Monday, November 9, 2020

Mixed Up Seasons

 Happy Monday!

So this happened yesterday...

It didn't last long and it's pretty much gone already but it was fun to see two seasons at once.

Have a great day.


  1. Wow, so pretty. It doesn't snow here, but it's beautiful to see.

    Have a fabulous day and week. ♥

  2. Brrrr Humbug, it's way to early for that here, thank goodness!

  3. Oh no, it hit you too. Last Monday was when we got it here. By the end of the day it was gone.

  4. I love seeing the snow in the trees, beautiful photos

  5. That is beautiful!!! Here in KY we are having crazy warm temperatures.

  6. I do not envy you...but know I would have loved it had I been there.

  7. Ida - the Farmer's Almanac is predicting a heavy snow year for us - and it has already arrived! You are right, it can be tough on trees that are fully leaved!

  8. It is so lovely! If all snow would be like this! Have a grand weekend!

  9. It is always amazing to see the seasons coming together... we got two snowstorms here last week, but now this week, most of the snow has melted. Your pictures are just lovely!!

  10. Beautiful photos, and I actually LOVE snow. I wish we got more but Hubbs doesn't like cold at all so I guess we're in a good balanced area.

  11. i have heard so people got snow, not us...and i can't wait, it is so beautiful!!!


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