Friday, September 22, 2017

Friday Fun - Sept. 22, 2017


Today is the "official" First Day of Autumn (Fall) here in the US.
One of my all time favorite seasons and it has been a beautiful day here.

So today I'm joining Tanya (Around Roanoke) for WILLY-NILLY FRIDAY FIVE

I went to Rooks Park today to take some pictures and I'm sharing some of the photos I took while I was there.

1.  I spotted a large bird flying in the air as I was walking through the park.  I managed to get a shot of the bird in flight but I'm saving that for another post. (I know rats....) - Anyway the bird landed in a tree and I was able to get some shots of it.

This is as close as I could get with the lens that I had on the camera.  The bird is some type of a hawk I believe. - Edited to add,  I now believe this bird is an Osprey rather than a Hawk.  Any birders out there to help with identification let me know.

  - Later on in this post you'll see another picture of this bird.

2.  A sign that Autumn is in the air...

3.  Just a pretty shot of the clouds and one of the trails in the park.

4.  A photo of some Queen Anne's lace in bloom. - What caught my eye was the tiny hint of "lavender" in the center of the bloom.  - That's a bit unusual.

5.  On the way out I noticed these little rock cairn formations.
6. Okay for my bonus photo...I caught another shot of the hawk in flight and after I uploaded it to the computer I noticed something cool in the shot. 
Be sure to enlarge the photo for better detail.
Do you see it? - The bird has a fish in it's talons!  My first ever capture of a bird with a fish. 
Also joining in on FRIENDLY FILL-INS on McGuffy's Reader.
Week 72: September 22, 2017
1. I would never be friends with someone who _______________.

2. I will never refuse ________________.

3. I have never been to                     , but                              .

4. When it comes to                            , I                              .

My answers: 
1.  I would never be friends with someone who cuts down others to make themselves appear to be better. - That really annoys me.
2.  I will never refuse a helping hand when I'm stressed out.
3.  I have never been to Hawaii, but I have been to Canada.
4.  When it come to housework, I tend to procrastinate as long as possible.
Finally for FELINE FRIDAY (being hosted on Comedy Plus)
It's Caramel Honeybun - Checking something out that caught her attention.


  1. I always love seeing cairns. I think I need to make some on my farm.

  2. What a good looking cat. Welcome to Feline Friday.

  3. Pretty kitty! The Queen Anne's Lace is gorgeous and the rocks ... fun post! Happy Fall and Happy Friday!

  4. Love the rock stacking - it's a fun activity!

  5. Congratulations on catching the picture of the fish in the talons - superb! I love the picture of the leaf caught in the other plant - very lovely composition! Have a great weekend!

  6. Beautiful photos Ida....I love the photo of the road!

  7. Beautiful photos, Ida, and I like your responses to the questions...and #1 is my habit as well!

  8. Wonderful photos. That looks like a nice park

  9. What a great post. Thank you for a glimpse into your world and the inspiring answers in the 'fill-ins'.

  10. dusting furniture is my procrastination. I am not a procrastinator but am with dust. I think it is an osprey but hard to tell... love the kittie pic and that hill with the grasses speaks to me. love it.

  11. Gorgeous osprey shots! How cool! Love the leaf and road melting over the hill. Sweet little kitten too.

  12. ...number 3 is gorgeous, I love those stone formations!!!

  13. She is just gorgeous. Made me smile. :)

  14. Yes, I can see that fish! I like the little rock formations. Such a pretty cat!

  15. I think people who cut others down are bullies. I am not afraid to tell them so, too. I try to turn it on them so that they look foolish with what they said.

    I am 6' 3" and our oldest son is about 5' 3 or 4". One day we were standing together talking and a woman out of the blue said to him, "You are short." I spoke up and said, "Short? He's twice as tall as I was when I was half his size." She looked surprised and then told him, "Maybe you will get a growth spurt". She did not realize how dumb she was being. Have a great week.

  16. Nice photos very serene, aww I love her name Caramel Honeybun and yes she has definitely noticed something of interest heheh!

    Have a funtastic day :-)

  17. Well, looking at the bird with the fish in it's talons and the wing shape, it sure could be an Osprey, Ida. However, I cannot really tell from the photo of the bird perched in the tree because of the angle. I too am glad Fall is here. However, today and tomorrow are close to 90 here!!1...:)JP

  18. Your photos are great. I especially love the shot of Caramel Honeybun. Amazing capture! And cute kitty :)

  19. beautiful images and yes, i believe your bird to be an osprey!!!

    i would never be friends with someone who lies....
    i will never refuse a helping hand.....
    i have never been to hawaii either but i just visited canada!!!!

    beautiful eyes on honeybun!!!

  20. I believe that is an Osprey! Actually, I think both of those birds are Osprey! We get them along the river here. Oh, and Caramel Honeybun: CUTE! Grampy used to say that if you have to knock someone down to build yourself up, then you are really very small! I am so glad you joined us, Ida. I had a wicked week and weekend, but hope it gets better, now. HUGS!

  21. love the lace, and the country road & your header shots too!! awesome!! i love fall.
    autumn is the greatest. take care. ( :

  22. Autumn is my favorite time of year. With temps having been in the 80s and 90s, it hasn't felt like Autumn this week! Love all your pics, but Caramel Honeybun absolutely has my heart! What a perfect name. You captured her beautifully.

  23. Wow! Great shots! Especially the bird with the fish! Love it when people make the rock cairns. Hope you are having a lovely week. xx Karen

  24. Really nice photos! I did enlarge that photo. It's a fish!

  25. Great photos, especially your kitty. I enjoyed your fill-in answers, I am the same way with house work.

  26. Great photos! I love the shot of the pathway with the soft clouds....I also love that you noticed that tiny bit of lavender in the queen Anne's...thank you so ugh for linking with Willy Nilly and I hope I see you again soon!

  27. It's interesting to see your Queen Anne's lace, because I spotted some in Holyhead, Wales back in July when I was waiting for the Dublin ferry that had the same little dabs of lavender and pink in the centre. It struck me as a bit odd too.


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