Friday, September 14, 2018

Willy Nilly Friday Five and 1000 Posts

Welcome! - Today is a "milestone" day for this blog.  This is my 1000th Post.  I started this blog back in September of 2007.  My first real post was this one:  featuring a Tortellini recipe.

Alot has changed since then but I'm still blogging (when I can) and enjoying sharing with those of you who continue to follow my blog. 


1.  Wild Elderberries. - Now I've heard of people making Elderberry Wine but I've never tried it.

Found this website with several recipes to use Elderberries with.  Maybe I should give them a try sometime.

2.  Spotted this while out on a drive one afternoon:

Zebra or Horse or perhaps Zeborse!  Also there seems to be a photo bomber peeking over the top of this critter.
3.  Last weeks 52 Frame shot (Texture - was the theme)  - This is Eliza a handmade doll that Coleen made all by herself.  She's such a creative person.  I hesitate to call her a child anymore since she's 13 now.

This weeks theme was (Beautiful Chaos) and here is the photo I used:

4.  Another view of wheat fields after harvest.  That machine looks so tiny but I was high up on Scenic Loop shooting down into the valley.

5.  Creepy Crawly....This weeks Black and White Shot.

Featured Cat of the week:  Ghost  -  Isn't he a handsome cat.


Musical Selection:

Here's to 1000 More Posts!


  1. Congratulations, Ida! I love your photos. God Bless You

  2. That horse blanket is a hoot! :-) Loved the music and the other shots, especially the wheat field. But, have to comment on the elderberries. I want to get a bush, but realize I will have to have two bushes, because you get a male and female. Want them to make jellies and cordials (especially for warding off colds and flu!) and maybe use them in elderberry muffins, or whatever. They are beautiful and so good for you! Did you plant yours? How long did you have it before it started bearing fruit?

  3. I meant to tell you I love your creative header! Happy Blogversary!

  4. ghost is really beautiful, love his color.... two creepy crawlies, looks like the big one found his next meal... I looked at your first post, and see you had two comments, my first was in 08 and had 2... life has truly changed a lot since we started on the blogs.

  5. First I love your new fall look. It's wonderful.

    Congratulations on 1,000 posts. That rocks.

    Love the kitty. Ghost is indeed a handsome cat.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. ♥

  6. ...first off you header images is GREAT!
    ...I've make elderberry jelly and have had elderberry pie. The seeds are too big for me.
    ...what a hoot that hybrid is. of my granddaughters is 14 going on 24.
    ...a yummy color explosion.
    ...lovely agricultural art.
    ...I'm not a spider fan.
    ...does he ever smile?
    ...going back are we?
    Thanks Ida for stopping by, enjoy your week.


  7. Ghost is beautiful, I have never seen a cat that looks quite like this. Your header is gorgeous! How did you do it? You have sure been blogging for a long time! Happy anniversary, and many more! I love your Elderberry photo, they are beautiful. I did not know what they look like. The doll is wonderful! Perfect work. I could not make one like this. And another gorgeous field picture; so patterned and immense!

  8. Congrats on post 1000!
    Love the texture shot!

  9. Congratulations on your 1000 post.
    I had no idea how many posts I've posted so just went and looked. 3236 was just posted a little while ago. I started blogging in April of 08.

  10. Ghost is a cutie. My hubby made elderberry wine a few years ago and he said it wasn't worth the effort. You need to get each one off the stem and they leave an awful residue on everything.

  11. You have some great shots here. The wheat field is a beautiful one.

  12. Congratulations! That is a lot of blogs with a lot of work.

  13. Congratulations on hitting 1,000! Hope you have many, many more.

    Ghost looks like a beatiful feline.

  14. Ghost is gorgeous! so are your other photos! Have a lovely weekend!

  15. Congrats on your 1000th post! Love the "zebra" and the doll!

  16. Congratulations, Ida! I'm glad to know you. I loved the colorful "jelly beans" shot, I love the spider and the wheat field is my absolute favorite!

  17. Congrats on 1000 posts. Not many of us still doing this.

  18. Congratulations on 1000 posts. Ghost is such a pretty cat. Love the doll Colleen made.

  19. What an interesting collection of photos!
    Love the zebra-horse!
    We have elderberries here - just wild in the woods, but I have never used them for anything. Though of course I have heard of elderberry wine, but never tasted it
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  20. All lovely especially love #3 with the doll!

  21. Congratulations!! One thousand posts is quite an accomplishment. I love the term Zeborse and it perfectly describes your photo. Beautiful Chaos is my favorite (unlike the organized chaos of my life). Love the handmade doll! I prefer my wine of the Malbac grape variety! And, ghost is a most handsome kitty. xoxo

  22. Congratulations on 1000 posts! I am about to celebrate 100 and that feels good … Ghost is a cutie, but I might have called him Chocolate … what a lovely color!

  23. Lovely capture and the voodoo doll is really awesome .

  24. 1000 posts! Wow! That's sticktoitiveness! I've moved you over to my stamping category so I'll remember to visit. I could kick myself that I keep forgetting. This summer has been especially busy, but I aim to do better. I've always loved your photographs. Quite a line up you have here. You find the most interesting things to photograph. The zebra horse cracks me up! Ghost is truly beautiful, and Coleen is growing into quite a talented young lady in her own right.


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