Friday, October 9, 2020

Willy Nilly Friday Five - The story of a shed and a opossum.

 Happy Friday!

So this week I'm joining Tom (The backroadstraveller) for
WILLY NILLY FRIDAY FIVE - but in a different way since this is more of a story then 5 photos of different things.

Last Saturday (3rd) we had quite an eventful morning.  

1.  My niece and her husband came to see if they could remove my mom's old storage shed since we are replacing it with 2 new sheds.

That's my nieces husband on the trailer getting ready to start removing the shed.

2.After a lot of work they were able to get the shed up off the ground.

3. That's when we discovered that the shed had an occupant living under it.

Yep, Mr. Opossum had been quite comfy in his underground home and was not to pleased about us removing it.
4.  See how many little nest like holes he had made to keep himself warm.

 5. Poor fellow got so scared that he turned around and headed back the other direction and spent a good portion of the morning hiding in a small cramped space because he was to afraid to come out. See that little green house at the back of the photo.  He hid behind there between the fence and the neighbors property.

6.  Meanwhile the shed removal continued.

Getting it up onto the pallet and trailer.

 Pushing it onto the pallet.
7.  Heading down the driveway and onto the street towards it new home.

 8. Meanwhile back at the ranch...They managed to bang on the fence and such enough to scare the opossum out of it's hiding place.
But instead of him heading into the opening between the fence and the back neighbors yard he decided to run into my husband's shop.  That's when the fun began.
9. Coleen and Adam went inside the shop and tried to capture the opossum.  Coleen was finally able to net him with a fishing net but he managed to crawl on top of the net so she ended up carrying him all the way around the house and down the driveway on top of the net. We had in the mean time closed the door to my husbands shop and she was able to put him on top of the fence.

 10.  He went up the tree and stayed there for awhile before moving on.

 I asked my niece if she wanted us to bring him up to their place so he could take up residence again in his old home but she wasn't going for that idea. 
So that's our tale of the Opossum and the Shed.  Hope you have enjoyed it.


  1. ...what an adventure! About the only opossum that I see are dead one in the road. I believe that they are the only marsupials in north America. Can you top this next week? Thanks Ida for joing the party, take care.

  2. How fun. You disrupted this cutie pie, but I'm sure it will find a new home. It's good to get old shed out of the way.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥

  3. We hope that Opossum finds a new residence soon, especially before winter sets in.

  4. I understand the opossum issue. I have one that sleeps under my shed on occasion. I yell at it when it comes out, and want see him again for awhile.

  5. Poor little guy. Colleen is BRAVE! I'm glad he was able to get away and the shed project was complete!

  6. I DID enjoy it very much! Possums eat lots of insects and are quite helpful. Let us know if you see him again, and where he is living! Where is the old shed going; to your niece? It's a pretty little shed.

  7. I just added the follow by e-mail. You made it sound easy, and it WAS! Thanks!

  8. That's quite the Opossum tale! Good for Colleen! How great that your mom's shed is moving to a new home and will be well appreciated.

  9. Oh my! Poor possum! Glad he was not injured.

  10. A true life story... I hope, the poor guy can make a cozy new home before winter is coming.
    Enjoy autumn time

  11. Well that was certainly an exciting day. I wonder if he will move back in once you get the new sheds in place. Before my shed was taken down I had various tenants living underneath it. Mostly it was rabbit families but there was a groundhog that lived under there for a while also.

  12. Oh my word that is so fun about the opossum!!! Love how he hung out on the net!

  13. A nice photo story.

    Best regards

  14. Am I strange? I think opossums are so cute. We have them in the city too.

  15. Today I needed something to make me smile and I really didn't want to comment but I needed to come and tell everybody thank you for all the love that has given me over my loss of my precious big boy! This story has helped to heal my heart I love possums and they are so good for environment and I'm so glad that you kept him safe and tell Coleen she did a great job carrying him in that net and thanks for the laugh out loud moment. What a wonderful excellent story. Glad your little shed found another place to live with somebody who needed it I wish we had one set up in our backyard just like it

  16. awwww, such a cute story.....colleen to the rescue!!!

  17. What a story, I hope the Opossum has found a new home. They are strange looking critters.
    Have a great day!

  18. I am actually surprised he stayed on the netting like that; I bet he's going to be happy
    he's getting TWO new sheds this time !! :)

  19. That is funny...but I have a tale for you...I know some one who had a small greenhouse...they then tamed some feral cats, made sure they were 'fixed', and turned that little greenhouse into a shelter for them. And there was a opossum that took up residence with the cats! True story.


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