Friday, October 19, 2018

Willy Nilly Friday Five

Hello! - Well it's been a couple of weeks again since I've posted but I'm back today to join Tom (The Backroads Traveller) for:

1.  This past week I took my granddaughter and her friend to the local Corn Maze. - Didn't get any pictures because we went at night but though you might enjoy this little video of this years maze.   Click on the link:

It was a lot of fun.  We had to ask for a couple of hints to get out but for the most part we did the maze on our own.  Took us about an hour to get in and back out.

2. Coleen is really into Skeletons this year and I spotted this on the Whitman College Campus so I decided to take her to see it.  After we got there though she informed me that she'd already seen it on a field trip to the campus, bummer!  Still it made for a great photo to share.  They do have some "strange" art work on the campus.

 3. This weeks Black and White Shot and a colored version as well.

4. Some Halloween fun spotted out and about.

5.  Fall is still in glorious color.  I liked the way the sun was shining on this tree and the leaves on top of the roof.

6.  Spotted this on a drive this morning.

7.  It's Balloon Stampede Week here in town.  So far this is my favorite shot that I've taken of the balloons.  More to come in another post.

  So in honor of our Balloon Stampede I'm leaving you with this musical selection.

Have a great weekend.


  1. Love the campus artwork. Cool.

    Up Up and Away. Great. I've not heard that in years.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥

  2. ...I get lost easily and can't bring myself to pay money for the opportunity to get lost!
    ...looks like you have up your game, Grandma.
    ...I like them both.
    ...people decorate for Halloween like they do for Christmas.'s hard to beat red!
    ...Jack and the beanstalk's friend?
    ...neat shot and neat tune!
    Thanks Ida for stopping by enjoy your weekend.

  3. Great photos!
    Those red leaves are gorgeous, and I agree with you, quite nice on the roof top.
    Your musical is perfect for that hot air balloon. :}

    Have a great weekend ♡

  4. Great photos. I love all things Halloween and fall.

  5. Oh my goodness! Your shot of the balloon and moon is stunning!!! What a capture! I love the college skull artwork. The red tree and leaves on the roof are gorgeous!! You have a whole lot more fall there than we do! Ours has been postponed till the end of the month apparently. Beautiful header!

  6. love the fence with gourd on it. I think it is a gourd. that is really wild, the art skeleton I mean. and the witches look really happy, makes me wonder what is the that pot. ha ha

  7. What a blast from the past. I haven't heard that song in a long time.
    Love the fall color, we don't have much here yet. That's a pretty strong vine to hold that pumpkin

  8. what a blast fromt he past. I haven't heard that song in a long time.
    Love the fall color, we don't have much around here yet. That is a strong vine to hold that pumpkin up.

  9. OK..that balloon is awesome! Love the carved skeleton! And the leaves are so beautiful! Glad to see you on here again!

  10. The balloon shot with the half moon is great!

  11. Number five and six are my favorites. Any idea what kind of gourd/pumpkin that is in shot 6?

  12. autumn...fall...halloween, all beautifully represented.i adore the picture of the hot air balloon!!!


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