Friday, October 5, 2018

Willy-Nilly Friday Five - October 5, 2018

Welcome - Yes,  I'm still alive. - The last couple of weeks though I wondered about that. - Caught a bad cold that turned into that nasty, hacky cough and just didn't feel up to much at all.

Anyway here I am today joining Tom (The Backroads Traveller) for:

1.  One evening a about a week ago Coleen came inside and told me to grab my camera quick and come outside.  She spotted this on one of my Azaleas bushes.  We took it off the bush so I could get some photographs.  The darn thing was nearly 3 inches long.  After doing some research we discovered this is the caterpillar of the White-Lined Sphinx Moth  If you click on the link you can see the moth and the caterpillar which comes in two colors.  Green and Black like the one we found.

2.  Hubby had a fall about a week and a half ago.  Slipped on some scaffolding and did this to his knee.  -  It's healed up now but it looked pretty gross when it happened.

3.   Two of my entries for the 52 Frames Photography Group I participate in.  The first one was for the theme: Five and the next one was Inspired by a photograph.  - Lately I've been having fun with humorous photography as you can see from these shots.  I hope you find them amusing.

4.  I've also spotted some interesting things on cars/vehicles lately.

Took this one because Coleen likes anything that has skulls on it.
Spotted this next one in the parking lot at the grocery store.

5.  Fall is in the air.  Spotted this beautiful bunch of trees while out on a drive yesterday.

6. Bonus shadow shot.  Some flowers in my moms garden.  I though it looked like there was a little bird sitting on a branch in the pattern of the shadow.

That's it for today.  - Thanks for stopping by.  Have a great weekend.
 In honor of the arrival of Autumn in the US your musical selection today is:  Leaves that are Green.


  1. What a splendid blog today! And your header is gorgeous! I am so sorry that you and your husband have both been the walking wounded. I am guessing he did not fall completely off the scaffolding. What a blessing that he was not hurt even worse. I love your pictures of five. A cute colorful caterpillar, to match the Sphinx moth caterpillar. The Sphinx looks like it had gold dust on it. And there are five things on the plate, too. The row of trees is gorgeous, and I CAN see the little bird on a wire. Welcome back!!

  2. Your 52F shots have been so good!

  3. ...I hope that you are felling better. sure will look better later in its life.
    ...I like the 'piggy breakfast.'
    ...Coleen likes anything that has skulls on it, like hope that she outgrows it.
    ...I'm in the mountains and the color is fabulous, rain is on the way.
    ...nice and shadowy.
    ...a favorite!
    Thanks Ida for stopping by, please come again.

  4. These are fun shots except the knee- ouch!

  5. what is up with the skull thing, they are everywhere and my 51 year old son collects all things skull.. your humours photos are wonderful and that live caterpillar is amazing and I do like the one in the link. have never seen one of that moth. would like to. all of your photos are beautiful. glad hubby is healing and you are back to blogging. the illness you describe is the one I really hate to get

  6. Love all your photos. The humorous ones are fantastic. I can't believe how much fall color you have. Everything here is still pretty green. That shadow does look like a bird on a branch.

  7. Love your banner photo! Those autumn trees are gorgeous. And I'm enjoying the Simon/Garfunkel song too.

  8. I too love your header. It's beautiful.

    Great shots except for the knee. Glad that's better.

    Have a fabulous weekend. ♥

  9. Those trees are gorgeous, Ida, and I like the shadow shot. Love how you always look for the little things. Pretty sure I've seen that moth here. Interesting! They're oftentimes as beautiful as the butterflies.

  10. Cute breakfast plate!
    And, wow... You have some beautiful fall color. We haven't seen that much yet, but are going to go for a drive tomorrow and see if we can find some.

  11. The shadow shot is particularly beautiful. I thought there was a bird on it at first glance too. I wonder how long it took to paint the flowers on that car, or perhaps there are decals for that kind of decoration....

  12. A terrific collection for Willy Nilly Friday. I loved the piggy photo - very clever. And the shadow shot is also fascinating - I do need to pay more attention to shadows!! Enjoy your week ahead (and glad both of you are recovering).

  13. hi nice to see you today!! we have taken several trips in the past 6 weeks, so i have been very scattered recently myself, but luckily, not sick!!

    i had several favorites in this series...the egg picture was by far the best, i love doing stuff like that with food!! your fall colors are amazing, we have none....and i do not think i would drive that car BUT i did like it!! the shadow shot - very creative!!!

  14. Yuck, I got a hacky, bronchial thing last winter that stayed for almost 6 weeks! Hope everyone is feeling better. Love the whimsical shots you posted. They made me smile. We have sphinx moths here, but I've never seen one of their caterpillars. Very interesting. And Coleen may like all things skulls.....I prefer the flowers on the car! Looks like you're enjoying the colors of Autumn. xoxo


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