Monday, September 10, 2018

Gottcha Day

Today is Caramel Honeybun's "Gottcha Day." 

But before I share her photos.  Last month was,  Pepper's "Gottcha Day" and I forgot to post her picture so here goes:

That's Pepper when we first got her in August of 2015.  She was a kitten that someone had "dumped" and left to fend for herself until we mananged to catch her and bring her inside.  She adopted Coleen as her "person" but we all lover her very much.

Her she is today: This is a (Composite) shot I took of her yesterday.
Here she is with Coleen:

Now here is Caramel's photos:

Caramel as a kitten.  Look at those big ears and all that "kitten fuzz."
Here she is today:
She's grown into a beautiful cat.
Just for fun...
Happy "Gottcha Day" to Caramel and Pepper.  They are certainly well loved and keep us entertained.


  1. Such cuties. Happy Gotcha Day Caramel and Happy Belated Gotcha Day Pepper. !

  2. These are all gorgeous shots, especially your composite. Your kitties are so beautiful, and are so lucky to have a home with you.

  3. Happy gotcha day to both of them. Adorable as kittens and beautiful as adults

  4. Awwwwww. Sweet treats, doubly!

    We adopted Isaiah this past June & love him to bits. A Lynx point Siamese. And I just know he'd get along with Pepper & Caramel!!

  5. they are both beautiful and I love that composite photo. really love it.. they both grew into gorgeous adults. happy gotcha day to both of them

  6. Cute kitties..I bet they are great company!! Enjoy your week..

  7. So, so, so cute, my friend! I love the name "Caramel."

    Hugs to you!

  8. Such a cute posting!
    I love your love for animals and wished more people were like you.

    Sweet babies!

  9. Those are adorable kitties that are beautiful felines today! Love the last shot. It made me giggle!! xoxo

  10. Such good looking cats. Happy Gotcha day to both of you. Great pictures. Have a good week.

  11. Happy Happy Gotcha Day to BOTH of those adorable cuties!! (((hugs)))

  12. Happy happy Gotcha Day kitties. You both are so beautiful.

    Emma and Buster

  13. oh those kittens are so cute and i LOVE colleens hair, it looks adorable!!!

  14. Happy Gotcha Day to both Caramel and Pepper. You both are such beautiful looking kitties. You both look so happy in your furever home. Thanks for sharing the both of your big days with us. Enjoy with plenty of delicious treats and head rubs.
    World of Animals


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