Monday, November 27, 2017

Sparks 8 - Expectancy

Welcome! - Well Thanksgiving is offically in the books for 2017 - Quite a busy week here.  Thankfully "Turkey Day" was fairly calm and we had a nice meal with the family that was here. - Spent the day after getting the outside Christmas decorations put up.  Always fun to see all the pretty lights, even though it's a lot of work getting them up.

So this week for SPARKS I'm sharing...

(Click to Enlarge Photos)

You never know where your next miracle will come from.

Now for AWWW MONDAYS....

Ghost decided to play peek-a-boo from the top of the stairs this morning.  It made me smile & I hope it makes you smile too.

Have a great day!


  1. I love your Sparks and I love your peek-a-boo kitty. Adorable.

    Have a purrfect Awww Monday. ♥

  2. Miracles often do come because we prepare the way with faith. That’s a beautiful cat!

  3. So very true. Miracles are all around. Ghost looks so cute

  4. Ida, both of these are excellent! You have a gift for phot magic! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Ghost is a cutie. Great spark too!

  6. Well, Ghost really DOES look expectant! Perhaps looking at the newly decorated Christmas tree?!

  7. Cute photos, Ida! Hope your Christmas preparations go well.

  8. If we don't expect miracles we may miss them completely. Ghost made me smile.too.

  9. Glad to hear you had a nice Thanksgiving. Love that beautiful, snow-covered tree. Cats look so spooky when they are 'stalking' you! Such beautiful eyes. x K

  10. yes I am smiling. what a ghost you have... love it and the quote.

  11. You are so talented! I love both photos, especially Ghost!

  12. That is a very though-provoking quote. It's making me think a lot about both expectancy and miracles. It really speaks to a person's faith. I believe when we're open to miracles, they just might happen....but we need to be careful not to think we're entitled to them. Ghost is adorable! Perfect selection for Awww Monday. Hope your week is going well. xoxoxo

  13. What an adorable photo of "peek a boo"!
    It always feels good when the decorations are up. Our weather has been gorgeous, so we too were able to put the lights up in the sunshine. I'm glad it's done.

    Enjoy the rest of your week~

  14. The kitty did give me a smile! :) And I love the quote!

  15. a great capture of ghost....making me smile for sure!!! the tree is beautiful, is it sprinkled with snow!?!?

  16. Love the hint of color in your photo from the remaining leaves. Cats are so fun and yours is adorable doing his peek a boo. :)

    Peabea@Peabea Photography Patch

  17. Ida,

    We always took our children around town to see the beautiful decorations of Christmas. It never failed to amaze me the dedication some have to putting up a display. There was a home near us with a brilliant showcase but several years ago they retired from the job as the couple aged. I recall one year, I sent them Christmas card thanking them for doing it and the lady returned greetings with a little message that said, they were considering letting that Christmas be their last until they got my card. Little gestures of appreciation shown to others can make a difference. Anyhow, it was fun while it lasted and I'm sure folks in your neighborhood and family enjoy your decorations, too. I love your "Sparks" miracles do come from the least likely places. I do believe in miracles and have witnessed many over the years. It looks like Ghost is seriously thinking about pouncing on you. I remember our cat used to do this just before she sprain into action to attack our legs as we approached. :D Thanks for inspiration and the visit, my friend.

  18. Oh, my gosh. Great quote and awesome picture! Thank you for visiting my humble blog. I really like your banner. Gorgeous! Be well.

  19. Glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Ida! Christmas will be here before we know it! Sweet, sweet picture of Ghost living up to his name, lol! Hope you are having a great week :)

  20. Gosh it's looking festive down your way!. It's turned cold here too. Yesterday we had about five snow flakes in London, which brought the city to a standstill as everyone dashed outside to look!

  21. Love the look on Ghost's face! Nice photo of him...


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