Friday, February 1, 2019

Willy Nilly Friday Five - February 1, 2019


Finally finding some time to post on the blog again.

Before I get started I want to thank each and everyone who sent such wonderful messages on the loss of our cat, Ghost.  It meant a lot to us to know people understood and cared.  We were able to bring his ashes home yesterday and have a nice photo of him to join the "memorial shelf" of our furry family members that have crossed the rainbow bridge.

So let's get started on WILLY-NILLY FRIDAY FIVE hosted by Tom, (The Backroads Traveller).

It seems like January went by far to quickly.  Of course that's because it's usually a very busy month for us. What with New Years celebrations and then the take down of all the holiday decorations it keeps us quite busy.

Plus we have back-to-back Birthday celebrations.

1.  First up my mom's 90th birthday

 Had almost all the family over for her party.  She had a great birthday. 

Followed up the next night with Coleen's 14th birthday.  Just the immediate family for her event.   We both bowled in a Junior/Adult tournament on her birthday.

She had a friend spend the night with her on Sunday and this happened.

2.  Our very first snowfall of the winter.

That's suppose to be a Goblin that they created. - The snow was melted and gone by the 2nd day.

3. Took a drive the day after and the sun was out.  The mountains looked so pretty all covered in snow.

4.  Mom got an Amarylis plant for Christmas and it bloomed this week.  So pretty.
5.  Finally a new edition to the family....
I just felt so bad after Ghost passed away and had nightmares about finding him dead like I did.  I know we didn't need another cat but you all know me by now.  We have a lot of love in our hearts for our animals and I'd like to introduce you to....
                                                       Gidget Ghost
Yes we gave her Ghost for a middle name. - It seemed fitting.  We started out calling her Gizmo but that just didn't seem to fit her personality so we decided on Gidget instead.

Her she is laying with Caramel - They look like they could be related don't they.

She is fitting in quite nicely already.  Only 1 of the cats (Speedy G) seems upset about her being here.  He'll get use to her though.

She's a real sweet heart and has the best purr.  We love her already.

Thanks for your visit and I hope to get by and visit a few blogs this week.


  1. How kind of you to open your heart to another kitty so soon. I am sure Ghost would approve-especially the name :)

  2. Happy 90th birthday to your mom, and happy birthday to Coleen, too!
    Beautiful photo of the snowy mountains.
    Sorry about your loss. Gidget is a cutie!

  3. Gidget has a beautiful face, and so glad she has a happy home with you. they look so sweet sleeping together. I can't believe Coleen is 14, when we first met she was very young. looks like the snow was a big hit with them. photos of it are beautiful. Happy Birthday to you Mom and to Coleen, belated though they are

  4. ...Happy Birthday to these special ladies in your life.
    ...I always look forward to the first and last snow of the year, the ones in between not so much.
    ...what gorgeous eye candy!
    ...such a beauty.
    ...Gidget Ghost is a cutie. The last one could be a calender photo.
    Thanks Ida for stopping by, enjoy your weekend.

  5. i am so glad you got little Gidget, she is a real beauty.I believe she is a Calico? Your photo of the mountains is gorgeous!! Happy Birthday to your mom & Coleen.

  6. Gidget Ghost is so pretty! She looks like she is settling in really well.

  7. Happy birthday to everyone! enjoy the new kitty.

  8. itz veree nice ta meet ewe gidget N caramel ~~~~~~~~~ ewe both bee gorgeouz catz.

    we hope ewe due knot mind R "speech" tho pleez feel free ta let uz noe if we
    shuld speek regular when leevin a commint; we willna bee offended...

    we noe R speech iz hard ta understand, we due knot
    even understand R selvez most dayz !!!

    stop bye trout towne anytime, we all wayz haz
    foodz on de grill 25/8/366 ♥♥☺☺

  9. What a cutie Gidget Ghost is. Our Female Human agrees with you, she says there is always room in her heart for another kitty too!
    Purrs & Head Bonks,

  10. Please pass on our Birthday wishes and a great big welcome home to sweet Gidget, she is adorable!

  11. She's darling!!!
    She has been blessed with a wonderful warm and loving home.
    Enjoy her~

  12. Oh, GG is so sweet...I just gave her a nickname. But I like Gidget, too. Happy Belated Birthday to your mom, and also, to Coleen. It was so good to see you had time to post...I enjoyed it.

  13. Beautiful cats! Happy birthday to Coleen and your mom. Your shot of the mountains is spectacular.

  14. Happy Birthday to your mom and Colleen. I thought their snowman was a unicorn before I read that it was a goblin. Gidget is so adorable. I really want to get a cat but am worried about how Gibbs will act.

  15. What wonderful pictures. Not many of us still doing this.

  16. Oh, a happy post with lots of fun and especially your new family member! Gidget Ghost is a darling and it does look like she's been accepted lovingly into the fold. I hope Speedy G comes around soon. Thank you for sharing, Ida!

  17. Welcome, Gidget. What a cute girl. Happy Birthday wishes to your mom and Coleen!
    I enjoyed your mountain picture. Your scenery always amazes me.

  18. Ida - belated happy birthday to your mom and Coleen. 90 is quite the milestone! The snowman is super creative - so sad he's melted away already! Gidget looks adorable; the last shot with her on the blanket says it all - Love me!

  19. Hi Ida, thank you so much for your kind words, I miss my Mom SO MUCH. I enjoyed these pictures so much....especially that pretty SNOW ONE!! and the birthday cake picture. WELCOME GIDGET!!!---wow, what a cutie!! I just know Ghost would be so happy you are continuing the love by loving another kitty who has arrived.

  20. Gidget, you are such a sweetheart in the photos. Nothing is better then a great purr when they are snuggling up with you. The snow covered mountains look so beautiful. Thanks for sharing the lovely photos. Have wonderful rest of your week.
    World of Animals

  21. Oh Ida, Gidget is just darling! Look at those sweet eyes... She seems like the perfect addition to your family.

    Your mom looks fabulous at 90 and it's hard to believe Colleen is 14! Happy Birthday to both ladies :) Hugs to you, my friend!

  22. happy birthday to your mom and look how mature colleen has gotten!!

    gidget is a sweetie!!!


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