Friday, December 1, 2017

Willy-Nilly Friday Five - December 1, 2017

Welcome - I hope everyone had a good week and for those in the US who celebrated Thanksgiving I hope it was pleasant one.  Ours was quiet but nice.

Hard to believe but Christmas will be here in just 24 days much to do yet.  We have the outside lights up and I'm working on inside decorations this week.  Our tree won't go up for at least a week yet.  We are waiting on a doorway gate to keep the cats out of the room so they won't destroy the tree.

Now let's join Tanya (Around Roanoke) for WILLY-NILLY FRIDAY FIVE.

Click to enlarge photos:

1.  Spotted in a field while out for a drive this past week.

2.  Flowers my youngest brother, (Roger) sent our mom for Thanksgiving.

Aren't they pretty.

3.  Sitting Pretty - Our oldest cat, Miss Dottie

She's been jumping up on shelves, counters & people this week.  Seems she has a new spring to her step. Not bad for an almost 18 year old cat.

4.  Coleen reading (hah, hah) a book for school homework.

5.  Saw this while driving down the street.

Couldn't resist this musical selection this week.

Have a great weekend everyone! - Thanks for stopping by.


  1. I love the flowers and I'm sure your mom did too.

    Aww on the kitty. I linked this post to Feline Friday.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Ida. ♥

  2. yay snoopy, and ha ha on the sleeping beauty reading.... wow on those deer and glad miss dotty is feeling chipper.

  3. That picture of Colleen must have been taken when she closed her eyes for just a second lol

  4. A great selection of photos!
    Love Snoopy and the Red Baron
    Have a wonderful week-end!

  5. My favorite this week is the reading of the homework!!!!!

  6. I've seen one of those airplanes around here too!
    Pretty flowers!

  7. ...reading puts me to sleep too!

  8. I remember the Red Baron! Miss named because of her dot? She does not look that old! Our cat Simba is 13, and this really gives me hope that we will have him a lot longer. Just today I was sad that he was getting so old.

  9. Crazy where the year went! That book must not be a real page turner!

  10. Such pretty flowers and it looks like the container is a reusable bowl? Colleen looks like me when I read--my eyes get heavy and then I'm Dottie sound slike a happy and frisky cat!
    Have a good weekend!

  11. Love your Thanksgiving bouquet! We are beginning to see Christmas lights and inflatable decorations too around the Ranch.

  12. These are some wonderful favorite is the "reader"...:)

  13. Miss Dottie is so pretty. Great shot of all the deer.

  14. Your blog is full of joy. Snoopy looks happy. Wishing you a nice week.

  15. haha colleen looks like she's hard at work...reading does that to me too, no matter how good the book! i love to read though...i get so happy when i see a field of deer like that...the snoopy blow-up is cute..a neighbor has a cute trailor blow-up with santa inside...i will have to try to snap a pic of it if i, your kitty is doing great for her age! amazing! thank you for linking up ida! have a great day :)

  16. I LOVE Snoopy! I just have to see him and I smile...

  17. Nice moments and photos Ida! Cute kitty...
    Fahrenheit 451. I had to read that in school also. It might have put me to sleep then also.
    Read it later (when I didn't have to) and loved it.

  18. I love seeing lots of deer out. We get them on our property a lot... (one time a Mama deer dropped her little fawn on our literal front doorstep. That fawn stayed there for the entire day. I got lots of photos and video of it because the sweet thing was so trusting)... but I really LOVE seeing the bucks with their pretty antlers.

    Your cat is so pretty. I used to have two cats - they each lived to be 20 and 18 - and I remember how every year I'd have to really watch them around our tree. ("Tiger Lily" loved climbing inside the tree, and whenever we'd try to get her down she'd go into she-devil mode with the claws. "Wendy Moira Angela Darling" got into the tree a few times, but usually she enjoyed just sitting beneath it). What Wendy really loved though was tearing up wrapped Christmas presents and jumping inside the tall gift bags that weren't stapled.

    Clearly, cats couldn't care less if they're on Santa's Naughty list. :/


  19. Love the photo of Coleen reading. I've got similar ones of my son similarly immersed in his books.

  20. Sorry to have missed this post on the 1st! I can't believe it's almost mid-December! Your deer look like it could be out's a deer run! Coleen must not have been too vested in her school reading. I love the colors of the flowers and Snoopy's Red Baron alter ego always makes me laugh! Hope all is well in your world.


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