Friday, January 25, 2019

In Memory of Ghost (Photo Heavy)

This is the story of our Ghost kitty.  Sadly we lost him this past Monday due to  undetermined natural causes.  Ghost started out belonging to a different family.  You'll learn how he came to be ours if you continue reading his story.

Here I am with my mom and my brothers and sister.  I'm the little gray kitten. - Fluffy was my mom.  One of my brothers and my sister went to different homes. 

Here I am at about 2 months.  I loved to explore and was visiting the neighbors (that's us).

This is me hanging out with my brother Fred.  Sadly Fred was hit by a car shortly after this photo was taken.

The neighbors were good to me and left food out and cozy place to take naps.

I liked to explore though and you could often find me sitting on fences or climbing roof tops.


Sometimes I even tried Pole Climbing in hopes of catching a squirrel.

I visited with friends on the neighbors front porch

I chased toys
I climbed trees and sat next to them as well.

I also visited my other kitty friend, Eric that the neighbors helped take care outside too.  Sadly he too got hit and killed by a car.
It wasn't a very safe world outside living on a busy street.

As time went on my owners would often forget to feed me and when the weather got bad I was left outside in the cold.  The nice neighbors decided to take me inside and finally they just adopted me.  When they took me in I had a very bad flea infestation and tape worms so they took me to the Vet and got me all fixed up.

I had a good life living inside with them.   I couldn't always be out though since I was very territorial and sometimes beat up their other cats.  So I had a room of my own and they gave me a nice bed, a climbing post, food, water & would let me out sometimes when the other kitties were in a different room so I could explore the house and get petted.

I loved  the chair with the fuzzy blanket.

Or sitting on the mantel or coffee table.

One year I even layed down under the Christmas tree.

I got to explore the perch of the other cats

While my life wasn't ideal since I had to be isolated so much I was loved and my people are very sad that I had to leave them so soon.

Please know that I am in peace now and am running free over the Rainbow Bridge.

                                        Rest in Peace - Ghost Buster
                                     May 11/ 2013 - January 21/ 2019

Monday, January 21, 2019

Sad News

It is with a very sad heart that I have to say we lost our sweet Ghost kitty tonight. - I'm not entirely sure what happened.  I went up to his room to let him out and found him dead in the litter box.  My heart is broken right now.  I just wanted to let you all know.  I'll post a better memorial later this week.


Friday, January 4, 2019

Willy Nilly Friday Five and a Tribute


Well it's another "New Year" and I hope to be able to blog more this year and visit blogs more (no guarantees though).  Most of you know that my mom has Dementia now and looking after her can sometimes really cut into my personal time so if I'm not on the computer much you'll know why.

Anyway today I'm joining Tom (The Backroads Traveller) for:

1.  This Hawk has been hanging around a lot this winter. 

2.  Spotted this little Tire Snowman Family and had to get a picture

 3.  Christmas Breakfast - Yum!

 4.  Party Girls on New Years Eve

 5.  Frost on the table that our Christmas train sat on.

 6.  Bonus Cuteness:  Speedy G relaxing on the bed.

Today marks the anniversary of my dad's passing 21 years ago. 

 He was such a fun dad.  This is him and his little dog Rosie, who has been gone now for about 18 years. 

I miss him still although the pain has lessened over the years to where it doesn't hurt quite as much and I know he's in a much better place.

Flowers for his grave today.

Love you always Dad.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Book Review - One Taste Too Many

Today I am reviewing:  One Taste Too Many by
Debra H. Goldstein.

This is the 1st book in a new series (The Sarah Blair Mystery series).  I love being able to get in on the start of a new series of books.  What caught my attention on this book besides the adorable cat on the cover was the fact that the book was also based on culinary stuff.  I'm a huge fan of cooking shows and cats so this seemed right up my alley.

Here is an excerpt of what the book is about from Amazon:

For culinary challenged Sarah Blair, there’s only one thing scarier than cooking from scratch—murder!
Married at eighteen, divorced at twenty‑eight, Sarah Blair reluctantly swaps her luxury lifestyle for a cramped studio apartment and a law firm receptionist job in the tired hometown she never left. With nothing much to show for the last decade but her feisty Siamese cat, RahRah, and some clumsy domestic skills, she’s the polar opposite of her bubbly twin, Emily—an ambitious chef determined to take her culinary ambitions to the top at a local gourmet restaurant . . .

Sarah knew starting over would be messy. But things fall apart completely when her ex drops dead, seemingly poisoned by Emily’s award-winning rhubarb crisp. Now, with RahRah wanted by the woman who broke up her marriage and Emily wanted by the police for murder, Sarah needs to figure out the right recipe to crack the case before time runs out. Unfortunately, for a gal whose idea of good china is floral paper plates, catching the real killer and living to tell about it could mean facing a fate worse than death—being in the kitchen!

You can purchase this book HERE (click on link)

My thoughts on the book:  I really enjoyed this book a lot.  It was fun that there was a cat in the story and was actually a featured part of the story. 

The main character, Sarah works for a law firm but suddenly finds herself involved in a murder mystery when her ex-husband dies from apparent poisoning and her twin sister, Emily is the prime suspect in the murder. Sarah ends up helping her sister out in a Culinary show even though she is totally inept at cooking. 

I felt that the book moved smoothly and that the author was very descriptive (which I like) so that you could easily follow the characters and the plot without being confused and yet still wondering who the actual murderer was until the end of the book.

There were even recipes included at the end of the book which makes if more fun especially if you like to cook.

I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a good clean murder mystery.  If you are looking for high suspense or a thriller then this wouldn't be the book for you.  It is however a fun read and I can't wait for the next book in the series to come out.

I received an advance e-book from Net Galley for my honest opinion of this book.  I would give this book 4 Stars.


Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy 2019 Everyone

Welcoming in another New Year!

We wish you all a very Happy 2019!
Ida, Mike, Greta, Coleen and Helen (Coleen's best friend).
May the New Year bring you much joy and happiness.