Friday, July 20, 2018

Willy-Nilly Friday Five and Feline Friday


Joining in today for Willy-Nilly Friday Five hosted by Tom,
(The Backroads Traveller) and  Feline Friday hosted by Sandee, (Comedy Plus).

Let's get started on WILLY-NILLY FRIDAY FIVE


We took a drive this week up Tollgate to the lake where my hubby is doing some work on a cabin up there.  Today's photos are from that trip.
1.  First up, a view of the Blue Mountains from the E.J. Haney Viewpoint.  Notice the crows in the trees on the right.

2.  We stopped at the Tollgate Store to get some snacks and outside the store was this (weird) metal sculpture.

It's a badger catching salmon.  After researching I'm not sure if this was a Bear or a Wolverine but it's not a Badger as they are much cuter that that.   It looks really ferocious and scary.

3.  One of the fancier cabins on the lake.

You have to be a member to use the lake and there is a gate with a code that you need to get inside as people actually live there year round.

4. We didn't see any deer on the way up (except for some horses which I made the mistake of saying, "Look at those big deer" before I realized they were horses) now I'll never live that one down.  Yes I do know the difference! - Anyway while we were looking at the lake this lovely deer was just walking by and munching on grass.

It seemed almost "tame" and hubby says it's there almost everyday.

5.  Some pretty wildflowers growing by a post on the ground.

6.  Can't leave hubby out since he's the reason we took the drive.  Here he is hard at work.

7.  On our way out we spotted this little family happily swimming on the lake.  I'm not sure what kind of birds these were but I'm "guessing" perhaps some type of a Loon.

All in all a very pleasant drive up and back.


Today we have, Speedy G just lounging around.  I love how he lays with his paws spread out in front like that.  He has to sometimes because he has such a big fat belly...see the next shot.

 We call him,  "Sumo Kitty" because of that belly!

He has such a sweet little face that I just couldn't resist sharing this shot too.

Leaving you today with a lovely musical selection to enjoy

One of my favorite songs by the Eagles....I hope we all have a Peaceful Easy feeling type of weekend. 

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Oh the blue mountains are beautiful. Wow. I'd love to explore there.

    Speedy G is a very handsome mancat. I see you feed him well.

    I love that Eagles song too. Nice choice. I wish the same for you.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday, Speedy G. My best to your peeps. ♥

  2. Beautiful view! I don't think I've ever seen a badger, so I thought it was an odd looking sculpture of a bear. Why is it when we make some silly wrong comment someone is always there to hear and not let you live it down? Happens to me often. Have a wonderful weekend.

  3. Speedy G. is beautiful! He looks about the size of our Simba, who seems to be getting plumper every day. I think you are right! The birds do look like Loons! I am a birdwatcher, but have never seen a real Loon. Their calls are haunting. The sculpture is very creative! But I would never have thought it is a badger! It reminds me more of a Tasmanian Devil. The lake and cabins are gorgeous! So you are both members? How wonderful! How often do you go? Your blue mountains remind me of ours, are they? We live at the foot of the Blue Ridge Mountains.

  4. ...God's country!
    ...high rent district.
    ...par of the lawn mowing crew?
    ...can't leave him out, for sure.
    ...neat swimming lesson.
    ...pretty kitty.
    ...nice taste in music.
    Thanks Ida for the visit, enjoy your weekend and please come again. 😀

  5. Great photos. Especially, Speedy G.

  6. I love that lakeside cabin, I could do some serious relaxing there! Sppedy G look like a cool one!!!

  7. Speedy G is a big boy. I think he may not be as speedy as he used to be!

  8. Well, that is one healthy cat I'd say! Maybe he needs to come walking with me when I take Charlie for a walk... hmmmm on second thought... maybe not... Speedy G is probably better to be a leader of the pack! hehehe~ Thank you for stopping by, and for sharing your wonderful photos~!!! Have a great weekend.

  9. The mountains and lake are gorgeous. What a magnificent cabin! More like a year-round house, isn't it?

  10. I've always liked Eagles. I had several of their albums back in the day. Speedy G is a very handsome guy.
    That cabin is really nice. It would be nice to live right there on the lake like that.

  11. summo kitty has me giggling and his face is just gorgeous...great shot of working hubby, he reminds me so much of mine. gorgeous place to live or visit for a few hours. you get access even though you don't live there. woo hoo...

  12. Great work, It such an amazing clicks.

  13. Love the nickname "sumo kitty". He is a very handsome cat and his sense of dignity comes across in the photos

  14. oh Ida, how good to see you again! I love the scenery but Suumo Kitty is my absolute favorite. Take care. Jo

  15. What a lovely day trip for you to take with your husband! Looks like a lovely little lake to live on! What a sweet boy Speedy is, I just love cats with all their silly positions! So good to visit with you, and glad to hear you are enjoying summer :) Hugs and blessings!

  16. wow, what a view!! gorgeous captures today...especially of the kitty cats. that cabin is gorgeous, i would not mind living there!!!

  17. Peaceful Easy feeling...ah yes! Love the views in your photos! And what an interesting sculpture, too. Beautiful post. Sweet kitty as well. Have a great week!

  18. What lovely photoe I enjoyed them :-)

    Speedy G looking very handsome and proud of himself heheh!

    Have a tanfastical weekend :-)

  19. Here via Sandee's site. Very nice photos, but especially liked the ones of your kitty, Speedy G. He reminds me of my "speedy" cats who have the "sumo" bellies. What's a cat parent to do when they act like they're starving every day? If overfeeding is a crime, then I'm guilty.

  20. Beautiful post and great music....thank you!

  21. What a beautiful and majestic feline ~ awesome photos!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  22. That sculpture is strange. ~nods~ Lovely photos. What a doll of a cat! Thank you for sharing.

  23. Oh, how I love that song!!! And your "Sumo Kitty" is ever so sweet. I hope you are enjoying your summer Ida,

    Have a great week,

  24. What a pretty place to visit. I'm sure your hubby likes working there.

  25. Great fotos. Speedy G looks gawjus. Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  26. That sculpture is definitely unique! I always love seeing your scenery photos. You live in such a beautiful area.


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