Monday, December 18, 2017


Welcome Friends! - Gosh it's been a few days between posts.  This time of year usually means I'm so busy that I barely have time to breathe much less blog.  I hope you all are having a wonderful Holiday season.

Joining in today for SPARKS

So today I'm doing a little "blogging" because it makes me happy. - Still trying to finish up Christmas shopping so I may be slow visiting but I'll get there eventually.

Have a great week.


  1. This is very true. Well said.

    Have a fabulous day filled with many good Sparks, Ida. ☺

  2. This s a very happy photo! I think we all underestimate the impact of a positive attitude in the workplace....and subsequently, the economy. I hope you spread some positive holiday cheer while shopping. Those store personnel are pretty tired as of now! xoxo

  3. That is a great spark. Good luck finishing your shopping. :)

  4. A great photo! I'm glad blogging makes you happy!

  5. This is adorable. Wishing you and yours a blessed Christmas.

  6. Most excellent Spark! I was contemplating vacuuming before the company arrives this week, or taking tomorrow as a me day (I work full time and have taken this week off to prepare for being inundated) and your spark has reminded me how Happy, Satisfied and Joyous making art makes me!
    I SHALL Paint tomorrow!
    Thank YOU for your Spark!
    Love Barb

  7. What a perfectly festive wintry scene!

  8. Indeed. This is what people do need to rmember. Life gets busy. Thank you, my friend. HUGS!

  9. So important to take care of yourself. It benefits everyone else when you are caring for them.
    For me it's called retirement - Time to care and be caring.

  10. Your nativity scene is gorgeous!!! I hope you have a wonderful and warm Christmas.

  11. Not sure why my comment didn't show up yesterday. Great spark. Good luck finishing shopping!

  12. your photo makes me happy and i love the tree in it... Merry Christmas, glad to see you pop up again

  13. Merry Christmas! Lovely figurines, by the way.

  14. It can get crazy. Thankfully, we're ordering our Christmas dinner for this year. (Ordered BBQ tonight). The shopping is pretty much done, but we've been really late with everything this year.

    That is a CUTE photo by the way.


  15. A very cute display there and it paired with some wise words to live by.
    Have a very Merry Christmas Ida,

  16. Merry Christmas is so quick to get here and over before you know it. hope you had a nice one. such fun. take care. i love seeing folks decor. some are more simple ... others just go silly with so much color. whatever makes you happy. i love it! <3


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