Friday, March 29, 2019

Willy Nilly Friday Five - March 29, 2019

Welcome - Well it's only been 2 weeks instead of a month since I last posted.  I'm making progress!

What a busy 2 weeks it's been.  I got older last week, the First Day of Spring Arrived on my birthday!  Took my mom to the doctor, went bowling, went gambling, took her cat to the vet.  Lots to do for sure.

So today I'm joining Tom for WILLY-NILLY FRIDAY FIVE

1.  In honor of the First Day of Spring I'm sharing my photo of the Super Worm Moon that night.

2.  Went for a drive up to Bennington Lake and spotted these guys along the way.

3.  At the lake there wasn't much water as they haven't yet filled the lake back up.  Still waiting for spring run off from the mountains.  Still there were people out enjoying what water was in the lake.

4.  Still snow on the mountains but the fields are starting to green up and people were enjoying a walk along one of the many paths at the lake.

5.  Last night I liked the look of the trees and clouds out our back door.

Finally no post is complete without some cute kitties.

Bandit and Speedy G enjoying a cat nap.


  1. The kitties are the very best part of this post. I know that shocks you coming from me.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥

  2. Great photos- especially Bandit and Speedy G. We have lots of turkeys at our bird feeders.

  3. A belated Happy Birthday!! Your header is gorgeous, as is your picture of the mountains. Beautiful moon. Welcome back!!!

  4. Happy belated birthday. Hope you had a wonderful day. The view in the 4th picture down is pretty spectacular.

  5. ...I must be one of the few people that didn't take a photo of the Super Worm Moon!
    ...I see a lot of turkey, but rarely with their tails out., that lake is low.
    ...what a great picture.
    ...I enjoy the bare silhouette of trees in winter, but now I'm read for leaves.
    ...sleepy critters!
    Thanks Ida for stopping by, I hope to see you again.

  6. All an incredible adventure, great captures you shared too. Cute kitty cats.

  7. bandit and speedy are my favorite foto of course. the others are beautiful and I can tell spring is about to spring 100 percent. glad to see you pick up

  8. I am anxiously awaiting spring here. I see snow outside my window and I am just over the cold, rainy, snowy weather.

  9. You got a fantastic shot of the moon!! I love seeing the snow on the mountains but I'm ready for warmer temps and Spring! The kitties look comfy!

  10. Happy belated birthday Ida! Glad that you enjoyed a drive out to the lake, it was so pretty to see the mountains in the background! Those turkeys are really doing their "mating" thing now, and they are all over our area. It is quite something to see them with all their feathers puffed out though! Such sweet kitties you have... so content! Hoping you are also enjoying the wonderful sunshine that we have had here. It has been lovely! Blessings and hugs :)

  11. Belated Happy Birthday! A delightfully willy-nilly collection!


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