Saturday, October 10, 2020

Caturday Art - What a pair.

It's a rainy day here so I thought I would spend some time blogging.


I'm joining in on CATURDAY ART

 These two are quite the pair.  Here they are enjoying an afternoon nap on the bed.  - This is Speedy G (in the background) and Gidget.

I used BeFunky to edit and did a Oil Painting technique on them.

Here is the SOOC shot of them.


Have a nice day everyone. 


  1. They are both beautiful. Nice art too.

  2. You made ART! Cat art. It is really stunning, and should be framed and shown off. Should be on a magazine cover. I got the e-mail follow on my blog, you made it easy!

  3. That is a lovely art effect, and a sweet original photo.

  4. Sweet cats. They look quite comfortable and content.

  5. We love your art, those two sure look happy and cozy!

  6. Hi Speedy G and Gidget. Very pretty art.

  7. The edit is perfect! And the best thing of all is I did not know it was an edit until I saw the one out of the camera. Great job! Thanks for your comment on Big Boys blog. And I'm laughing because a Speedy G doesn't look very Speedy in this photo haha

  8. very cool art work on the image, they are beautiful cats!!!

  9. I always look forward to your posts.

  10. Aww what beautiful kitties! They look so comfy and like they are best friends!

  11. Hi Cats! Freda and Hector say hello! (Cats have the best life!)

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  12. I like what you did with the picture.


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