Tuesday, September 8, 2020

First Day of School 2020 - Distance Learning Style



It's that time of year again. Time for "Back to School" photos.

This year is a little different in that we are starting the school year off here doing, Distance Learning.  Poor Coleen is not a fan of on-line school but she's handling it fairly well.

So as a joke since she isn't attending a regular classroom her mom got her some special PJ's for the first day of school.

 She's a Parrot! (I thought about saying, "a bird brain" but didn't think that would be very nice.)

So after these photos we took some others dressed in regular clothes.

 Finally as is my tradition a "Side-by-side" comparison between 9th grade and 10th grade.

 Here's to a successful school year for her.


  1. too funny! sorry she has to stay home and go to school. I love the outfit for this year and I know she wants to go show it off at school. love the jeans and boots.. her hair is so much longer than last year. looks beautiful

  2. Bravo girl, your parrot sure made us smile!

  3. Love the back to school pictures and the "bird brain" cracked me up.

  4. Yes success for all the kids going back to school no matter if it's virtual or in the classroom.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  5. it has to be hard for kids not being around the friends they've made `~~

  6. I don't know how I would have done with online classes, I'm not much of a self starter.

  7. I feel sorry for all the kids who have virtual school this year. Here's hoping we get this pandemic under control soon!

  8. The pajama idea is a cute one! I wish her much success in this school year. We are back in the classroom this week and I keep wondering how that's going to work out.

  9. Coleen sure does make a carming parrot! But she would light up anything she wears.

  10. I love that she had the parrot pajamas for her pictures and I love the jeans photo as well. Those boots are super cute and I think she looks much younger in her photo this year. She looks totally teen in this years picture!

  11. Ida - oh, they grow up so fast! This is a tough time for anyone involved with schools, from the students to the teachers to the administrators. I pray that everyone has the wisdom and endurance to deal with what I am sure are going to be many twists and turns.

  12. Happy school year to your all!! Have a grand weekend!

  13. She is growing up on us! Such a pretty girl.

  14. Hello Ida, It has been years since I've commented. I haven't kept up my own blog and I guess that has made the difference. Somehow, though, I always seem to come across your back to school posts and love to see the changes as Colleen moves through her teens. This year, I notice her confidence and cute, sassy style (wonderful) in her cool jeans and boots. Love that she got into the mood with the parrot pj's. What a great idea! All the best to you and yours!


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