Saturday, August 29, 2020

Toby the friendly neighborhood cat

 Welcome & thanks for stopping by. - Today I'm participating in  Caturday Art . 

My cat today is named, Toby although he started life out with the name, (Helix).  He use to belong to some people a few house down from ours but they didn't take very good care of him.  So then the lady across the street took him in, had him fixed and adopted him and changed his name to Toby.

He is the sweetest cat and oh so friendly. - He's long been one to roam the neighborhood and we've helped to take care of him by leaving out food on my mom's front porch.  Although now with my mom gone the porch has become our daughters as they will be moving in soon.  We told her & her boyfriend that he comes with the house.  

Here is what he looks like normally.

Here is the artsy version created on 

Be sure to join in on the blog hop:


  1. He looks a sweet boy, and the art is lovely.

  2. We sure hope that sweet Toby gets the love he needs with the new house owners. He sure is handsome and his art is terrific!

  3. He is adorable. I am glad he has lots of people looking out for him.

  4. He is adorable...when the girls were young, a neighbor's cat adopted us and would come stay with us for a week or two at a time. His 'mom' would call and ask if he was down here, just to make sure he was okay.

  5. What a great story and the art is purrfect! It really matches his expression!
    Marv, Jo Jo, Kozmo, Cinnamon and Angel Nellie

  6. Happy Caturday Ida, looks like the cat I took in off the streets!

  7. Toby is so sweet and beautiful, in real life and the art world.. glad he has people who care. I wish my son lived next door

  8. such a sweet little face, oh those eyes, and i really like the name toby. it's nice that your daughter will be moving in to moms house. nice for you and good for her!!

  9. Such a sweet and handsome boy!

    The art looks lovely too.

  10. I think I'd like Toby! He's a handsome kitty! :) Have a grand day! This was fun!

  11. Sounds like it is taking a village to take care of Toby. :)

  12. I feed feral cats in my neighborhood and have helped several get adopted. Sad to see them wander the street. Toby is cute!

  13. toby; ewe iz one handsum dood....we iz buzzed happee ewe haz peepul lookin out for ewe :) ♥♥

  14. very cool. i love it like a painting look, u need to frame that.

    i wanted to say thank you for your comment today, totally why i love blogging ... even though it has gotten more quiet these days, u know the bloggy peeps u use to see all the time, they like disappeared, makes u wonder what did happen to them? miss so many to pieces ...totally my reason for blogging in the first place. it is impossible to travel to all the location we wanna see around the world, be it time, money, or for whatever reason, thank goodness we bloggers take the time to share our views ... well said. hope ur well. take care. ( ;

  15. Ida - I think the name Toby suits him very well!


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