Thursday, August 31, 2017

Fences Around the World & Thankful Thursday

Welcome - Hope your summer has gone well.  It's hard to believe it's winding down already.  School started this week and soon Fall will be arriving. 

Today I'm joining Gosia (Looking for Identity) for FENCES AROUND THE WORLD.

About two weeks ago I was walking down the alley near the grade school and happened to notice something that hadn't been there before.

Someone had decided to add something to there fence:

This window was put into the fence and I thought that was a fun touch to a plain board fence.

Another shot from the opposite angle.

A view down the length of the alley.  Notice those sunflowers hanging over the top of the fence.

Don't they look cheerful.

So what was the view from the window....

A nice little place to sit & relax.

I hope you've enjoyed this charming little edition to the fence.


Now for an Update on Callie-Jo - Joining Michelle for THANKFUL THURSDAY.

It's been 10 days now since we took Callie-Jo to the Vet.  After bringing her home I spent 6 days feeding her through a Syringe so she would have food in her stomach and not develp liver problems.  She refused to eat or even drink water on her own during that period. -  Little by little she started showing signs of being interested in eating again and today I am happy to report that she is eating & drinking normally and is back to being the sweet loving cat that she was prior to whatever illness she had. 

Thank you all for your prayers for her.  I know they helped.


  1. so glad Callie is better.. I have never seen a window in a fence, but it is a good idea I think. I am betting they have a reason for it and I would like to know that reason.

  2. A window in a fence certainly is different!
    Beautiful sunflowers, and I am so glad to hear your beautiful cat has recovered from her illness.

  3. A fence with a window, how cool! Really unusual! And I love the sunflowers and the pretty cat!

  4. Oh, I am so glad Callie-Jo is feeling like herself again. And that is a great addition to the fence - a fantastic idea.

  5. I'm so glad that Callie-Jo is feeling so much better and I hope she continues in great health now. I like the idea of the little window in the fence. Maybe the people who lived there didn't want to feel too cut off from the big world! :)

  6. I love that fence idea and so glad that Callie-Jo is doing better!

  7. That's great news about Callie-Jo!! I love the idea of the window in a fence. I'm sad summer is over! School starts next week which I know is late for a lot of kids but I'm still not ready! The sunflowers are very cheerful!

  8. Oh, my...I missed Callie's illness. I am glad she is better. I re-subscribed to updates. I had not gootten any for a while, though I do not know why.
    What an odd fence. It sort of defeats the purpose of privacy. I wonder what the reason for the window is. I would feel...odd. But, what a great post it made! Hugs!

  9. Well you don't see many fences with windows. Love the sunflowers. Great news aboutn Callie-Jo

  10. So glad Callie-Jo is feeling is sure hard to see our furbabies suffer.

    I love that window in the fence and those sunflowers are delightful.

  11. Hi Ida! Glad your dear cat is better.
    That was a fun fence and something I don't think I've seen before! But it was lovely with the sunflowers growing over it.

  12. Oh your kitty...what a sweet face! My cat is named Callie also. Glad she is better!

  13. Glad your kitty is getting better. Like the texture of the wooden fences and of course love sunflowers

  14. Happy for Calli Jo. I like the addition of the window in the fence. a novel idea!

  15. So good to hear that Callie Jo is doing well. Pets are family! Thanks for linking up today and have a great weekend!

  16. I hope your precious cat continues to improve. Love the sunflowers AND the window in the fence! Now I've seen everything! heehee! Hugs!

  17. That is so amazing! So happy the kitty is on the mend!

  18. That is awesome! I've never seen that done before. Very neat idea! Glad your kitty is better.

  19. Love your second capture of the whole view - very charming!
    Have noticed that the bloggers who are caretakers are the most exhausted! Hope you're taking care of yourself:)
    And of course, always welcome at All Seasons, although I skip coming Sunday for Labor Day weekend, too many things going on at the same time, and none to sit behind the computer! Have a lovely weekend!

  20. I've never seen a window in a fence before!

  21. Hi there Ida, and wow, those zucchini boats sure look TASTY! i'M SORRY to hear your kitties have been ailing and so glad to hear that this one is now feeling better and eating well again. How many cats do you have? Enjoyed the "going back to school" pictures too! Not sure how summer went by so fast!? I like the window on the fence in the alley....but the tumbling sunflowers at the top are my favorite part!

  22. Great idea to have a window in the tall fence. Can get to see what is happening inside or outside the fence. Have a good day!

  23. Such a neat idea, a window in a fence. Glad your pretty cat is feeling better, hope she recovers fully!

  24. So glad she is getting better. Lovely sunflowers :)

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  25. wow great fences with sunflowers love from Europ

  26. Hello Ida!:) You always come up with the goods where fences are concerned.:) What an unusual fence,...there must be a very nice view on the outer side of the fence that the owners wanted to look at! Lovely shot of the sunflowers.:)

  27. Glad Callie-Jo is feeling better!
    As always, I am amazed at the fun and unique fences you find. I really enjoy them!

  28. So glad to hear that your lovely cat is on the road to recovery. It must have been a very tough time for you. I love the windowed fence, and those beautiful sunflowers. They've all faded and died back over here - a sure sign that summer has been and gone - sob!


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