Friday, March 15, 2019

Willy Nilly Friday Five - March 15, 2019

Hello & Welcome!

Many thanks to everyone who commented on my last post about our sweet Caramel.  She is doing very well and you would never know that she even went through such an ordeal.

So today I'm joining Tom (The Backroads Traveller) for:

1.  A couple of (Snow) what a four letter word that became in February and into the first couple of weeks of  March.   Both of these shots were used for the 52 Frames project I participate in.

 This one was for: City at Night.  There was no way I was going out at night in this to get a photo so I took this looking down the street I live on.

This one was for:  Negative Space.  I tried to find some humor in all that snow.

2.  Okay more winter stuff...sorry but that's about all we've seen around here for the last 2 months.

Robins in February (a little early for spring) enjoying Hawthorne Berries.

Ice formation - I like the colors in this shot and the abstract look of the frozen water.

3.  A winter sky with Geese.

4.  Something more colorful:

One section of a large mural in the cafeteria at the Middle School Coleen attends. 

5.  One more snow shot:  Someone had some fun with the white stuff.  We think this is a (horse?)

Finally a dose of cuteness:  Gidget enjoying yesterday's sunshine.

Waiting for the arrival of Spring next week (and my birthday) I leave you with:

                                       Have a beautiful weekend.


  1. What a beautiful post today!! I love the city at night, it is a beautiful shade of deep blue. And the cute teddy bear in the snow, what a sweet and original photo! Your ice shot does look like an abstract painting! And Gidget with the sunny face is just a gorgeous representation of comfort and peace.

  2. these are ALLLLL Excellent!!! every single one. I LOVE negative space and I LOVE the mural from school, my two top favorites but it is hard to choose. you have talent to find what they ask you to shoot...

  3. Oh my such coldness. Spring is coming and I think we're all ready.

    Gidget is adorable. You need to link her to Feline Friday.

    I'll have to remember to sing happy birthday to you next week.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥

  4. Beautiful shots! I especially love the ice formation and, of course, Gidget. Wow, that mural... nice! Snow shots are a novel thing for me, but I know it's too much and too long. In the winter I get tired of photographing bare trees, brown grass, and everything WET!

  5. You've had the snowiest winter!

  6. I like that ice formation shot, too...and what a great mural if what you show is anything to go by. That is a grand shot of cuteness! And one of my favorite songs.

  7. The bear in the snow is funny. Gidget is adorable. Happy early birthday! I say celebrate all month.

  8. That’s way too much snow! I sure am gla Caramel is doing okay.

  9. Wonderful shots. I love the bear in the snow. You have quite a lot of snow. We got really lucky this year and didn't really get much at all

  10. Lovely photos, Ida. Have a very Happy Birthday!

  11. Great pictures. Love the snow scene and the Geese. But then they are all terrific.

  12. Lovely photos - I'll look for you over at 52 Frames!

  13. Love the snow sculpture and the poor teddy bear! The ice shot is cool! Beautiful mural, cute kitty!

  14. Very nice pictures, still patches of snow here. Most of it should be gone, as we are expecting warm temperatures this weekend.

  15. Ida - joining you from Willy Nilly Friday. You have some truly wonderful pictures in this post. The ice formation is my favorite. And the mural is truly spectacular! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  16. Hi there Ida, so glad to see you had been by! Hope all is well with you and I sure do love the picture of the frozen icicles, so very pretty!! Has spring arrived there yet?

  17. Ida - I am pretty sure I left a comment on your post a few days ago, but I am not seeing it here. Do you remember it?

  18. What a gorgeous collection of pictures Ida! I love John Denver, and the sunshine has been so amazing! I love your little Gidget sleeping in the sun, that's what I want to do too! Really fun picture with the teddy bear in the snow! Hoping that all your snow is melting with this warm weather, ours certainly is :) Blessings to you!

  19. Ida, love the photos! I had a favorite all picked out (the ice photo) until I came to the cat photo--cat photos win every time with me! Glad to hear Caramel is doing well.


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