. Not too sure what I'll do when they hit grades 11 and 12.
    Have a great first day Coleen! But, how could you not in pants as awesome as those?!!!

  5. It was back to school here today also. Cute pictures.

  6. Hope she has a great year! She looks so grown up!

  7. A year and different hair style realy makes a difference.

  8. I wish I'd had the foresight to have the annual back to school photos, we were always too busy trying to find things on that first morning, backpacks, sports shoes, lunches etc My kids loved being at an American school as they didn't have to wear school uniform, otherwise they were always in a strict uniform. Those pants are wicked - or am I showing my age now?!
    Hope the school year goes well!
    Wren x

  9. Volleyball is fun..I hope she enjoys her year !! Nice pictures..

  10. She really does have gorgeous hair....she should wear it down more! Love those pants too! Wishing her the very best this year! Hugs!

  11. Coleen is a beautiful name and she is a beautiful young lady. She will have a busy year for sure. I debated whether to name my only daughter Coleen or Kathren and decided on Kathren.

  12. A beautiful young woman! We have watched her grow up and I have enjoyed seeing her.

  13. What fantastic photos, my friend! I can't believe how much Coleen has grown! She is quite the beautiful young lady. I hope she has a wonderful school year.


  14. Hello Ida!:) Oh my goodness, don't they grow up fast. Colleen is quite the young lady now, and I love her skull jeans,....very cool! It's nice that you will have a record of her first day at school. Ida, I hope your kitty is doing well now.:)

  15. WOW! What a difference from one year to the next!! And yes, that is a long day. Then she'll have homework on top of that, although she looks like she's ready!!!...:)JP

  16. She pretty grown well or just look in her pants and tee! Lovely poses from her and she got nice hair… best wishes for her schooling and sports

  17. hey there!! i love her leggings ... so cute!! aww, the start of another school yr. what fun!! great times!! i remember looking back at my old photos of me in school. sometimes the shots were just priceless ... i did change so much. hope you are well. take care. ( ;

  18. Hello Ida ! How Coleen has matured and looks so grown up!
    Hope she has a very good year at school and with volleyball!
    Best wishes to you too!

  19. I love first day of school pics. And I love that she still lets you do that as a seventh grade teenager! The sugar skulls are a fun print....I see a lot of them when we visit our youngest daughter in Florida. The history behind them is very interesting. Here's to hoping she has a stellar year!

  20. Lovely photos. She looks so grown up. A real young lady. Good luck for the year ahead, Colleen!

  21. Awwwww Ida, she looks good, I hope she has a great year!

  22. I hope the year ahead is all that she hopes for!

  23. Good luck to her! She's really looking so grown up. Love those fun leggings!

  24. adorable photos.... thanks so much for your kind words on my Thursday post...


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