Friday, September 29, 2017

Friday Fun - September 29, 2017

Welcome Back - First I just want to thank everyone who visits my blog and leaves comments. - Sometimes I reply to your comments but sometimes I get busy and don't reply back.  Please know though that your visit & comments mean a lot to me even if I fail to acknowledge them.

Now let's get right to the FUN!


1.  Spotted in the Sky earlier this week:

Looking forward to the Balloon Stampede in October.

2. Captured a Spider in it's web the other day. - I love that the box it attached it's web to says Fragile Handle With Care.

3.  A Shot of the spray from the fountain on Whitman College Campus.  One of the shots I considered for 52 Frames water theme 2 weeks ago.

I actually ended up using this shot instead:

4.  Some Autumn leaves spotted on the trail at Rooks Park.  I thought they were pretty.

5.  A bunny spotted in Rooks Park - I was able to get pretty darn close to it before it hopped off.  So cute!

After a week of having to take one of our cats (not the one above) to the Vet again and spending 2 hours yesterday in the Dentist Chair I'm more then ready for Friday & the weekend.
A musical selection to start your weekend off.
The Statements:
Week 73: September 29, 2017
1. I am far too _________________.

2. To save money, I _______________.

3.                          matter(s).

4.                      makes me think                          .
My answers:
1.  I am far too much of a perfectionist at times.
2.  To save money,  I have to really work at it.  I love to spend it more then save it!
3. Kindess and Respect matter to me.
4.  Blogging makes me think that there is a huge world out there to share with others.
Have a great weekend.





  1. Ida, you take amazing pictures. The Orb Weaver. Their webs are so intricate. Nice job! You & her!
    Your fill-ins are thoughtful and sweet. I agree, too, my friend...except spending. *ack* I don't like shopping at all.

  2. What a lovely bunch of shots. I love the kitty the very best.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday. ☺

  3. Love the balloon in the sky!
    Beautiful cat, cute rabbit
    Your water photos remind me that I need to practice splashing water photos. Yours are great!
    Have a beautiful week-end!

  4. In Europe also first autumn leaves have appeared

  5. The water shots all came out great!

  6. cute bunny. i use to be able to put more time into blogging ...but i just don't have the time any more ... have a super great weekend!! ( ;

  7. Hi Ida, Very pretty photos. The balloon is so colorful. That is such a fun pic of the bunny and of course, I love your cat. We've had 3 at the vet this week, so I can sympathize. Hope your dental work is complete and that you can rest/relax this weekend.

  8. #1 my wife and went up in a balloon about 25 years ago, it was a blast!
    #2 great web pic.
    #3 I like splashing water too.
    #4 leaves are falling here too.
    #5 rabbits are way too fast for me!
    Thanks for the Band.

  9. Wonderful photos! Your kitty in the photo is very pretty and I hope your other kitty is all better now. Enjoy your weekend!


  10. Wonderful shots. Love the one of the rabbit.

  11. How wonderful to see that moments you have captured.Thrilling balloon photo, the spider captured with that interesting box in the back! I can almost hear the sound of the rhythm water falling. Such a pretty eye on the bunny. So pure!
    Have a good weekend!

  12. Wonderful captures - love the hot-air balloon and the water picks! Nice fill-ins, too. Hope your kitty is o.k. xx Karen

  13. Wonderful shots! The splashing water is remarkable.

  14. Saving money can be like a full time job. However, it pays off. Money you save on a purchase isn't normally taxed.

  15. I love that hot air balloon...I haven't seen one in a long time. And the fill ins are fun. I may try that! Hugs, Diane

  16. LOVE the rabbit and the sweet cat. so beautiful. and that water fountain is a super shot. love it to. the spider detail on him and the web is amazing and perfect with that sign. they are strong and weak and fragile.

  17. I agree with your comment about blogging opening up the world for us - so many places that I'd love to see. Love your pictures, especially the one of the bunny rabbit - very cute.

  18. Your kitty is adorable and I hope the ones that went to the vet are OK. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I agree about blogging, it has opened up my little world. Have a nice weekend!

  19. Hi Ida-
    Hooray the weekend is here!
    Lovely snaps of the critters and I love your spider photo.
    Have you watched the movie about The Band called 'The Last Waltz'?
    Really nice one.
    My favorite song is 'Rag Mama' :)
    Have a Happy Weekend!
    Peace :)

  20. Autumn signs and a cute rabbit. Spiders are real artists, wish, more people would handling them with care!
    The song was new for me (or have heard it in my youth days?)
    Enjoy your sunday

  21. a great set of images...i never miss our hot air balloon festival, i wish it were in fall!!

    3. lover matters!!

  22. Lovely photos :D I love taking piccies of spiders, they are long as they don't get too close :D Gorgeous ballon and there is something about photographing water in its many forms - some great captures there.

    Hope you had a good weekend.

    Best wishes,

  23. Hello Ida! I love the photos you shared today. I'm looking for some new memes and think I'll check out these links. I love hot air balloons and riding in one is on my bucket list. I'm happy you chose the close up of the fountain edge; love the water dripping off the side. I also like looking at spider webs up close. They are so intricate and amazing. Autumn is almost here, weather wise, in middle Missouri. I'm looking forward to the cooler temps.

  24. great shots ida! wow, you were able to get real close to that bunny! love the hot air balloon...the spider is really cool and the water fountain shots are wonderful, and of course your kitty is adorable...hope you and kitty are feeling better! thanks for sharing and hope to see you again real soon! :)

  25. A Balloon Stampede! I love it.

  26. The balloon picture is stunning, as are your water photos! And such a lovely capture of the leaf too, and your precious kitty. I enjoyed your fill-in-the-blank answers, and I especially agree about blogging, what an incredible world of friendship it has opened up! So thankful for our friendship that has endured, I still think of you as I sip hot tea in my rooster mug sent from you :) Hope life settles down for you, how is your Mom doing? Hugs :)

  27. Lovely images, Ida. I'm fascinated by the autumn leaves as well. I keep carrying them home from dog-walks. I love your fountain image - those moment in time water shots are amazing.


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