Friday, January 4, 2019

Willy Nilly Friday Five and a Tribute


Well it's another "New Year" and I hope to be able to blog more this year and visit blogs more (no guarantees though).  Most of you know that my mom has Dementia now and looking after her can sometimes really cut into my personal time so if I'm not on the computer much you'll know why.

Anyway today I'm joining Tom (The Backroads Traveller) for:

1.  This Hawk has been hanging around a lot this winter. 

2.  Spotted this little Tire Snowman Family and had to get a picture

 3.  Christmas Breakfast - Yum!

 4.  Party Girls on New Years Eve

 5.  Frost on the table that our Christmas train sat on.

 6.  Bonus Cuteness:  Speedy G relaxing on the bed.

Today marks the anniversary of my dad's passing 21 years ago. 

 He was such a fun dad.  This is him and his little dog Rosie, who has been gone now for about 18 years. 

I miss him still although the pain has lessened over the years to where it doesn't hurt quite as much and I know he's in a much better place.

Flowers for his grave today.

Love you always Dad.


  1. I am so sorry about your dad. When I saw his picture, the first thing I thought was that he looked like such a fun dad. Then you said that he was! I see you have the same Pyrex bow set that I did. I love the tire snowman family!!! Speedy G is beautiful.

  2. Hugs as you remember your special Dad. We enjoyed your photos, especially your Dad and his pal.

  3. Ida, good to have you here. Sorry to hear about your mom, family comes first!
    ...I don't do well with hawks, as soon as I see one, they fly off.
    ...what a festive way to use old tires!
    ...Christmas morning our son puts on a great spread for breakfast, yummmmmm! normal, I went to bed early.
    ...great details.
    ...Speedy? dad passed 28 years ago last July.
    Please stop back when you can.

  4. That is a sweet photo of your Dad. I enjoyed all the photos.

  5. What pretty frost!
    May your dad's memory be a blessing.

  6. Love the picture of the dad most of all. He looks so happy in that picture.

  7. i did not know your mom had dementia, I dealt with that with my dad, so I can relate to what you are going through. love the tire men and love the cat pic... the flowers are beautiful for your dad

  8. I linked Speedy G to Feline Friday.

    What a lovely tribute to your father. Mine has been gone about the same amount of time.

    Have a blessed weekend. ♥

  9. Speedy G has a lovely tummy which looks very kissable.

  10. Hello Ida,
    I enjoyed your photos. The pain of losing a loved one eases, but never goes away, does it? Wishing you the very best of 2019.

  11. Your dad looks like someone I would like...he just has that look in his eyes. There was a man I met when I first moved here, and from the moment I met him, he was who I would have loved to have had for a grandpa...he just had that look in his eyes.

    I love the snowtire men! That is a clever idea. And love your bonus shot...just enjoyed all things.

    I am sorry your mom has dimentia...I know that can be tough to have to deal with...

  12. Ida - love the snowmen made from tires - very clever. We lost my Dad 20 years ago - it will be 21 years in April - something about the holidays makes us miss those who are gone before us. I hope you can find some time to yourself while you are caring for your Mom! Happy New Year!

  13. My dad has been gone from this earth for a long time, but never from my heart. I'm sorry to hear about your mom. I hope you can enjoy whatever time you have left with her. I love the perspective of the frost on the table, and Speedy G looks like a wonderful cuddle bug!

  14. Really nice photo of your dad! Love the hawk and tire snowmen, too!

  15. I've been sorting through old pictures and thinking a lot about my mom, dad, and step-dad. I'm sorry about your mom's dementia. A friend's husband has dementia and he requires more vigilance as it progresses. She's feeling a little worn, but loves him so much. Your dad certainly looks like he was a fun guy. You can see it in how his smile reaches his eyes. Plus, he was a dog lover. Thanks for continuing to share your photos when you have the time, Ida.

  16. Happy new year, my friend! I love that frost picture, very interesting as well as PRETTY! also like the very nice gravesite picture. So sorry your Dad is gone. And to hear of your Mom's failing health. So many of us in this "same boat" as they say. I do love seeing hawks, we saw two big ones yesterday up high on poles, not in our neighborhood though.

  17. So happy to be able to stop in and visit with you Ida! I'm sorry to hear about your mother's dementia, I know that places a huge additional load on your shoulders! How wonderful to have the memories of your father, although time does help, no one ever replaces who he was in your life! I could tell by the picture of him that he was just a fun and very special person!

    Sweet picture of your Speedy, what a cute name! He looks quite content!

    Happy new year to you.. the girls look like they were having a great time! Blessings and hugs to you sweet friend!


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