Thursday, January 3, 2019

Book Review - One Taste Too Many

Today I am reviewing:  One Taste Too Many by
Debra H. Goldstein.

This is the 1st book in a new series (The Sarah Blair Mystery series).  I love being able to get in on the start of a new series of books.  What caught my attention on this book besides the adorable cat on the cover was the fact that the book was also based on culinary stuff.  I'm a huge fan of cooking shows and cats so this seemed right up my alley.

Here is an excerpt of what the book is about from Amazon:

For culinary challenged Sarah Blair, there’s only one thing scarier than cooking from scratch—murder!
Married at eighteen, divorced at twenty‑eight, Sarah Blair reluctantly swaps her luxury lifestyle for a cramped studio apartment and a law firm receptionist job in the tired hometown she never left. With nothing much to show for the last decade but her feisty Siamese cat, RahRah, and some clumsy domestic skills, she’s the polar opposite of her bubbly twin, Emily—an ambitious chef determined to take her culinary ambitions to the top at a local gourmet restaurant . . .

Sarah knew starting over would be messy. But things fall apart completely when her ex drops dead, seemingly poisoned by Emily’s award-winning rhubarb crisp. Now, with RahRah wanted by the woman who broke up her marriage and Emily wanted by the police for murder, Sarah needs to figure out the right recipe to crack the case before time runs out. Unfortunately, for a gal whose idea of good china is floral paper plates, catching the real killer and living to tell about it could mean facing a fate worse than death—being in the kitchen!

You can purchase this book HERE (click on link)

My thoughts on the book:  I really enjoyed this book a lot.  It was fun that there was a cat in the story and was actually a featured part of the story. 

The main character, Sarah works for a law firm but suddenly finds herself involved in a murder mystery when her ex-husband dies from apparent poisoning and her twin sister, Emily is the prime suspect in the murder. Sarah ends up helping her sister out in a Culinary show even though she is totally inept at cooking. 

I felt that the book moved smoothly and that the author was very descriptive (which I like) so that you could easily follow the characters and the plot without being confused and yet still wondering who the actual murderer was until the end of the book.

There were even recipes included at the end of the book which makes if more fun especially if you like to cook.

I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a good clean murder mystery.  If you are looking for high suspense or a thriller then this wouldn't be the book for you.  It is however a fun read and I can't wait for the next book in the series to come out.

I received an advance e-book from Net Galley for my honest opinion of this book.  I would give this book 4 Stars.



  1. I always get a little extra enjoyment where there is a cat or a dog in a story.. this sounds like a winner

  2. I like books like this. Thanks for the review, it sounds like a good read

  3. Sounds like a great book for you!

  4. Great review. I like anything with a cat in it :)

  5. Sounds like an interesting book. I enjoy clean murder mysteries. My youngest daughter has a friend named Sarah Blair. How interesting!


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