Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Wild Bird Wednesday


Today I'm joining Stewart, (Paying Ready Attention) for WILD BIRD WEDNESDAY
Click to Enlarge Photos.

 I so seldom get to post for this meme but this past week I had a chance to view several different wild birds and get halfway decent photos of them.

First up:  Quail

 These birds just make me laugh...they are comical in the way they run as you can see in this shot.

There were bunches of these quail eating at Rooks Park and I actually got close enough to get a few photos before they all took off into the underbrush. - These birds are quick! - We think these Quail are California Quail.  They were much larger then the smaller quail we often see in this area.

Next we have: Canadian Geese

This photo isn't a super sharp shot of the geese but I liked it and as you look down Mill Creek you can see just how many geese were out and about.

Next it's my (Mystery) bird from the previous post.  Although many have stated they believe the bird to be an Osprey. - I had my camera set on BW when I happened to spot this large bird flying and didn't think to change the setting so the shot is in Black and White.

Finally as we were leaving the park we met a man going into the park with a camera.  I spoke to him about spotting this bird and he told me that there was a White Egret in the area and handed me his business card. 

We drove to the area he mentioned he had just photograghed the Egret at but didn't see it.  So instead we decided to drive a little further up the road to Bennington Lake and there we spotted the Egret!

This was as close as I could get but I think it turned out okay.

Here is a link to Mr. Davis photos of the Egret. - Thanks for letting me know about the Egret.

Hope you have enjoyed my Wild Birds.


  1. Such great shots! I've never seen quail in the wild like that!!

  2. Beautiful scenes and photos Ida! I like watching quail also. Out here, quail and rabbits are often seen together. I have no idea why, but it's true.

  3. Hello, I love the cute Quail. Nice shot of the Osprey and Egret. Great bird sightings. Enjoy your day and the week ahead!

  4. I have never seen quail before, but they are cute birds.

  5. I especially like the geese shot, I love silhouettes of any kind. I am laughing at the quail because it brought back a memory. my dad loved to bird hunt, quail and doves. he came home with a mess of quail, mother fried them up and put the platter on the table for dinner. I burst into tears and said HOW COULD YOU EAT THOSE TINY BIRDS? my brother and I refused to touch them. they were so small and cute. ugh.... the next time daddy went hunting with his brothers, he gave the quail to them instead of bringing them home.

  6. I especially like the quail! You got great photos! I know you enjoyed your day there.

  7. All are wonderful. I dont see a big variety of birds when Im out

  8. Hello! Nice serie of birds. The Egret is awesome.

  9. Love your quail and geese! The osprey shot is awesome, and I always love seeing the pretty egrets. Awesome post!

  10. Hi there Ida, I just love that black and white picture of the bird soaring coming around that tree, wow, it has a big wing span whatever it is! Very cool! I liked all your Batman pictures too, that looked fun--I sure loved to watch that show when we were little! Loved that bright orange bike too.

  11. I love your quail shot. You've captured their gait in a still photo, which is a great achievement.

  12. Lots of birds in WallaWalla! I'm pretty sure your mystery one is an osprey because of the shape of the wings....and I love the quail! We used to see them often when we lived in Eastern Washington so many years ago.

  13. Quails are truly funny, have them in Germany too (another kind) and they must be delicious to eat. I haven't tasted, but in our fairytales the kings often aet quails -
    My favorite photo is that with the geese.

  14. Very nice! Quail are quite comical sometimes! Beautiful egret!

  15. the egret is beautiful, i love those big birds!!!


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