Wednesday, March 13, 2019

I'm Still Alive and a Kitty Update

Wow it's been over a month since my last post.  - I'd like to let you all know I'm still alive.  I must admit February was a horrible month for me.  We had so much snow and bad weather and I found myself falling into being,
"depressed" for much of the month.  That usually isn't something that I have to deal with but for some reason this year it really got to me.  Anyway I hope to get back on track posting again and visting your blogs.

So today's post is a "warning" to people to be aware of what could happen if you don't pay attention to what you are doing. 

  This is our sweet Caramel.  She looks pretty normal here but this photo was taken just after bringing her home from the Vet last Friday morning.

So why was she at the Vet? - Well around 2:30 am Friday morning my hubby started yelling that something was wrong with her.  I jumped up out of bed to find him struggling with her and seeing his hand all bloody.  Needless to say it was scary as I tried to help grab her before she bolted under our bed.

It took me nearly an hour to get her out from under the bed and locked into our bathroom.  Hubby said she had been choking on something so he jammed his finger into her mouth to try and clear whatever it was.

I spent the rest of the night staying in the bathroom with her trying to keep her calm.  We don't have an "On-Call" Vet here at night anymore and would have had to drive over an hour away to have her seen that night.

So Friday morning at 7:30 I called our Vet and was able to take her in right away.

After I got back home I got a call from the Vet about 20 minutes later.  When they looked in her mouth they discovered what the problem had been.

She had found a needle and thread and it had been stuck in her mouth.  When hubby shoved his finger in her mouth it ran the needle through her tongue and into her cheek area.  The poor thing had that needle in her mouth for 5 1/2 hours.

We wondered how she had gotten a needle and thread until I remember that about 3 days earlier I had removed a sliver from my hand and forgot to put the needle in a draw.  Thankfully she didn't swallow it and they were able to remove the needle and the thread.
She was on Pain Med for 3 days and Antibiotics as well.  I am happy to report she is doing quite well now.
Here is a picture I took of her when she was bathing and you can see where the needle went through her tongue.

Just a few of the many scratches and bite marks that hubby received while trying to save her life.

Please note that it is so important to try and stay focused at all times so that accidents like this don't happen to your pet.


  1. caramel, we are glad you are alright; dad too. mom didn't mean to leave the needle out; it was an accident and anyone could have made the same mistake. thankfully the vet was able to help...THAT'S good news !! ♥♥

  2. oh my heart is hurting for her and for both of you. this is just horrific for all of you. I am so glad she is ok.. and accidents like that are a constant worry to me. bob leaves things laying around all the time. I tell him Big is really curious like a cat and am afraid he will swallow a tooth pick or a battery. thanks for sharing this, I am going to tell him and maybe it will make him more aware... hope the cat scratches don't get to painful, I know they can... sorry about the depression. I am sure it has to do with your mom and your situation and there is no answer... prayers and hugs

  3. Oh MY! The poor baby! I am so glad that she is well now and doing alright. It's awful that you have no emergency vet service!!

  4. Oh my goodness. That could have turned out much worse. I'm so happy it didn't. I'm also glad she's doing well. I hope you two have calmed down too.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week. Scritches to Caramel. ♥

  5. Oh no. Hope everyone's on the mend. Sweet kitty don't eat everything you see on the floor - although that is pretty hard to do.

    emma and buster

  6. Oh my what a scary experience for all of you. Glad it turned out ok.

  7. Dang! I sure am glad to hear that everyone is okay!!!

  8. God bless you and your family Dear Ida. I have missed you and have been praying for you. I have found that a light treatment box has helped me through these northern California Winters. But I am grateful that I am going home to Honolulu before another one. Wishing you well my sister

  9. Poor kitty and poor you too. I am glad she is OK. Thank you for this warning. Cats seem to find everything.

  10. What a scary thing...both your depression and the cat and needle...

  11. Oh, poor baby! I knew someone who got a needle in their knee when they got down on the rug to try to find it! She had to go to the hospital.

  12. Oh my goodness, I am so glad she is ok!!

  13. I'm glad she's out of the woods and doing better. It must have been very scary for her as well, not knowing what was causing the pain. I completely understand this winter's depression. i'm experiencing it as well....normally, winter doesn't really affect me, but this year it's really messing with my attitude. Spring can't come fast enough, but I'm not looking forward to tornado season.

  14. Oh, wow! I am glad all has turned out okay. That had to be so painful for her.

  15. Oh my gosh. What a scary situation for all three of you!! She's a brave soul, and I thank God it was a happy ending!!

    As for weather creating depression, I can relate to that. Keep working on happy!!

  16. Ida, what a horrible experience for all three of you! So sorry. But thank you for reminding your readers of the need for focus in order to avoid such incidents. Caramel is such a beauty! Glad the weather will be lightening up soon for you and friends of mine who experience seasonal depression.

  17. those are some serious scratches there....i am glad to read there was a happy ending!!

    so nice to see you today ida!!!

  18. Oh my goodness Ida! That is such a scary thing to happen! I sew and I'm always concerned about the pins falling onto the floor. Thanks for the reminder to be extra super careful! What a crazy ordeal to go through! February has definitely been a difficult month with so much snow. I do love winter, but now, I'm looking forward to spring, and the warmer temps we are supposed to get next week! How about you? Thankful that is well that ended well with sweet Caramel!

  19. So relieved that Caramel is rescued from that needle and that you share the story with us, Ida. That must have been horrible watching her like this. Glad you're feeling better too <3 Pawkisses fo a Happy Weekend to all of you🐾😽💞

  20. Oh, my gosh! What an ordeal for all of you! My heart hurt when I was reading this. Poor Caramel. I'm so glad it all came out okay in the end. No, you can never be too careful.

  21. oh my I am gasping as I am reading this. Thank GOD sweet Caramel is ok................God was definitely protecting her (and YOU) on this one........oh my I can't even imagine. Thank GOD she is ok. Please give her kisses from us and sending you love and (((hugs)))

  22. Dear Ida, that is just horrible!
    That poor little caramel, she must have been in such pain.
    Praise the Lord that she is better now and I hope she continues to heal completely.
    Sorry to hear that you have been suffering with depression.
    It has certainly been a long winter, why, we are buried in snow and for the middle of March to have this much is crazy!
    I'm beginning to wonder if we will be able to get the motor home out for our trip to Canada at the end of May.
    We were going to take it to some National Parks the middle of April for our wedding anniversary, but that isn't going to happen!

    Take care and keep looking for spring!

    Have a beauty Sunday~


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