Friday, January 12, 2018

Willy Nilly Friday Five and Friendly Fill-Ins


It's time for some Friday Fun.  Joining Friendly Fill-Ins & Willy-Nilly Friday Five today.  Scroll down for WNFF.

Let's start out with FRIENDLY FILL-INS hosted by Annie on McGuffy's Reader.

Here are the questions:

1. I would like to ask                   why                         ?

2. My favorite fast food restaurant is                          .

3. If I could go to any concert of someone still performing, it would be                        . 

4. My Winter pastime is usually                           , because                        .
My answers:
1.  I would like to ask people in general why they feel the need to post such negative stuff on Social Media all the time.  I don't know about you but I'm so tired of reading their complaints that I could scream. 
2. My favorite fast food restaurant is McDonalds, Mainly because I like their Salads & Fries.
3. If I could go to any concert of someone still performing, it would be Neil Diamond.
4.  My Winter pastime is usually Reading, because I don't have to go outside to do it.
1.  Our cats got a new Christmas Present with this awesome cat tree.  Here you can see 3 of them checking it all out.  We've moved it into the living room now that the Christmas tree is down.  Here it was in the corner of the dining room.
2.  Spotted the snow on the telphone line in December and thought it looked pretty cool.  - I went outside later and the same snow plopped on the ground right before I walked under the wire. missed me.
3.  Just a squirrel on the fence enjoying the peanuts I leave out for them.

4.  Another "forgotten" photo that I meant to share but never did.

Faded and peeling paint on a fence.
5.  An "Abstract" black and white shot I took last year.
It's a bench and shadows.
That's it for me this week. - Hope you've enjoyed your visit.


  1. I love the kitties playing. I linked this post to Feline Friday.

    Love all your answers. McDonald's fries are the very best.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Ida. ♥

  2. Looks like the cats are enjoying their present. Lovely snow on the line. Nature makes the most perfect patterns.

  3. The squirrel shot is great! Have a great weekend.

  4. Your cats are really enjoying their new tree. And I'm sure you are, too. Half the fun is watching THEM have fun. I have never seen snow on a wire like this! I wonder what made it do this? It is like a corkscrew. The squirrel looks like he is praying thanks!

  5. Very cool pictures there! I love the telephone line one and the one of the wood. I love pictures like these. My favorite fast food is FRISCHES, up north. Oh MERCY I love their Big Boys and onion rings, the best! On a recent trip up north, we ate there almost every day. We dont have them down here in the South. They used to have amazing chocolate pie as well, but I didnt try that this trip. Your kitties are so cute, they seem very playful, are they youngsters?

  6. I love the photo of your kitties, they are all cuties. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I know what you mean about #1 which is why I try to avoid Facebook. It would be nice to see Neil Diamond in concert. Have a great weekend!

  7. I always love your photos! Excellent captures!
    I agree with #1. That is one of the reasons that I started Sparks. I seek the positive and want to be part of it! Hugs!

  8. I totally agree with you about negativity on social media. I notice that they always get a ton of comments though. I can only assume that they are out to get attention and people give it to them so they keep at it.

  9. LOVE that fat squirrel and your forgotten photo is really good, i love old wood and peeling paint. your number 1 question fill in, is one i ask myself all the time. drives me nuts to. Culvers is my favorite because i love burgers and theirs are so juicy and real burger.

  10. #1 I need to get our tree down
    #2 I've never seen it spiral like that
    #3 great squirrel shot
    #4 what is it about flakey paint
    #5 glad for the explanation, I couldn't figure it out

  11. That photo of the squirrel is precious. That's a great shot.

    Speaking of cat towers, for years I wanted my cat to have one. I wanted her to have a really nice one, but those were expensive so I waited for a long time to get one. I finally got one for her by asking for one as my birthday present. (Yes, a birthday present for me was actually for my cat. lol!) I was so excited and I just knew she would love it, but NOT ONCE did that cat use it. She had this really fancy, high-end cat tower but nope... she preferred to just play inside cardboard boxes and the like. (Typical).

    You're lucky to have cats. (Our two cats were a mother-daughter that didn't exactly get along, but when they had babies at the same time once - before they were both spayed - they actually swapped kittens. lol! They lived to be 20 and 18 years old). I miss having them around, but we've decided not to get any more pets. Whenever I feel the tug of getting another cat anyway, I just remind myself of the litter box. :/


  12. I loved seeing your photos today. I see that you like Neil Diamond. I got to go to his concert in Atlanta in 1970. Wow that was a while ago!

  13. Loved reading all...the fill-ins were fun. I liked the old faded, peeling paint and the B&W photo.

  14. Good morning Ida! Just getting around to visiting some of my dear blogging friends this morning, and so happy to stop by and see what's been happening in your world! I love your new header, what fun! Great shots too that you shared, I really love the shadowed bench, it has a very interesting perspective! It has been rainy here and slushy, but we are hoping to see the sun today! Love your cat tree, it sure looks like hours of entertainment going on :) Hugs to you today!

  15. The snow on the wire is really amazing! All your cats look very happy with their nice present. x Karen

  16. A cute squirrel and interesting abstract image. You had a good eye to see the beauty in the peeling paint! Yet the snow spiral on the wire steals the show!

  17. Super photos, Ida. I love the snow on the line. It looks like someone made it out of fondant icing. And your cat tree is amazing. Lucky kitties!

  18. That is really neat snow on the phone line!
    I wonder the same thing about social media, and I find myself spending less and less time there because of the rudeness and negativity.
    Hope 2018 is off to a great start for you and your family!

  19. i would answer the first question in exactly the same way.

    i LOVE taco bell, but please don't tell anyone. mcdonalds is second, always a big mac!!!

    and bruce springsteen my very most favorite!!!!!

    your other pics are very cool!!!


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