Friday, January 26, 2018

Felines & Willy-Nilly Friday Five

Welcome! - I've been pretty the past couple of weeks so I haven't had much time for blogging.  Today I'm taking time to participate in,


1.  Part of the business of the past 2 weeks.  Back to Back Birthday Celebrations.  - My mom turned 89 on the 18th and Coleen turned 13 on the 19th (Yes we have a teenager in the house now!)

2.  Spotted this Dried Artichoke Bloom growing up through a stump one afternoon.  - I thought it looked pretty cool.

3.  Spotted this display at a local grocery store.

4.  The sun was shining on the neighbors trees the other night (we've had a lot of rain so the sun was a welcome sight) and I really liked the colors of the trees.

5.  Goofing around with our cat, Dottie this morning.

                                           It's,  "Dottie Trump!"

Please no "haters" as this was just meant to be funny.

Have a great day.


  1. Happy Birthday to your mom and Colleen.

    Love the Dr. Pepper displays. Cool.

    Aw on the kitty. So adorable. I love the hair.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday. ♥

  2. ROFL Dottie Trump. Love it. Happy birthday to your mom and Colleen

  3. I have never seen an artichoke bloom! Is it the same kind that we eat? It looks like you have a really busy life! This is such a cool Dr. Pepper super Bowl display. Dottie is so pretty! Very pretty header today, too.

  4. ...first off, your banner is great! Happy Birthday to these two important ladies. The 'Dried Artichoke Bloom' should be framed. I'd like a Dr.Pepper right about now.

  5. Oh, 89! How wonderful. Happy birthday to your mom! And to Coleen, too. Only 13. My goodness, that seems so long ago :)

    Dottie the cat is adorable. But she doesn't look amused...LOL...

  6. Dottie Trump! Heeheehee, that's very funny!

    Somebody at the store got very creative.

  7. Happy birthday to your mom and daughter! Very cute kitty :)

  8. Happy Birthday to you mom and Coleen!
    Great photo's, but the tree's enjoying the sunlight really caught my eye.

  9. Your cat is much prettier than him. I like your list of likes. Join us on Thursdays some time, as we keep a running list of likes for the weekly, "I Like Thursdays" LeeAnna at not afraid of color
    (really cute cat)

  10. Your cat has the glare down (o:
    Happy birthday to everyone!

  11. Really pretty pictures and a nice kitty picture.

  12. Belated happy birthday to the ladies! I like the store display - do you think the folks in the store did it or was it sent from Dr. Pepper? I think your Trump cat is so funny! Have a wonderful weekend!

  13. Happy Birthday to both of them I hope the Dr Pepper men behave themselves if they were invited LOL

    LMAO @ Dottie Trump aww! Dottie doesn't look too pleased LOL

    Have a laughtastic weekend :-)

  14. Hello Ida:) It is funny Ida! he he:=) Nice pics of both Mom And Coleen, and belated Congrats to them both. Cool Store display, and artichoke find, and the trees are indeed very pretty.:)

  15. Dottie seems a tad disdainful of her new hat, lol
    MNL (cactus catz)

  16. dottie made me laugh and i see the resemblance. your photos are excellent, all of them and the joy on your granddaughters face is priceless. i have to tell you this, you have a typo that sent me into wild giggles. i do know you left out the word busy, thanks for the laugh

    Welcome! - I've been pretty the past couple of weeks so I haven't had much time for blogging.

  17. i am always amazed by the drink folks signs and designs ... very cool and so so creative!! ( ;

  18. Happy Birthday to your beautiful mother and sweet daughter! Love that dried bloom...very artistic! Would be nice printed out and framed! Happy weekend!

  19. Great blog. I'm still wondering who thought up that Dr. Pepper display ... then figured out how to make it.

  20. Hee hee, Dottie Trump made us giggle! Happy Birthday to the birthday girls!

  21. Happy Birthday to your mom and Colleen :)

    Hello, Dottie!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  22. Super photos, as always, Ida! I love the dried artichoke blossom on the tree stump.
    Happy birthday to your Mum and Colleen! The birthday candle photos were lovely.

  23. Love the Dr Pepper display!! That took some real skill! WOW! Cute cat! How did you get her to pose? Wishing you well!

  24. Great birthday celebrations of all ages, lol ! that's wonderful !

  25. Happy B-day to your family members! Loved the Dr Pepper display.

  26. I'm not sure Dottie is impressed with her new hairdo. Great pictures and love that display for Dr Pepper.
    Hope your mom and daughter enjoyed their birthday celebrations.
    Have a lovely week.

  27. Oh, "Dottie Trump" photo cracked me up! You so ought to share this on Twitter with hashtag #POTUS. I bet the Prez would get a kick out of it. :D Happy belated birthday to your mother and daughter. Teenage daughters can drive you nuts. Oh the mood swings! I'm saying special prayers for you right now. lol Thanks for visiting and have a wonderful week!

  28. I've a new website: Comedy Plus

    Have a great day. ☺

  29. Great series of photos. Happy birthday to the two young ladies!!!

  30. January birthdays are the best!! Congrats to your mom for being 89 years young! And to Colleen for officially becoming a teenager. :-) I love the artichoke looks like a fallen star. Dottie Trump made me giggle.

  31. Dottie Trump!! 😂 happy Birthday to the birthday girls! That Dr Pepper exhibit is cool! Thanks for linking Ida!

  32. Happy belated birthday to both your mom and to Colleen! Time flies by so quickly. Have a blessed week!

  33. All great photos! I really like the cat, and the Dr. Pepper people.


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