Monday, November 23, 2020

Awww Mondays - November 23, 2020

 Happy Monday (does anybody really say that?) - Anyway it's been a bit since I've posted so I thought I'd participate today in:
So without further ado here is something to make you smile. Our little pumpkin, Joelle.

 Check out that hair do!  She's growing so fast.  



  1. Awww, what a cutie pie. They do grow up so fast.

    Thank you for joining to the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. ♥

  2. Joelle is adorable! I love her hair! I bet she makes Mondays happy!

  3. Aww, she's adorable. Love the hair.

  4. She is adorable! And her hair is AWESOME!!!

  5. She is absolutely precious! And I love love that hair. My grandmother's hair was that color. I love the way it perks up in the middle

  6. OMGOODNESS!!! could she be any cuter!?!? and that red hair, so special!!!

  7. I somehow missed this....had come back through to find her name...she is so adorable. Love that hair.


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