Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Book Review - Street Freaks by Terry Brooks

Today I'm reviewing the upcoming novel,  Street Freaks by Terry Brooks.

 The book is available HERE for pre-order.  I received a ARC in exchange for my honest review. - Let me first say I have long been a Fan of Terry Brooks fantasy novels so I was super excited to read his new book, Street Freaks. - This book however is a Sci-Fi book and I wasn't exactly sure if I would enjoy a departure from his Fantasy series.

Overview from Amazon: 

It begins with a dire call-right before his father disappears and his skyscraper home's doors explode inward. It is the kind of thrilling futuristic story only Terry Brooks can tell.

"Go into the Red Zone. Go to Street Freaks." his father directs Ashton Collins before the vid feed goes suddenly silent. The Red Zone is the dangerous heart of the mega-city of Los Angeles; it is a world Ash is forbidden from and one he knows little about. But if he can find Street Freaks, the strangest of aid awaits-human and barely human alike. As Ash is hunted, he must unravel the mystery left behind by his father and discover his role in this new world.

My thoughts:  Right from the start I got caught up in this book and wanted to keep reading and reading until I finished it.  I had to force myself to put it down and get some sleep.

The main character, Ash is a 17 year old teenager who suddenly finds his home broken into and fearing for his life he barely manages to escape and from there he sets out to find, Street Freaks.  When he does he is at first astounded by the other kids he meets who are known as, "Street Freaks" because each of them has some modification known as "tweeking" that sets them apart from normal teenagers.  They run a business of building fantastic racing machines and even racing them.   Ash finds himself to be in grave danger but he isn't entirely sure who is pursuing him and what they want him for.  He soon becomes a part of the Street Freaks and together they discover his secrets and why he is being hunted.

For some reason this book reminded me a little of Blade Runner and also Mad Max all rolled into one but in a unique way that made me root for the Street Freaks and kept me on the edge of my seat so to speak until I finished the last page.

Which I might add gave "hint" to the possibility of a sequel which I would certainly enjoy reading if that happens. 

I would give this book 5 Stars because it just was a super fun and faced pace read that kept you guessing as to how it would all end.

Thank you Terry Brooks and Net Galley for the opportunity to read and review this book.


  1. I haven't heard of this, but it sounds really different!

  2. sounds interesting love from Europe

  3. I love books that can make you keep reading. I've never been a fan of sci-fi though.

  4. Sounds like a great read. I love when there is a hint of a sequal!

  5. I love things that blow up, so the thing about the doors is intrigueing right a way


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